
Chapter 168: The Power Of Experience

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The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

55 Advanced Chapters of

The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of

Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path



Galaxy Man was sent flying with enough strength to shatter a planet. He flew through the cosmos, millions of kilometers across space, ultimately landing on Planet Jupiter, which, with its powerful gravity, attracted his body there.


The endless storms of Jupiter greeted him, constantly trying to engulf his body and crush him into smithereens, yet even his suit remained mostly unscathed, aside from several burn bruises that their combined attack caused.

"Hahh… They're very strong!"

He looked into the skies, alarmed and worried.

Has he ever fought beings so powerful in his life before?

Not even Grandor, Lord of Destruction, the embodiment of Calamity across many Galaxies, and his greatest nemesis, was this powerful!

"This universe is completely different than any other," he thought. "I have to get back there! Even if they punched me, they're reasonable people. I also need to recharge my strength and energies. That punch alone drained most of my power. Thankfully, they got a Yellow Sun here as well!"


He rushed outside of Jupiter, easily piercing through its destructive, massive storms and cloud seas and flying across space back to Mars.

At the same time, within the surface of Mars, countless cracks continued to spread everywhere, as small golden pillars of light were being erected across its entire surface.

Bing Xue decided to convert the entire planet into a Formation, using its power, size, and internal energy to fuel her Formation's power.


At the same time as she clashed against her opponent, a young man from the future with several of her same abilities and even treasures.

She even realized now that although his clothes designs were different, they had the same material as her own clothes; he was wearing her dress, now modified into male clothes.

"He has truly inherited my things," she thought. "So he's truly…?"

"{Starlight Mantis Space-Cutting Scythes}!"

Dozens of gigantic scythes rushed down; Bing Xue was too heavy to evade this time, as they came down and cut through her heavy golden armor, which was actually part of her very body.


Crack, crack…!


"I commend your creativity, but your abilities are still far inferior to mine," he said, as his sword suddenly began glowing, Bing Xue's eyes widened after he suddenly…


Split them apart! Suddenly dividing the Yin Yang Blade into two different swords, a Yin Blade and a Yang Blade! One overflowing with shadows and darkness, and the other with holy light.

This was a feature she had not added to the sword upon its creation, something she had never used or done before.

It was something he did by modifying it.

"By splitting its power, I can concentrate the power of Yin and Yang in two different Swords!" he said. "You may think they're weaker now, but having two blades allows me to use yet another ability I've polished and improved from yours, one I've evolved into my own!"


He rushed towards Bing Xue, rapidly enhancing and shapeshifting his body into a slender, taller form that was optimized for speedy attacks.

Swinging both blades at the same time against her, Bing Xue quickly conjured her Yin and Yang Shield, part of her Divinity Tree's Authority.

"Your shield is powerful, but can it take this?!"

The man smiled confidently and maliciously as he suddenly unleashed his Primordial Immemorial Venerable Aura at once!


"{Chaotic Disruption Dual Void Blade Arts}: {Heaven and Earth-Consuming Emptiness}"


Bing Xue gritted her teeth as the two blades resonated with one another, at the same time as the man's body spun around, and then a wave of pure emptiness reached her, splitting the heavens of Mars and the earth of the planet's surface at the same time.


A massive piece of Mars was cleaved off, as Bing Xue's eyes widened in utter disbelief! At the same time, her shield gained countless cracks as the immense, invisible force of her opponent's powerful technique overcame it!

Crack, crack…!


Her shield broke, exploding into pieces, and then the wave of emptiness reached her, beginning to rapidly disintegrate her armor and then her body.


She couldn't help but give off a scream of agony as she resisted the tremendous, all-destructive force as it consumed her completely.

"See?! I am more superior than you!"

The young man screamed loudly as he shook the entire planet of Mars; countless cracks spread further, and the large piece of surface that had been cleaved off flew out of the orbit.

The cracks and the large, cleaved side revealed the boiling core of Mars as molten metal surged from within, covering its rocky surface and rapidly making the entire planet tremble.

Mars was about to be destroyed if this continued!

The amount of dangerous space debris could create a complete cataclysm over Earth as countless massive meteors fall over the entire planet, condemning it to its demise.

"Yes, I concede…"

Bing Xue smiled, as half of her body had already been consumed by the deadly and incredibly powerful dual-blade art.


Her eyes widened, turning deep red; suddenly, her light became darkness, and she gained demonic horns and black feathered wings and became the embodiment of pure darkness.

"Where there's light, there's also always darkness. I did not only master the power of light but also of shadows!"

As she fully reformed her body, Bing Xue unleashed all her Demonic Curses, Shadows, Darkness, and Death Divinities, Skills, Abilities, and Techniques, turning half her body into countless black chains and wrapping herself around his entire body!


"UGH?! What are you…?!"

He suddenly felt slightly weaker and even more restricted as the Demonic Curses started to stack on themselves over and over again.


He screamed in agony, falling to his knees while struggling to stay strong! He desperately swung his blades, cutting through Bing Xue's entire body, only for her shadows to rapidly emerge again.

"I am weaker than you, I admit it!" she roared. "But you're still thousands of years from reaching my cunningness!"



While he was concentrated trying to prove that he was superior, Bing Xue already had conjured dozens of towers of light all across Mars.

