Jon Snow is stabbed to death by his brothers of the Night's watch, yet the Gods aren't done with him. He is reborn as Jaehaeron Targaryen, son of Daemon Targaryen, and Lyanna Stark. And this time... he knows plenty.
Warning : this story starts the same way 'The Green Dragon' started with Jon's rebirth, I didn't see the need to write another and similar scene so I plagiarized myself, but I promise, this is the only time. Jonothor the Green Dragon and Jaehaeron the Northern Dragon will be two different characters despite both of them being Jon Snow. Enjoy reading ;).
"For the Watch."
He felt his flesh being pierced.
"For the Watch."
"For the Watch."
And Again.
"For the Watch."
And Again.
His body hit the cold hard ground as he gasped for air despite his pierced lungs. He felt himself being enveloped by a warm liquid, he realized quick enough that it was a puddle of his own blood.
Jon Snow, son of Eddard Stark and Lord Commander of the Night's Watch felt his life slowly leave his body as fatigue was spreading through his muscles.
It was so strange… To see his life flash before his eyes as his vision became blurry. He remembered Winterfell, he remembered his father, his brothers, his sisters, Ghost, Ygritte…
Jon found that he didn't care as much as she should have that he was dying. He felt relief, he had fought so much, so hard. He had felt so much pain when he learned of his father's demise and of the Red Wedding. His heart had been ripped from his chest when Ygritte had died. But now… he was going to see them again…
As his eyes closed, Jon found that he had no regret, he had lived an honorable life, he had always done what he thought was right, and if anyone would criticize him for falling for Ygritte, he'd punch them in the face and ask his love for forgiveness so he could feel her lips one more time.
He had earned this… To hell with the livings if their pride meant more to them than their survival. He would now rest, and let his past being washed away by his reunion with his loved ones.
Or so he thought…
The next few seconds had been confusing, for Jon had felt his body being crushed in a fetal position as his eyes had been forced shut. He started to panic as he believed than an endless void would be his fate for eternity, yet, he suddenly felt a terrible pressure around his body. He tried to breath, but there was no air to fill his lungs, he tried to scream, but his mouth remained shut.
He thought he'd heard something, something that sounded like a voice. Was it one of the old gods ?
The next thing he heard was some kind of scream that seemed to have been muffled by a pillow. What in Seven Hells was happening to him?
The next second, he was born.
An air colder than he had ever felt when he traveled beyond the Wall bit his skin so hard that he screamed. He felt gigantic hands carrying his body as exclamations he could not decipher resonated around him. He tried to struggle to get free of the giant that was holding him, but the creature's grip was firm, and as he shook his limbs as much as he could, he realized that he could barely move despite all his will!
"Seven hells!" A voice he'd never heard exclaimed. "That one is as wild as a wildling and as strong as a damn bull!"
Jon felt a blanket being rolled around his body, he tried to demand what was happening to him, but only cries and screams left his mouth.
"By the Seven!" growled a woman he did not know. "I've never seen a babe as feisty as that one, that's for sure."
Jon suddenly felt a pair of enormous gloved hands seize his body and snatch it from the giant that had held him since he could breath.
"Jaehaeron Targaryen," snapped a powerful and authoritative voice that could only belong to a man, "your father commands you to cease your crying at once."
And Jon stopped, not out of fear but out of confusion, did that person just call him… 'Jaehaeron Targaryen'? And why was that person wearing gloves? What giant… What old God wears gloves?
Desperate to finally get answers, he mustered all the strength his body could give him, and unsealed his eyelids.
The first person he saw was a young man of sixteen… perhaps seventeen namedays at most. His face was stern after the order he had given, yet, Jon found a warmth in the man's purple eyes he had only seen in Lord Stark's gaze.
Daemon Targaryen, grandson to Jaehaerys the Wise, King of the Seven Kingdoms, had been particularly annoyed after his newborn son had screamed far louder than any babe he had ever heard in his short life. Daemon did not know how to handle babies, but he damn well knew how to make someone listen to him. And when he commanded his son to cease his cries, he was almost surprised to see him cooperate, and even more when the boy had opened his eyes to meet his father.
