

Haa…..!!! may the God that placed me here be the one to help me know what I needed to do to save my people from our enemies. Egypt must be the one to save us from war and future sorrows. Switzerland can be in the hands of Persia or the barbarians of badlands but I need to be strong to be able to survive this life, for my throne, my kingdom, my people and my country. 

John Carter isn't just a myth but a true story and I am part of it. It is very nostalgic and I am at awe to know that my story is still to be written, though my future has already been foretold because my ancestors are from the future. Weird as it may sound, this is really indeed a future nostalgia and deja vu at the same time.

Yuna, princess, hey, yu….

Oh, I'm sorry Baltimore, I was thinking about something!

We are here!, our beloved kingdom, Geneva!, Baltimore said proudly as he hovered to present my precious country, my life, my Switzerland, as what my mother said. Even though grandfather was from Virginia, in America, grandmother insisted to live here to build a family and a kingdom instead of in Mars and all.

Waaaaah.....soon I will be crowned Queen, leader, pharaoh!? And I no longer can't afford to make mistakes in my words, acts and decisions as overall head of Egypt..., I nervously said to myself in front of my full view mirror.

True, but you are human, so you can still make mistakes!, Henshu appeared in front of my bed room door while I was practicing my speech for my birthday and crowning ceremony. Yes…ah mother, thanks!

Haha!, Jaur, always remember that even if you are queen you are still a girl who can make mistakes, wrong decisions, make your people proud or disappoint them. We royals and leaders doesn't have all the answers to everything, every problem, every calamity, or every endemic that happens in our city, country or world. But it's our duty since we have pledged to lead, protect and care for my people, my sovereign land and jurisdiction. I am confident that you will make me proud and I'm proud to say, that, you are my daughter and my baby always, aside from you are the upcoming leader of Egypt. You are first, my daughter and I love you!, Henshu added and hugged me tightly. She squeezed my arms like she always does when I was a little girl. She pinched my cheek and smiled....aaaahh my daughter is a big girl now and as if it's just yesterday when I was just carrying you in my arms, so little and cute, crying for milk or a toy you wanted from the flea market in Thebes. Ahhh….my girl! I will surely miss our fun times together. Of course we can still do them when you are not occupied running and managing the country's affairs…

Of course mother! I am still your one and only (witty) daughter who makes you laugh and cry at the same time!!! Hahahaha!!!

Definitely, hahahaha!!, Henshu replied while giggling and messing up my hair as she always do ever since I was a little girl. Motherrrrr…..


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