
Volume 1] Chapter 181- People scorn.

Over the past month, the Li family has gone through some changes that have made them all happier and more connected.

Jiho, who used to be quiet and reserved, is now smiling a lot and seems really content. It's like she's found a new sense of happiness inside.

The Su brothers have also changed. Joon Su, who was always serious, now shows his feelings more openly.

He looks thoughtful and caring these days. Jihoon's laughter, which was always joyful, now seems to have more depth and meaning behind it.

Even Kyung Ho, who doesn't talk much, expresses himself through his eyes, showing love and care for everyone. And Min-seo is like a rock for the family, always there to support and understand.

All these changes have brought the family closer together. They understand each other better and feel more connected.

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