Jaehaeron had hair as black as his mother, which disappointed Daemon a little bit if he was honest with himself. This wouldn't stop him from loving his son, of course, but he had expected his boy to look exactly like him. Perhaps the Gods were trying to teach him a lesson in humility, perhaps his selfish desires for pure Valyrian offsprings were of no consequences for his son, just like his grandfather's and father's had not been for him when they had tried to marry him to a bronze bitch. Jaehaeron didn't have silver hair, but he did have purple eyes, and Daemon laughed when those eyes almost popped out of their little sockets.
"Would you look at that," he almost sang, "you dare have prettier eyes than your father? Now that is truly outrageous."
His wife's weak voice instantly stopped his laughter and he rushed at her side to show her their child.
"Look Lyanna," he whispered as he held Jaehaeron as close to her as he could. "It's a boy, our first boy. He has your hair."
Lyanna Stark, daughter of Bennard and Margaret Stark, wife of Daemon Targaryen, and now mother of Jaehaeron Targaryen, opened her tired eyes to look at her baby boy. The proud fruit of their union.
Two years ago, Daemon and her had met at a tourney near Harrenhal. At the time, Daemon had been betrothed to Lady Rhea Royce, a rich Lady from the Vale, the Heiress to Runestone. Yet, Daemon had rejected this marriage, despite his father and royal grandfather's authority. And since he couldn't cancel the betrothal himself, he went to seduce as many ladies as he could around Harrenhal in order to disgust Lady Rhea and the valemen to make them cancel the wedding themselves, out of pride.
Unfortunately for Daemon -or rather fortunately-, the fifth lady he had tried to seduce was Lyanna Stark, the 'She-wolf' as the Northerners called her. And instead of a blush or a kiss, his charms earned him a fist to the face and a broken nose.
At first, Lyanna had been repulsed by Daemon's behaviour, he had approached her when he was drunk, and had -poorly- tried to convince her that he had come to love her from afar, and that he dreamt every night of taking her maidenhead after he'd wed her in the ancient Valyrian way. Lyanna had courtly told him to 'fuck off', but instead of doing so, he had laughed and told her that he loved a woman with a dirty mouth, he took another step further, and had ended up on the ground, where he had spent the night while Lyanna disappeared in the darkness.
When Daemon had woken up, he hadn't bothered to see a maester or to take a bath. He immediately searched through the entire forest of tents in order to find the woman that had broken his nose, his nose!
When he finally found her, she jumped on her horse as soon as she saw him, and tried to ride as for away from him as she could. But Daemon stole Benjen Stark's horse and went after her despite her brother's fury.
To the Prince's astonishment, he ended up being unable to catch his she-wolf, for she was a far better rider than he was. But after hours of racing, Lyanna had finally had enough, she stoped her horse, dismounted, and waited for her pursuer with steel in her hand.
When Daemon saw this, he had been half a mind to accept her challenge, but he had already underestimated the Stark girl twice in a row, and he didn't even want to fight her, simply talk to her.
Unfortunately, Lyanna had had enough words from his mouth and charged him as soon as his feet were on the ground. Daemon had no other choice but to unsheathe Dark Sister and defend himself. This time though, the Targaryen Prince had learned his lesson, and did not underestimate the northern woman. Despite his broken nose, his thirst and his empty stomach, he managed to disarm the she-wolf and cool her temper through exhaustion. Then… He did something he had never done before; he begged Lyanna for forgiveness, and assured her that the anger of being betrothed against his will was the reason for his action.
Surprisingly, Lyanna was more understanding once she had heard this, and came to forgive him after a two-hours long conversation where they had learned to know each other.
Their conversations lasted even longer on the road back to Harrenhal, but it came to an end when the Kingsguard stoped them and took Daemon to a maester to tend to his broken nose. Lyanna almost admitted to herself that she was a bit sad to see her prince being taken away, for she had found that Daemon and her shared many similar opinions regarding politics and betrothals, as well as many dreams of glory and battle.
