

15: 54 (19: 06 hours to doomsday)

Hans Ottostraße, berlin, Germany

50 two-hundred-man SNA squads were searching all around the city of Berlin for the bomb, along with Berlin police. Everyone had a radiation meter in their hands. A few helicopters were hovering over the area, trying to pinpoint the bomb's location.

The city was in chaos. People were trying to run away as fast as they could, ignoring everything around them.

The squad leader of the Fox unit heard one member from the aerial unit in his headphones. He said, "Hunter 3-2 to Fox-1. Their's a huge spike in radiation coming from 7 Am Friedrichshain Road. Check in that area. The leader replied, "Thanks for the support, Hunter 3-2. Fox 1 to all units in the Hans Ottostraße area; get to 7 Am Friedrichshain Road. The moment you identify the nuke, let me know."

Everyone ran to the street and started looking around. Soon they pinpointed the nuke in a parked truck. The leader quickly opened the door and saw the bomb inside. He said, "Get me the EMP device, quick."

A soldier nodded and handed him a rectangular device. The leader jumped on the truck, and as he opened the outer shell to attach the device, he froze. The device fell from his hand.

Overlord was watching all of it through the helmet cams. Seeing Fox1 freeze, he asked, "Overlord to Fox 1. Why did you freeze? Come in, Fox 1."

A despair-filled Fox 1's voice replied, "We're to late, sir. I'm sorry." The fuse had already gone off.

Before Overlord could reply, a high-pitched sound blocked the communications, followed by a black screen.

Overlord screamed, "Switch to Sat-cams now. I need a visual of Berlin."

By the time Overlord got back the visual with Sat-cams, he couldn't see anything as a huge mushroom cloud blocked the cam's view of Berlin.

Overlord again screamed, his voice filled with anxiousness. Get a UAV in the area. I want to see what happened. Five minutes later, Overlord finally got to see Berlin.

The city that once stood as a historic landmark, home to millions of people, now was in ruins. Skyscrapers flattened to the ground, dead bodies lying all around, which were just skeletons with a little bit of muscle tissue stuck to them in some parts. Those near the bomb didn't even have anyone to identify. Their bodies were fully vaporised. Everything around was on fire. As the environment was still too hot and full of radiation, soon the UAV malfunctioned and stopped broadcasting the ruins.

Everyone in the control room was left stunned. Their eyes diluted, faces full of horror. Overlord was seeing all of this with his hands on the guard rail in front of him. He looked like he had forgotten how to breathe.

He broke out of the trauma at ARIA's voice. She said, "Sir, incoming video transmission."

Overlord asked, "From who?"

ARIA replied, "It's from an encrypted line. I can't get to the transmission server."

Overlord said, "Play it on the main screen. Try to decrypt the line and locate the transmission server."

"Yes, sir."

In a moment, the giant screen lit up again, this time showing the feed from the transmission. In front of the camera was Kuroshima. He was sitting in what looked like an office with a screen behind him. The screen was showing the destroyed Berlin.

Overlords blood pressure increased from rage as soon as he saw Kuroshima. He yelled, "You fucking bastard. Why? Why are you doing this?"

Kuroshime just smiled a little as he said, "Calm down, general. This was just the start. I told you, I have 16 more planted in 16 different locations. I blew this one earlier, so you'd know that I was serious when I said I'm going to burn this current world to the ground."

The veins in Overlord's forehead were twitching from anger, as if they're going to pop at any moment. Overlord asked, "Why? What has this world done to you? The millions you killed—what did they do to deserve this? They were innocent people just living their lives."

"Oh, they did nothing. But you did. You, the Seven Nation Army. You took everything from me. They just paid the price of your sins."

Overlord's anger turned into confusion in a split second. He asked, "What are you talking about? Our sins? What did we do?"

"Oh. So, you plan to play dumb, huh? Not that it matters. Exactly three hours and fifty-three minutes later, the second bomb will go off. But I am willing to consider pressing the kill switch and deactivating all the bombs. I just have one small condition."

Overlord tightened his grip on the railing as he asked, "What condition?"

"I want the Moscow Treaty to be revoked and the Seven Nation Army Coalition to be terminated."

Overlord screamed again, "The Fuck are you talking about? The whole world will go back to the state of war the moment we agree to that condition."

The smile on Kuroshima's face broadened as he said, "That's your headache. I've stated my condition. You either agree to it or, one by one, the rest of the nukes will go off too. You have roughly 3 hours and 45 minutes left till the next city falls. See you in hell, general."

The transmission stopped. Overlord took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm his nerves down. He said, "ARIA, do you have his location?"

"Negetive, general."

He let go of the railing and walked out of the control room as he said, "Inform the other generals. We got a council meeting in 10 minutes."

"Yes, general."

16: 18 (222 minutes till the next explosion)

Kuroshima's office, Unknown Location

Satoshi Ito entered the room and bowed. He stood back up at Kuroshima's gesture and said, "Around 2,000 Pheonix company soldiers are standing guard around the area, sir."

Kuroshima leaned back in his chair and said, "Good. We're really close to realising my dream, Ito. I can already see the finish line in front of me."

Satoshi asked, "May I ask a question, sir?"

"Go ahead."

"Sir, what exactly is it that you want? Why do you hate the current world so much that you want to burn it down?"

"It's a long and painful story, Ito; you're better off not learning about it. For now, just focus on our current goal. Do you remember what it is?"

"Of course, sir. It's to orchestrate a humiliating end of SNA followed by a long history of war and conflict so that when people look back at the history of SNA generations later, all they'll feel for them is hatred and disgust."

This is going to be an impactful volume that's gonna shape of the rest of the story. So, I want it to be perfect. That's why the update schedule might be a bit off but whenever I upload, I promise to deliver my best. Please bear with me. Thank you.

Captain_Sadisticcreators' thoughts
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