Each one of them quickly manifested completely, as the young man noticed them appearing one after another!


As he wondered what she was even planning, it was already too late.

Every tower of light is interconnected with rays of golden sunlight and lightning, rapidly forming a planet-wide formation!

At the same time, she powered such formation by a new Divinity Tree Ability, which rapidly blossomed from within her Divinity Tree Roots.


"{Divinity Tree Formation Of Heavenly Lotus And Demonic Hell}…"


The towers interconnected as demonic and holy powers flowed through them, rapidly creating a gigantic demonic pentagram and also a blossoming, golden-colored lotus flower in the middle.

A combination of the Lotus of Heaven and the Demonic Hell she had assimilated, fused into one!

"T-This is…?!"

Immediately after that, he felt it; his soul was beginning to be impacted by a tremendous force he could not defend against!

"It seems I was right; you only prioritized cultivating your fighting power and your physical body above all else," said Bing Xue. "But it seems your Soul is oftentimes wide open for an attack like this, young man!"

"N-No! NOOO!" He screamed furiously, swinging his swords against Bing Xue and cutting her many limbs into pieces, only for them to rapidly regenerate.

"It's over."

Bing Xue gathered all her powers into this planet-wide formation, the near destruction of the planet revealing its molten metallic core fueling the formation with even more energy and power than she imagined.

"{Heavenly Demonic Soul Sealing Formation: Six Paths of Nirvana}!"


Six rivers, six paths, each one of a different color, reached the young man, piercing his entire body and reaching his soul, wrapping his soul with their divine brilliance, and sealing him!


As he screamed, his soul rapidly weakened tremendously! Bing Xue could easily slice it apart and destroy it right now!

…However, no matter what, she would never dare do such a thing.

As his soul was sealed, his gigantic body rapidly went back to normal, becoming the same as how Bing Xue saw him originally.

He fell from the skies of Mars, as she quickly returned to her human appearance as well, although in her demonic form, and caught him in midair.

"Uuggh…! Y-Youuu!"

He was still conscious, stretching his hands towards her face to grab it, but he lacked the strength; his soul was sealed; it was already incredible he could speak and move even when that happened.

"You're very powerful," Bing Xue smiled. "I am really proud of you, my son."

"Ngh…!" The man gritted his teeth angrily, furrowing his eyebrows, yet… he couldn't help but cry; tears fell from his eyes. "Why… Why did you… die? Why?"

Bing Xue knew from the beginning who he was, but right now, he finally was able to confirm it.

He was her son, either the child of Urbosa or Merkite; his wolf-like traits, such as his wolf ears, tail, fur, claws, fangs, and eyes, combined with Bing Xue's hair, her grace, and her charm…

It was so obvious he was their son…

"I'm sorry…" Bing Xue started crying as well. "Just now I got to know of such a thing… I had even thought that a timeline where I existed wasn't possible. But it seems I was wrong."

"D-Don't try… to pity me…!" Her son groaned. "I…! Ungh…! I will protect Earth… instead of you…!"

"You're so stubborn," she sighed. "I suppose that is a trait you inherited from me."

"Don't… think you can… Ugh…" The young man could barely speak. "Talk to me, like… we're… Ah…"

Before he could even finish his words, he closed his eyes and passed out.

"You must have suffered a lot," Bing Xue sighed. "I forgive your unruliness… Because you probably went through even worse things than I had… That world where you came from must be desolate and lonely, isn't it? My poor child…"

She sighed, caressing her son's face and then cleaning his tears… Although this was a very serious moment, she couldn't help but find him really cute.

And she also felt somewhat happy… that one of her children would grow to become so strong, so amazing.

He truly surpassed her.

His only flaw was his overconfidence and lack of experience, things that can be easily overcome with a good enough master to straighten his path.

"I suppose you're done… Hah, although Mars had to pay the price of your family battle…"

The voice of Galaxy Man echoed from above as Bing Xue's sharp eyes glared at the man in silence.

"Calm down; I have no intentions to hurt any of you… I am a hero… or I try to be, most of the time," he sighed. "I've come from another universe, I believe… I'm as confused as you are, truly."

"What do you want?" Bing Xue asked, her aura growing stronger, like a mother protecting her little pup. "Don't you dare touch my son…"

"I-I already told you I didn't have any intentions! Jesus…" Galaxy Man flew a bit back. "A lot of debris was thrown away from Mars as it was being destroyed by your battle! I must go take care of it and destroy it into little bits, so it won't affect Earth or the Moon! Do you have some ability to hold the planet from being destroyed, though? I've already analyzed it, and its core is about to combust within… less than thirty minutes!"

"…" Bing Xue read through his intentions with her powerful Eyes and found no bad intentions whatsoever.

If anything, she felt shocked… He was an incredibly kindhearted man. His only intention was to help others and protect the planet.

"Fufu," she giggled. "You remind me of a certain comic superhero…"

"I've heard that a lot!" Galaxy Man laughed heartily. "So? Would you cooperate?"

"Okay," Bing Xue nodded. "With one condition."

"Huh?" Galaxy Man tilted his head. "Yes? If I can fulfill it…"

"Join my sect."



Author's Note: 


Can't wait to see what's next? You can join my Patreon: 


And gain access to all these Advanced Chapters:

87 Advanced Chapters of

The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

55 Advanced Chapters of

The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of

Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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