Daemon had been harshly scolded by his father Baelon once the maester had been done with him, but the young prince had barely paid any mind to the Brave. For, once he was finally released, he had his squire prepare immediately his armor and his horse for the tourney.
A tourney he had won with his lady's favor on his wrist, a courtesy he rewarded with a crown of flowers.
This, of course, created a massive scandal between the Starks, the Royces and the Targaryens. But this time, instead of listening to his father and grandfather's admonitions, Daemon had the audacity to ask for a betrothal between Lyanna Stark and him. Surprisingly, but secretly, his Grandsire, Jaehaerys the Wise, actually considered the match. The Starks and the Northerners in general had been angry with the old King because of his decision to offer the lands of the New Gift to the Night's Watch. And the Vale had been favored already with the marriage of Aemma Arryn and Daemon's brother, Viserys. Considering the poor reputation Daemon had among the valemen, perhaps the breaking of the betrothal between him and Rhea Royce would not cause a(nother) scandal.
But Baelon the Brave did not have nearly as much patience as his father, he immediately denied his son and announced that his marriage with the Lady Rhea would take place in a fortnight.
Daemon left the hall enraged, and before anyone could stop him, he went to his she-wolf and offered to take her with him to Essos in order for them to live their lives at their fullest.
And to everyone's surprise, Lyanna had accepted, had jumped on Caraxes' back behind her Prince and they disappeared into the night.
This had caused a massive uproar, or so Daemon had heard for he had not seen his family or his wife's family since that day. When the Prince had asked his she-wolf why she so willingly followed him, she revealed to him that her father had betrothed her to the heir of the Dreadfort in order to appease the growing tension between the Starks and the Boltons.
A fate that she wanted to avoid at all costs.
Daemon and Lyanna travelled to the free cities, and lived a life filled with feasts, dances, and tavern fights.
It was during one of those fights that the Prince had truly started to desire his lady more than anything else in the world. But despite his boiling blood and his hardened cock, Lyanna had denied him, and told him that she was not some tavern wench for him to bed so easily, if he truly wanted her, if he truly loved her, then he would marry her and honor her. Daemon had been almost too impatient and eager to do as his lady desired.
However, Lyanna revealed that she didn't give a damn about the Seven, she wanted to marry before the Old Gods, something that didn't sit well with Daemon, for he wanted a Valyrian marriage. So they came to a compromise, as they would keep making during their wedded life. They would marry first on Dragonstone, and Lyanna would grant him their first night together. But if Daemon desired the second, and all the others after, then he would have to take her to the Island of faces and wed her in front of the Old Gods. The Prince naively accepted, believing that his wife would not be able to refuse him once their first wedding was consumed. However, as he woke up the next morning after their wedding on Dragonstone, the first thing he wanted to do was to resume their coupling, but Lyanna answered with an elbow to his ribs, and told him : "If you're so eager to continue, go bath and saddle Caraxes."
It took Daemon half an hour to do as he was told, yet, his lady wife chose to take as much time as she wanted and finally arrived with a very sly grin on her face as she was wearing the colors of her house.
Daemon caught her, put her himself on his dragon's back as she laughed at his eagerness and flew as fast he could to the Isle of Faces. Without knowing that his father, Baelon the Brave, had arrived at Dragonstone barely an hour after they had left.
The Hand of the King had been sent to the home of house Targaryen by King Jaehaerys himself to retrieve his foolish son and the lady he had taken away. His rage only grew when he learned from the servants of their Valyrian wedding, he jumped on Vhagar's back and flew after them, unfortunately, he had no idea where they were going. So he flew over the Riverlands, hoping that Caraxes' massive form would be easy to spot.
When Daemon arrived at the Island of faces, his eagerness to marry his wife for the second time was surprisingly stoped by the unusual place.
It hadn't been the beauty of nature that had caught the prince's attention, it had been the atmosphere that surrounded him.
This feeling… he was not able to describe it. The only thing he was sure of, was that there was a very powerful presence here that had its eyes on him, for a moment, he felt like an intruder.
