
Chapter 169: A Venerable Teams Up With A Superhero

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The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

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The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

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Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path


Galaxy Man was left dumbfounded…


Not only did this woman start fighting this young man, apparently her son, as if both wanted to kill one another.

They risked the lives of people on Earth, then almost blew up the sun, and ended up landing on Mars, where they cleaved a third of the planet's entire surface.

The nerve and shamelessness she had were simply beyond his humble expectations.

"A sect? What do you mean by a sect, lady?" He wondered, sighing. "I can't join any of such things! I belong to the Justice Alliance, a group of superheroes that protect Earth and the surrounding galaxy. I just can't, I'm sorry."

"Hm, I suppose there's no time to decide this yet," Bing Xue said. "My bad, I might have been too rash there. Don't overthink it; go do your thing, and I'll save Mars."

"Thank you," nodded Galaxy Man, kicking the empty space and immediately flying thousands of kilometers within a mere second.


"He's incredibly fast…" Bing Xue noted. "His durability is beyond everything I've seen a mortal could do. He was able to take both of our attacks and come back unscathed? Yet I can't feel an ounce of magic within him, and even when he landed on this world, the system seems unable to assimilate him, similarly to me. But it's for completely different reasons."

She couldn't detect any sort of Cultivation Method within him; the man had no Physique or Psyche either, nor any powerful Magic or Spiritual Technique.

The man called "Galaxy Man" was simply equipped with the natural power of his own body since birth… Although she did notice something.

"He's still rather similar to me; I detected an enormous quantity of concentrated Ultraviolet Radiation accumulating inside of his body like a battery," she thought. "He gains power through a Yellow Sun! How amusing… So if I were to block the Sun Rays from reaching him, then drain him of this energy, he could probably grow weak enough that I could… Hm, but he's a good man; let's not think like that."

However, as long as he was fully "recharged," Galaxy Man had a near-indestructible body, the ability to move at lightning speed, and perhaps how many other powers?

"He must come from a parallel Timeline, but he's not a human at all, though," she thought. "He might look very human, but he's an alien, without a doubt. However, he talks English and is very humane in his way of speaking. Just who is this man? I've grown rather interested now."

In only a couple of seconds, Bing Xue was able to immediately detect Galaxy Man's nature and even learned how she could counter his incredible powers.

However, seeing how he was an honest and kindhearted man despite his tremendous strength, she decided to not do any of such things and even not think more about it for the moment.

Despite how strong he was, he had no defense against her powerful Primordial Nine-Colored Eyes, which saw through all things, even his own heart.

"With that said and done."


Mars continued trembling as massive cracks spread through its entire surface. She quickly manifested a bubble made of Divine Photon Essence where she placed her son, who was unconscious for as long as his Soul would be sealed within his body.

"Hmm, his strength is very high; he's already grinding through the Soul Seal," she noticed immediately. "In a couple of hours, he might end up freeing himself. And that technique is not something I can unleash as I please… Let's hope that he'll be more reasonable and talkative once he wakes up."

She tightened the grip of her fists, thinking about how much her son from a future timeline had suffered without her and his family.

Despite how rude and aggressive he was, and despite how much they fought, she had no hatred or resentment against him.

Only pity…

"My poor child… I'll do everything I can to make you happy."

She quickly waved her hands as the entire formation covering Mars began to fluctuate with countless rivers of energy and rapidly started changing.

"Time Essence."

She infused Time Essence into her Formation, rapidly beginning to transform its color to gray and silver.


As this happened, the Formation began to change form, resembling a gigantic clock made of silver light above the entirety of the planet Mars.

As this happened, Bing Xue glanced at the surface of the planet, noticing a large quantity of underground areas.

"Although there's no life anymore, it seems there are many ancient ruins and technology of an old civilization here… How amusing."

She smiled, thinking for a moment about that before the ground started trembling, the cracks closed rapidly, and the world stopped trembling as if it were about to explode.


The gigantic, former tectonic plates of Mars, which were revived due to the catastrophe it was undergoing, rapidly dried out and quickly closed.

However, the only thing Bing Xue was unable to fix was the huge "crater" within Mars provoked by her son, who had cleaved a gigantic piece of the planet's surface.

"It seems that without the proper materials I can't refill this area using Time Essence," she thought.

She was strong, and her abilities were vast, but the power to simply multiply matter to refill Mars wasn't one of them. Perhaps if she set up a new formation with the Dao of Earth and Solidity, she could probably refill the crater over time.

"But there's an easier way to do that…"

She quickly glanced at Galaxy Man, who flew towards the massive chunks of Mars' surface her son had cleaved away, which became gigantic, dangerous meteors that might impact Earth or the Moon's surface at any moment.

"I got an idea…"





Galaxy Man's eyes glowed bright red as he fired powerful heat lasers against the gigantic clusters of stone and other matter that came from Mars.


He made sure to destroy them into very small pieces, almost reducing them to mere sand, so it would have little to no effect on Earth or the Moon.

"I'm doing fine, but…!"

He glanced at the gigantic, cleaved surface of Mars; the largest piece of the planet that had been slashed away by Bing Xue's son from the future.

"That piece isn't going to be easy!"


He rushed forward, releasing a powerful shockwave as he moved across space like a rocket, quickly reaching the front of the massive piece of stone, land, and dirt, which was rapidly dividing into thousands of smaller pieces.

"For this, I'll have to go a bit all-out!"

He felt the warmth of the Yellow Sun behind him, its radiation quickly being absorbed by his body, strengthening him constantly.

