
Chapter 358 LV69! New Mutant Ability!_1

After speaking, several people were somewhat tempted.

After all, it was an epic-level plant, and it was also an inherited item from the Spirit Charm Emperor, who knows if there would be anything missed out.

Moreover, as an epic-level plant, the Other Shore Flower's abilities were extremely powerful too, the mere function of helping a support professional to break through to an epic-level powerhouse was enough to make countless strong individuals stuck at LV79 flock to it like moths to a flame.

What more for them?

Among the five present, except for Zheng Cheng, the professional star levels of the other four were all at nine stars!

Yao Zhixue, Elemental Elf Master!

Zhou Xinyu, Veda Giant!

Cui Xiabing, Shepherd Tree People!

Xiao Zi, Gu Immortal!

As long as the four of them didn't fall midway, they had a high chance of stepping into the epic level.

If they had the assistance of the Other Shore Flower, then that probability could be infinitely increased.

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