
From Mars

Don't think about it princess!, your father want you in whole piece so, please, don't let him worry about you again! Plus my head is on the line if I didn't find you in this think snowy plains, Baltimore shivering in coldness while venturing through the wetness and coldness of the snow.

Ahhh….Balt you are an angel, reallyyyyyy, ahhhh watch out ....for….the…..ice….., Yuna belted when a bunch of ice fell from the mountains hitting Baltimore the second time he freed himself from the thick snow covering their path. The lowest part up to the Alps is like a stairway up to the mountain top where the Geneva castle is located. A lot of merchants and travellers seldom reach the end since it's the coldest part of the Alps. This is the short cut to reach the castle. However, you can walk about a mile to reach our kingdom avoiding the thick snow and enjoying the Alps view from afar on the other path called the Dangling Bridge. It is a swinging wooden man-made bridge that has been there for centuries. Father had it repaired many times until they wanted it to be firm and added iron posts and metal walk ways so it won't swing anymore to make it sturdier for people like us to pass through it. Ahhah….it's easier but scarier yet to be able to able to go to the other side we needed to pass it and boy! It's a 2500 feet drop if I accidentally slipped from this bridge. A dumb way to die is to cross this bridge when we have an easier path than this one.

Princess, after you!, Baltimore said almost as if not scared to cross the swinging bridge. Tahnk you but let's go together!

Awoorrrrkkkkk…I told you not to look below! Baltimore, how many times do I have to tell you that it's 2500 feet not 250.

Okay, now I know... ahhh…..woooooorkkkkkkkkk!!!!

Ha…hahahhaahahhahah!!!, I laughed and Baltimore did the same after he wiped his mouth from vomit.

Okay let's go and hurry before father had a heart attack worrying about me!

Baltimore nodded and smiled.

I have dreamed of a peaceful country, city and world, but one book gave me chills when I read about the adventures of John Carter to Mar or what he called Bassoom (Barsum). Dejah Thoris is a princess of Hellium and she was about to marry a villain which led her to know John who was accidentally teleported using a medallion from a Thern. They believe in Goddess Issus and I didn't believe in any god at all. Though I am princess to Meditterania, I believe there is a higher power who is called the Supreme Being. In the book which my grandmother read to me when I was a little girl she has travelled many seas and lands in her time but not like John Carter. Thoris Carter, her grandmother or my great ancestor gave her a book which was written by Ned. Dejahvu was my grandmother's name and my mother Nostalgia.

I was given Yuna since my birth name is Yuna Jassoom Carter Geneva, Father didn't like the name since it was modern and out of this generation. But what is my generation. Nana said that I am from a generation who can time travel and that she is from another world or from Mars. And our ancestors before her where from the nine planets and more across the universe. I never liked history nor science but I forced myself to learn from these subjects since I am next in line to rule Meditteranea and since my brother just recently abdicated his throne for a girl that I hardly know yet who he loves, so good riddance to him and his family. Anyway! So, the dreams are true, that I was like reborn and have lived several times on earth and from somewhere which I don't even recall where they are precisely.

But I remember everything, from the time that I was born in a golden world and that everything you see sparkles, shines and are beautiful. The place is perfect, amazing, clean and all is gold. Then war broke out and I was kept and placed somewhere then landed and woke up in another world. From one world or place to another, I wake up as a different person or being until now. And I don't know where I am and who I am anymore from the revelation I now see about my life. I was always protected, saved or always at watch by eyes or people who I don't really know or met. But I believe I am here now for a purpose which I am not sure what is! Hmm!

I believe that I have died many times and that we all die but just wake up and live another life to be able to reach our potential, our goal or destiny.

I once woke up in a dark place where people are praying and waiting for their salvation when a woman asked why I am there. So I wandered around since the place is peaceful yet dark. The beings there are waiting to be saved but I can't do anything for them, then suddenly I woke up again lying down in my bed and wondered what the hell is going on. It's like I have travelled across a timeline, to another realm which I have breached. And now that I have deciphered the truth, I am unlike the others who can be manipulated or taught less or fooled.

Grandmother Dejavu advised me to stay quiet and lay low. I now know everything about the world and how it works so I need to be careful for eyes from whoever manages the world is on to me.

I felt heavy inside. I now carry a burden of knowing the truth and this…this… Jaur, a princess of Egypt can help me and my city to be saved from our captors, our enemies, and I don't want to be held captive nor my country or my people.

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