"Breathe in… and out," his eyes suddenly began glowing white. And then, a large quantity of energy surged from his chest.

Gathering constantly, until his very skin radiated the brightest light of the sun itself, and then…

"Release it all… carefully! HAAAHH!"

With a mighty and manly scream, a gigantic beam of pure accumulated radiation was released at once, piercing through the gigantic surface of Mars that was cleaved off.


He continued firing this titanic, world-ending laser carefully, moving it around as he destroyed every little bit he could find.

The pieces of stone were then divided into even smaller pieces, constantly forming a gigantic cloud of sand.


"Nnngghh… Hahh!"

He quickly stopped firing his Sunlight Beam as he sighed in relief, noticing the large meteor had been fully destroyed.

"Phew… I did it."

Galaxy Man sighed in relief, cleaning the sweat off his forehead, only to hear someone behind him.

"Impressive, you're truly a sentinel of your own, huh?"

"Ah! It's you."

Galaxy Man noticed Bing Xue had appeared behind him. He was unable to even detect her though; it was as if she pierced through space itself to reach him.

Although he had incredible senses that could sense all things and danger within a 100-kilometer radius around him, Bing Xue easily ignored that.

"Yes, it's me. Mars is safe for now," said Bing Xue. "However, its missing mass is a problem; it'll end up destabilizing its orbit over time, and it could create problems in the future."

"Ah! Is that so?" Galaxy Man became a bit concerned. "But there aren't any problems for now, right? The future is the future; we are in the present. Once a new problem arises, we'll take care of it."

"Aren't you too confident in yourself?" wondered Bing Xue. "Oh well, I simply came here because I wanted to do this…"

With a wave of her hands, Bing Xue suddenly gathered all the small debris Galaxy Man took so long to create by destroying all the pieces of Mars.



He was surprised by her incredible powers, which defied even what he had seen and fought back in his original world.

Ultimately, she created a massive mass of… mud. She turned it all into moldable, soft mud!

"This'll do; wait here."

She moved through space, reaching the skies of Mars and then planting the gigantic mass of mud on the giant crater, filling it completely, and then molding it as the surface.

Slowly, it began to dry out, and the planet was finally beginning to stabilize.

"This'll do, good!"

"Impressive! So you could do that too! But please, don't fight like that again… It's very dangerous!"

Galaxy Man had appeared above her; she sensed him moving, although his movement speed was ridiculous. He got by her side within a couple of seconds!

"You endangered countless lives. As someone as strong as you, you should take care of how you use your powers; always be careful," he said.

"I am always careful," she said. "The first thing I did was drag him away from Earth before he was to destroy it, then away from the moon. Thankfully there was no life on Mars, so it was a perfect playground."

"No life, huh…" Galaxy Man sighed. "Well, where I come from, our Mars did have some life on it, Martians. A powerful race of green-skinned and red-eyed aliens. They have amazing abilities, but were on constant wars between one another, unfortunately."

"I see…" Bing Xue smiled. "What an interesting world you come from, Galaxy Man. Would you not mind sharing some tea while you tell me more about it?"

"A-Ahaha! I am flattered by your invitation, lady. And don't get me wrong, you're as charming as you're strong, but I am engaged already and…" Galaxy Man blushed as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Goodness, no! I don't like men," Bing Xue facepalmed. "It'll simply be a conversation between two strong individuals. We share similar goals; we want to protect Earth. I am also engaged and have many wives. So please don't get my intentions wrong!"

"A-Ah! Is that so?! I'm very sorry…" he apologized. "And sure! That does sound viable! However, first I must see if any of my super friends are around your planet. You see, we aren't from your planet; we ended up getting here when we were fighting the Villainous Conglomeration. Several gray portals appeared, and we ended up landing here… It was harsh; they began attacking right after I managed to take down a mighty foe of mine, a conqueror of planets. We were all recovering from such a battle, so we were caught off-guard."

"So you were pushed into these portals?" Bing Xue asked.

"More or less, yes," nodded Galaxy Man. "Not me though; I came on my own to find my friends and apprehend the villains that got into your world… I'm afraid they could become a serious issue if they aren't taken care of quickly."

"I see, very well then, let's go," said Bing Xue. "I have many things I must do as well, and I left someone hanging back in the airport. We should find a way to contact one another. How about you take this?"

Bing Xue gave Galaxy Man a small golden bracelet with a white jewel on top.

"What is this magic trinket?" Galaxy Man wondered curiously.

"It is a special bracelet we can use to communicate from long distances. It's durable enough it'll not end up destroyed like any other human-made communication device," said Bing Xue. "It can even be used to talk between dimensions."

"Ooh! Sweet then! Thank you! I must go now; let's meet later… Um, what was your name, lady?" he wondered.

"Bing Xue," she said. "And yours?"

"My name is Hall Kent," Galaxy Man smiled. "We'll meet again then! Thank you for your cooperation."


And he quickly disappeared, flying towards Earth.

Bing Xue remained in silence, glancing at her son sleeping peacefully.

She could already sense several cracks across his Soul Seal already…

"Hmm, he might free himself faster than I imagined, but… that's fine," she sighed. "What do I do now?"

She quickly remembered Merneith and her original plans for today.

"Right, let's do that… I also need to check if my family is okay."


And she quickly flew back to Earth as well.


Author's Note: 


Can't wait to see what's next? You can join my Patreon: 


And gain access to all these Advanced Chapters:

88 Advanced Chapters of

The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

55 Advanced Chapters of

The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of

Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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