
Volume 1] Chapter 182- Change in behaviour?.

And when people saw that their mer was still a virgin despite being married for some time, the taunts, scorn, and cruel remarks would be inevitable.

But as he thought about jiho ,Joon Su's gaze softened, empathy shining in his eyes as he placed a comforting hand on Jihoon's arm.

"I understand, Jihoon," he said quietly, his voice filled with understanding. "We don't want people to talk bad about us, but we also can't rush Jiho into something she's not ready for."

... ...

The tranquil silence of the forest was interrupted by the rhythmic sounds of footsteps crushing dried leaves. Amidst this serenity, a woman in a crimson robe knelt, her fingers deftly gathering wild grass. Leaning against a tree, her gaze remained fixed on the knife at her side.

**Tap, tap.**

The soft clink of the knife echoed again. This time, within its subtle reverberations, the woman detected the faint rustle of footsteps behind the tree where she sat.

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