
Chapter 357 Spoils of War! Ownership of the Other Shore Flower! _2

The trend was such, but the World Bank under the name of the united government survived temporarily due to financial reasons.

The anonymous bank cards issued by their bank also gained recognition across Blue Star for their secrecy and security.

Even several races on friendly terms with the Blue Star Human Race also had these World Bank anonymous bank cards in circulation within their territories.

Anyone who had this bank card could exchange it for the corresponding Gold Coins at the World Bank!

Cui Xiabing handed the seven bank cards to the four of them, "Seven cards, five for each person, I'll hold onto the remaining two for now, and I'll transfer the corresponding Gold Coins to you later, how does that sound?"


"I trust you."

"We're all our own people, hehehe..."

Cui Xiabing rolled her eyes at Zheng Cheng before continuing, "There are also these materials, many of which I don't recognize, take whatever you need."

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