But Lyanna took him by the hand and promised him that once they were united in front of the Old Gods, he would understand this place far better that he could have possibly imagined.
Daemon could only nod, and let his newly Valyrian wife guide him before the weirwood tree to turn him into a Northern husband.
Daemon had never been a religious man, he had never believed in the Seven and considered Septas and Septons among the most annoying and foolish kind of people he had ever met. But when he saw the face carved into the white wood, he felt exposed and uneasy. He felt watched by something he couldn't possibly understand. He didn't know if the Old Gods were real Gods, but something here, was very real.
The Targaryen Prince and the Stark Lady wed one more time in front of the weirwood, and once their vows had been completed and their union sealed with a kiss, Daemon felt something shift inside of himself. The annoying feeling that he was a foreigner in this place disappeared as soon as his lips touched his bride's, he threw a very confused look at the tree that seemed to be mocking him. Yet, for the first time in his life, Daemon felt true satisfaction. He turned his face to his wife, and finally claimed what he had been craving since he had awoken on this day.
Unfortunately for the newly weds, the groom's father arrived barely a few minutes after they were done. Baelon found his son and his wife as naked as the day they were born, laying before the weirwood tree.
Baelon sighed in defeat once he saw them, Daemon had managed to evade him long enough to do as he pleased, but his son would not evade his punishment.
He knocked the air out of his boy's lungs with a fist to the stomach, but before he could even start to berate him for his recklessness and disrespect and all the other things he wanted to berate him for; his daughter in law was on him with Dark Sister in her hand, and she was still very much naked.
Baelon barely had enough time to unsheathe Blackfyre and block the girl's attack, unfortunately, he made the same mistake as Daemon did when he met the 'She-Wolf'; he underestimated her, and got kneed in the balls for his carelessness.
Baelon the Brave, rider of Vhagar, who fought by his father's side in the fourth Dornish war, ended up being defeated by his naked daughter in law.
Truth be told, Lyanna was very angry at her father in law, not because she did not understand what he had done, but because he had chosen to do so on their wedding day before even congratulating them.
Daemon couldn't help himself but laugh at his father's bewildered look, as Lyanna berated the Hand of the King while standing in all her naked might, by his side, with his sword in her hand.
"Do you see now why I wanted to be her husband?" He asked in the Valyrian tongue before getting up. "I will take whatever punishment you have for me on the morrow, no matter how harsh it will be, my princess is worth every drop of my blood."
Baelon did not answer, first he got up, shook his head to get rid of his shock, and unclasped his coat to cover his daughter in law.
After this, and after a very long silence. Baelon laughed, grabbed the newly weds to hug them, called Lyanna his daughter and apologized to her for his behaviour.
That didn't stop him from very harshly punishing his son on the next day on Dragonstone, but he knew Daemon did not care about the pain. His son was very much in love, and not even the Conquerer reborn could have stoped them.
Baelon brought the newly weds back to King's Landing to introduce them to the Realm, however, and before the Old King could scold Daemon himself. Baelon had his son remove his doublet to show the whole court, the bloody bandages on his back that resulted from the whipping he received for disobeying his King and kidnaping a Northern Lady. If Queen Alysanne had looked like she had wanted to slap her son as many times as he had whipped her grandson, Jaehaerys was very pleased by Baelon's pragmatism. The Old King declared that Prince Daemon had been sufficiently punished, and welcomed his granddaughter in law among his family.
Lyanna's life at court hadn't been very pleasant. Practically all ladies in the Red Keep had eyed her with envy and disdain, some had called her a 'Northern savage', a 'wood witch' or a 'pagan whore' behind her back. But if she hadn't cared about what southern ladies had to say about her, that hadn't been Daemon's case.
Her husband made sure to mock or humiliate any woman or man that would dare speak ill of his wife, even going as far as to batter and bruise all the knights that had dared challenge him in a duel to defend their lady's honor.
Many had petitioned King Jaehaerys to demand retribution to the Old King for his grandson's behavior, but the Wise had merely risen an eyebrow.
