

[3rd person POV]

Frank went to the black market to buy the materials for countermeasures. He had no idea what that kid was up to, but he knew one thing, OsCorp was responsible for the human experiments on the missing people. Well, he was chasing the missing people case and after a long killing spree, he finally found a name, a famous genetic researcher from OsCorp. So, he kidnapped that guy and tortured him. That old fuck babbled everything before Frank put a bullet in his head.

Frank decided to put a stop to this shit. But to pull off something this big, he needs backup. Considering how both Spiderman and he share the same vision as to put a bullet in the heads of criminals, he had a good feeling that they could pull this off.

On his way back, he heard some rumors. Well, it's a black market where all the illegal shit is sold, and criminals or mercenaries love to brag about their crimes and so they talked a lot. If it were up to him, Frank would have put a bullet in each one of their heads, but OsCorp comes first. 

He overheard a group of hired mercs talking about something big OsCorp is planning after their confidential data got leaked. And according to them, the company is preparing to move something and they are hiring a lot of guns to protect whatever it is they are moving.

Frank thought about it for a moment and decided to tail the mercs. They led him to an old warehouse near the Hudson River. So, he followed them. There were dozens of armed men and women guarding the place. He looked through his binoculars and saw that inside the warehouse, there were Sable agents, recruiting the mercs to work for them.

As he kept spying on the place, Frank saw that after recruiting over sixty mercs, they killed the rest of them and disposed of their bodies using some kind of acid. Then they got on three trucks and left the warehouse. He continued to follow them from a distance. The trucks stopped behind OsCorp's main building.

The sable agents and the mercs went inside.

Frank waited for a few hours. The mercs came out in new armor and were carrying new weapons. They were sable tech, he could recognize them from a distance. The mercs spread out near the entrance. Then, the missing people came out of the building. They were in cuffs and were blindfolded. Too many children and teenagers in the group.

"Fucking animals," Frank cursed. He could see the markings on their bodies that the experiments had left. Some were missing limbs or arms, while a few had prosthetics. And some looked more like monsters than humans. He could tell that some of them were mutants from their body. He couldn't understand how the cops or the government didn't find out about this. Or maybe they did, but the higher-ups covered it up. But, what about the Avengers? Or, Fantastic Four or X-Men? Where are they?

The agents pushed them into the trucks. Some of the agents went inside and closed the door. While OsCorp has arranged cars for the others to guard them on their way.

Three trucks and over twenty cars left the OsCorp building. Some of the SUVs took the front and the back while the others took the sides, completely surrounding the trucks. The remaining scattered themselves around, taking different routes, just to make sure there weren't any interruptions.

Sable agents, wearing powered armor were seated in the front seat and driving the cars, ready to jump in action any minute while mercs sat behind with fully loaded guns.

This wasn't an escort. 'It was a fucking parade.' Frank thought as he continued to follow them from a distance, unnoticed. He called Spiderman and informed him about OsCorp moving the experiment victims to somewhere else. But there was another bad news, there were just too many guards. It would be pretty much suicidal to attempt anything without their new gadgets and weapons, but there's nothing much they could do in such a short time. If they wait, then it may be too late. A chance like this might not come again.

[Baaang!] At the crossing, a black SUV crashed into Frank's minivan and came to an abrupt stop. The reinforced minivan didn't suffer much damage. "Humff!" Frank stepped on the accelerator as she skillfully maneuvered the car and tried to follow the trucks. Three cars followed behind him. Two came beside him on either side, driving sideways and the third one was trying to ram his van from behind. They came close enough for Frank to see their face through the window. They are those hired mercs from the warehouse earlier.

"Damn it!" It was hard to get away with pressure from three sides. The cars were filled with heavy weapons. Guns started firing at his van but thankfully the van was holding on, thanks to the alien metal used to build it. The trucks were getting further and further away, along with the other cars. "Fuck! Come on, you piece of shit." He pushed the side seat back, revealing a NOS setup, and pressed the red button. The van shot forward as the nitro kicked in.

The other cars were going almost at their top speed. Nitrous won't last long. And now that they know someone's following them, they will throw their best to take him down. This is a messed up situation.

After going for a few minutes, the NOS ran out, but they were gaining on him again. "Fuck it!" Frank took out a grenade. He opened the window and flung the explosive at one of the pursuing cars. A violent explosion sent the car rolling on the ground as it blew off and turned into scrap.

The other two cars began to shoot. One of the mercs aimed an RPG launcher. Frank accelerated the minivan sideways as the rocket flew past the van.

[Boom!] The blast left a large crater on the road.

Suddenly, Frank heard someone landing on the van's roof, followed by a quick knock on the side door.

"Looks like you could use a hand?" Spiderman yelled from outside, "You follow them, I'll take care of these guys." With that, he webbed to the car on the left. Frank took this chance and accelerated. The distance between him and the others was getting bigger and bigger. The remaining cars were struggling to deal with Spiderman, as they could only split their attention. They had to veer off the path just to avoid the arachnid on their roof and crash into the side lanes.

[Spiderman's side]

[Baam!] The black SUVs crashed on the pavement, creating a new dent and sparks flying on the sides.

The mercs got out of their cars with their weapons ready. There were twelve of them.

"Oh, hey guys! Catch!" Spiderman threw a laser grenade toward one of the mercs. That guy caught it and looked at the round bomb, unaware of the consequences. Well, it was a reflex and the grenade looked like a tennis ball.

"DON'T—" The other guy noticed the red blink.

Spiderman webbed to the light post on the other end of the street.

[Zinggg!] Laser rays fired all around, completely tearing up everything and melting anything in their way. After a while, everything went silent. The burning bodies of the sliced-up mercs lay scattered on the street, which would have been indiscernible if not for the amount of blood. The blood too was boiling from the heat.

'What have we got here?' He picked up a sable phone that was lying on the street. It must have fallen during the crash. 'This will come in handy.'

"Oohh! That looks like a heap of barbeque meat," He swang away and made his way toward Frank, "Yikes! That's definitely bloody. Not recommended."


Spiderman swang fast, trying to catch up with Frank. His GPS system marked him on the tracker, with the blue dot getting closer and closer with every second. 'There he is,' He webbed on the van's roof and knocked on the door again.

Frank pulled down the glass and Spidey slipped into the side seat.

"That was fast," Frank smirked as he praised the web slinger.

"They were no big deal. So, it seems they know we are coming for them. Any nice idea?" Spiderman looked around the van. It was clearly modified.

"Yeah, one. We will kill them all and rescue those people," Frank replied nonchalantly, keeping an eye on the road.

"No, that's not a plan, that's a suicide plan. You can't possibly go in guns blazing. You can see those guards. There are even Sables too. In case you don't know, they are well-trained mercenaries and they have tech on top of it. And God knows if there are any mutants amongst those agents. We won't last five minutes," Spiderman looked back and noticed the energy guns and weird-looking alien weapons, "But we can always improvise. You got a laptop?" He took out the sable phone.

"Yeah, at the back. You got a plan?" Frank gave him a suspicious look.

"Yeah. But you gotta sacrifice your van and I'll be the one to go in. You are the backup. Things get too hot... You come in gun blazing, well, an alien gun that is... Oh, and slow down. This sable phone has a GPS. So, we don't have to risk getting shot at again. I just need thirty minutes." He slipped at the back and began to tinker with the alien techs, "Ohohohoho! This is a freaking goldmine."



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Next, Ch: 67: The rescue mission begins...

Ch: 68: Kill them all

Ch: 69: Spidey vs Pietro


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