

That night, I edited those clips. I've made Chameleon's model with the all-mighty AI, which was pretty easy and replaced his fake spidey suit with it. I made sure to make him look more or less exactly like his original face from the comics. Again, it was kinda easy thanks to the new AI deepfake software that's been going around for a few months now. AI rocks. Oh, and I made sure to remove all the traces of tampering from the vids. Now, no one would be able to tell which one is real.

Ok. Time to log in to Spiderman's fan club site, which Liz opened a few days after I made my debut. Dang! There are over a million members. It's only been a few weeks and already have this many members. Well, the members are either my fans or haters, but they are still members. There were photos and videos of Spiderman doing good deeds, fighting with petty criminals, and helping people. Most of those videos are taken by civilians or the media.

The good thing is that Liz and the others were protesting against Daily Bugle and the cops for framing me. The club has been constantly posting updates about how they know I'm not guilty and some even as far as to compare my suit with the fake one.

Alright, I got a plan. A simple one.


That night, I went to Liz's house and peeked through the window. I'm wearing my stealth suit today since it's easy to blend in with the darkness. She was busy editing some old shots she has taken of me, for the site, I guess.

After waiting for her to finish, I tapped on the window. When she looked back, I made a peace sign with my hand and waved at her.

She immediately jumped out of the chair and ran to the window to open it. Instantly, I released a tiny wisp of seducing pheromone.

"Spiderman!" She was beaming with excitement and was barely containing her smile.

"Hey Liz," I greeted her as I stuck to the window grills, "How are you doing?"

"Good, yeah... Really good. Thanks for your help back then. If not for you, that cabbie would have shot me," she said shyly, scratching her neck, and then continued, "You look different, did you change your suit?"

"Oh, yeah. This is the new suit. You know with everything going on... Well, it's easier to blend in. By the way, thanks for your support," I thanked her.

"You saw my site?" She asked with a bright smile, "It's just something... God! I can't believe I'm talking to Spiderman! I mean, not that I don't believe, I'm talking to you, it's just... Wow! I'm babbling, right? I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I assured her, "It feels nice to see so many people standing up for me."

"Yeah, it's hard to see so many people calling you names. They don't even have any proof. That Jameson guy is just a douche. Wait! Why are we talking like this? You... You wanna come in? I don't think anyone will see you. Everyone's asleep."

"I don't want to intrude. But thanks for the offer."

"Don't be silly! I won't mind at all. Just get in."

"You sure?"

"Yeah!" She nodded excitedly. "I'll open the roof door."

Well, this girl is too happy to see me. I'll make full use of her. I webbed to the roof. After a few minutes, the door opened and Liz was waiting for me inside, "Come in!" I followed her to her room.

"Thanks, Liz," I said and closed the door after entering.

"So... What brings you here, Spidey?" She asked. "Can I take a picture?"

"Sure," I nodded.

She quickly took a few pictures. Then, we sat on her bed and she began to ask, "How did you find me? Wait! That's a stupid question, isn't it?"

I took out the pen drive with the edited videos and said, "I need your help."

"With what?"

"I need you to upload a couple of videos to your site," I said and showed her the pen drive.

"What's in it?"

"These are videos that will prove that someone is trying to frame me and will also help me expose the real one," I explained.

"Oh, that's great!" She took the drive and inserted it into her PC. "Let's see what we got here."

She opened the video. The moment she saw it, she exclaimed, "Holy shit! This... All these are the footage from the bank robberies. How did you get your hands on this? Is this even real? It looks real."

"Doesn't matter. I just want to make that fake guy desperate enough to act recklessly and reveal his true colors to the public. Then I'll catch him red-handed. Can you do this for me?" I asked with a soft voice, making her feel like she was important, "Please."

"Of course! You can count on me!" She assured me, "Do you have any idea who this guy is?"

"Yes, but I don't have any evidence, yet. That's why I'm hoping these will help me uncover him. But remember, this is going to be dangerous. Since you are uploading it, they might try to target you and if such a situation occurs," I took out a custom tracker ring, took her right palm in mine, and gently put it on her middle finger, "Wear this at all times and you'll always be in my sight."

"Wha~" She blushed a little as I held her hand and was unable to complete her sentence.

"I'll know where you are and can come running whenever you call for me. Remember, all you have to do is squeeze the ring. It will send a distress signal to me and I'll be there as fast as I can," I told her and added, "Promise me that you'll wear this at all times." Chameleon will come for you, Liz. He would want to know where you got the vids from and that's when I'll catch him. You will be my decoy.

She nodded with a deep blush on her face, "I'll wear it."

"If anyone asks where you got these vids from..."

"I won't say a word," she assured me.

"No, tell them. If things get serious, just tell them the truth. I don't want you to get hurt, but I can't do this without you, Liz. You are the only one who gave me so much support. Thanks to your efforts, I now have thousands of people who believe in me. And well, there isn't anyone other than you who I can go to for help," I said as I softly squeezed her palm, "So, will you please help me, Liz?"

"Sure," she nodded nervously. Yet there was this excitement in her eyes. She squeezed my palm back, "You can count on me."

"I knew it. Thanks a lot," I smiled and stood up, pretending to leave. Now, this is the moment of truth. If she urges me to stay for a few more minutes by making excuses, then I have to put on the moves. That Flash fucker. Hahaha! I don't even know what that fucker is doing after that night. Now, I'm gonna take Liz away from him. And if things go right, then she will be a great help in the future when she gets the Symbiote. That way, I'll be able to help her understand that power and turn her into my ally. And I'll have one less villain to worry about.

She got the cue and asked, "Um... You are leaving?"

"Yeah. Well, I finished my rounds, and the cops are on high alert, so..." My stomach grumbled at the perfect moment. I skipped today's dinner. I was so busy perfecting my gadgets and Streamer Suit that I lost track of time and skipped dinner.

"Did you have dinner?" She asked, a little shyly.

"Not really. It's kinda hard to swing around with a full stomach, you know," I replied with a chuckle. It's not exactly a total lie, I really can't swing with a full stomach, but the feeling of hunger is too annoying to ignore.

"Wait a minute," Liz rushed out of her room and came back after a pack of muffins. You know, the one with four pieces inside. A bag of rice crackers and a big bottle of cold lemonade were in her other hand. "Here, have these."

"Thanks," I gladly accepted them. "You are a life-saver."

"Haha! It's not much. I can't cook or else I'd make you a proper meal. You should eat before going on patrol. You know, like normal people do," she said with a cute smile.

I lifted the bottom of my mask and was about to take a bite, my phone rang. I saw the caller ID. It was Punisher. I took the call.

"Track my location. Hurry. OsCorp is shifting the people somewhere else. If I were to take a guess, they might be planning to dispose of them. You were right to leak the information. This made them desperate to hide their tracks. But you won't have time to build gadgets for this fight. You better hurry, Spidey," Punisher disconnected the call.

"Shit," I cursed and looked at Liz apologetically, "I'm sorry Liz, I have to go. It's urgent."

"Oh, okay," she said with a slightly disappointed look.

I took a bite of the muffin and placed it on the pack, then took a gulp of water. "I'll see you later," I said as I quickly left her room and went to the roof. She followed me. "Be safe."

"Sure. Don't worry. And Liz, you look good in a blue dress," I jumped off the roof after throwing a compliment.



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⭐Read 19 advance Chapters⭐

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Next, Ch: 66: Frank's suicide plan

Ch: 67: The rescue mission begins...

Ch: 68: Kill them all

Ch: 69: Spidey vs Pietro

We will see more of Liz, and Flash's aunt and parents in the next volume.

Xcalibur_Xccreators' thoughts
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