"It was your duty to defend your lady's honor, Ser," he had said to each and every knight, "as it was my grandson's to defend his wife's, he succeeded, you failed."
Queen Alysanne had come to adore her new granddaughter, she who had lost so many of her daughters over the years, laughed when she heard that Lyanna had broken Daemon's nose and kicked Baelon in the crotch. She kissed her on both her cheeks, and internally cried for her daughter Alyssa, for Lyanna was exactly as her daughter had been.
Lyanna didn't have many friends in the capital, except for Aemma Targaryen, Prince Viserys' wife and her sister in law. The two young ladies didn't have much in common, but they nonetheless became fast friends, and were often seen ride or hawk hunting with their husbands.
A few moons after her arrival in the capital, Bennard Stark, brother to the Lord of Winterfell and father of the new princess, arrived at the capital to properly scold his daughter for her foolishness and demand compensation to the Old King. But to everyone's surprise, it was Lyanna herself that had put her father back in his place, in the Throne room, in front of the entire court.
"You wanted to sell me away to a madman who flays people for fun and is rumored to be a rapist." She had spat. "Now you demand compensation to the man who saved me from the fate to which you had doomed me ? Here's the only compensation you'll have : the knowledge that Daemon's child is now growing inside my womb !"
Everyone in the throne room was astonished by Lyanna declaration, but no one was more than Prince Daemon himself when he rushed by his wife's side to take her hands.
"Truly ?" He had asked, shaking with excitement and joy.
His wife simply nodded her head, the Grandmaester had confirmed her pregnancy in the morning, but announcing it at this very moment hadn't been what she had had in mind. Still, what was done was done and Daemon was the happiest man in the World.
The Old King simply smiled and internally rejoiced at this good news, before his stern gaze returned to Bennard Stark.
"I believe your daughter has made her point, Lord Bennard. You shall receive no compensation."
Lyanna's father had gritted his teeth in anger but the looks that he had received from Jaehaerys, Baelon, Daemon and Lyanna had told him that he had lost this battle. He left the Capital on the morrow and never came south ever again.
Lyanna's pregnancy had been a nightmare, and not just for her. Lyanna was a centaur who loved riding at full speed on the back of her mare, a pleasure that had been denied to her. She was always hungry, and it was not just food that she had craved for. Daemon had done his best to keep his wife sated, truth be told, being a dutiful husband wasn't something that he had ever expected to become. But in that matter he never failed to please.
Now months had passed, and all the Targaryen family was more than eager to meet their newest member. Especially since Lyanna had declared confidently that it was a son that was growing in her womb.
When Daemon asked her how she knew, both his wife and grandmother had answered at the exact same time :
"A mother knows those things."
And they had laughed.
The labor had been long and painful, Lyanna had never felt such pain in her entire life. She almost swore to herself to never have another child after this one. Yet, when her tired eyes landed on her baby boy, she was so overjoyed that her pain and exhaustion had vanished in an instant.
Her little Jon was so perfect ! With black hair and purple eyes even deeper and shinier than his father's.
"He is so beautiful… my little boy…"
She held out her hands to hold him, but when Daemon was about to give him to her, her arms dropped and her eyes closed. Daemon frowned in worry, then his eyes widen in horror when he realized that his wife's sheets were getting redder by the second.
"Fetch the Maester !" he barked as the midwives could only stare in horror. "NOW !"
Lyanna Targaryen nee Stark died a few minutes after Grandmaester Allar's arrival. The whole Targaryen family mourned her death.
Hours after her body was cremated and sent to Winterfell, the Good Queen Alysanne found her grandson in the Dragonpit, hiding behind Caraxes with his son in his arms, broken and weeping, he was holding his baby boy against his chest as if he was the most precious thing in the most.
The day prior, Daemon had everything, now he only had his boy.
That day he swore to the Old Gods of Valyria and the Old Gods of his late wife that he would do anything for his son to be safe and strong… In memory of the one person that had made him the happiest man in the world.