
Unauthorized Takeoff

15: 11 (20 hours to doomsday)

Artemis Med Bay, Hanger 7, New Eden

"Hey Mitali, 

Remember how we were talking about that awesome new game? We finally got our hands on it, and it's totally addictive! We're trying to get to the final boss, some boke called Messiah, but he's tough! We're going to need some serious firepower to take him down. We're thinking of trying to get Artemis to help us, but we're not sure how to get her out of New Eden yet. Let me know if you have any ideas! Oh! Also, Uncle Rahat is mad that I found his secret. So now he and his children are after me, trying to shut my mouth.

Mitali was puzzled by the message, but only for a moment. She chuckled nervously as she smacked her forehead and said, "Can this guy stay out of trouble for one moment? Now, how the heck am I supposed to get this ship in the air, let alone get off this island without getting blown to bits?"

Mimi again talks up suddenly, "We can fly planes. We were trained for that."

Mitali looked at them. She asked herself, "Should I trust them?" She looked at them while also thinking about how she had no one else she could ask on the whole island. She took a deep breath, took a chair and sat in front of them. She said, "OK, ladies. I'm going to decide to trust you. From your story, you were thinking that you were part of the SNA before the captain caught you, correct?"

They nodded.

"Well, now you have the chance to actually help the SNA. The Bravo Squad, Captain Ghost's team, is going after this Messiah. The one responsible for your past and the death of your sister. Now, they are terribly ill-equiped. To successfully capture him, they need the power of this ship... So, we need your help. Can you really fly this thing?"

Lola said, "I mean, we have the training, so I could try."

Mitali jumped up and said, "That'd work. ARIA will assist you."

Lola said, "ARIA?"

ARIA said, "That'd be me. Just turn on the systems, and I'll be your co-pilot."

Mimi said, excite in her eyes, "Is that..."

ARIA replied, "Yes. I am a semi-sentient artificial intelligence. Dedicated to helping the Bravo Squad."

Mimi's eyes glittered. "COOL!!"

Mitali had left the room while they were talking. She came back, unlocked the handcuffs and said, "Let's go."

They got up and made their way to the control room and cockpit. Mitali said, "Go ahead. Sit down." As they sat down, Mitali said, her Berreta shining in her hand, "Oh, remember. You try anything funny; I'll fill some holes in your body with hot 9mm lead."

Mimi shivered while Lola said in a calm voice, "No need to threaten us like that. We won't betray you."

Lola turned on the flight control systems and started the engines. ARIA's voice came through the speaker: "Main engines are all engaged with 100% power. Back thrusters are heated up and ready for use. VToL engine power is 40% and steadily rising. Nuclear reactor fully functional."

Lola asked, "This thing's nuclear-powered?"

ARIA replied, "Yes. It was made that way to decrease fuelling runs and increase air time."

Suddenly the comms buzzed, and a male voice came through the speakers. "Tower to Artemis, Uh, I'm seeing your engines firing up; is everything alright there? Over."

Lola replied, "Artemis to Tower, everything is alright; don't worry about it. We're just running a routine check."

"Uhh, ok."

Of course it wasn't a routine check. Soon the VToL engines were ready for takeoff. Without delay, Artemis took flight. Just as she did, the male voice from the tower came back, frantic this time, "Tower to Artemis. Land the aircraft now. You're not clear for takeoff. I repeat, you're not clear for takeoff. Land the aircraft now."

Before Lola could answer, Mitali did. She took the microphone and said, "Artemis to Tower, we're going after the nuke threat. I'd recommend you don't attack the aircraft. You know what will happen if this thing bursts."

"You might get court marshalled for this."

"I'll take my chances." Mitali cut the connection.

15: 38 (20 hours to doomsday)

SNA Control Room, Academy Building, New Eden

Overlord heard ARIA's voice in his earpiece. The base ARIA, still the same as three years ago, said in her robotic voice, "Sgt. Mitali Roy has taken flight with Artemis with two prisoners. Sha said that she's going after the nuke threat. Awaiting orders, general."

Overlord said, "Let them go. If they can get Kuroshima, that'd be nice. I'll handle that matter later."

"Yes, General."

Overlord muttered, "Now. Will they be able to do it?"

15:49 (20 hours to doomsday)

Over Phillipine Sea

Sohel suddenly got a call in his secured line. He was a bit sceptical but picked up the call. Just as he picked up the call, Mitali's voice came from the other side: "Ghost, is that you?"

Sohel replied, "Yes, it's me."

"We've left New Eden with Artemis. Where do we meet?"

"We? So, Leon did come. I was thinking if he'd come or not."

"What? Flt. Leon isn't with me. I'm taking help from the Yu sisters. They can fly Artemis."

"Wait, WHAT? The sisters, they're prisoners."

"Don't worry. I've got them at the end of my pistol. If they try anything funny, I think ARIA is enough to land this plane."

"Oh, be careful though."

"So, where do I land her?"

Sohel looked at Annabelle and asked, "Princess, where can we land?"

Annabelle talked with the pilot and said, "Miyako Airport is pretty close. Mitali should reach there in around an hour. It's also on a small island, so I don't think we'd get exposed there."

Sohel said, "OK. Let's land there. Mitali, get to Miyako Airport. See you there."

Mitali replied, "Ok, captain. See you."

The call cut. Sohel put his phone back in his pocket and looked at Naomi. She was looking out the window, still with that expressionless face. Sohel sighed and looked out the window, thinking, "Am I doing the right thing? Is it OK to take Naomi with me?"

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