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She's literally a girl who has been taught how to obey her whole life. She'd need violent reality checks to wake up. It takes more than a few scenes
The answer is simple, I don't write fast enough to publish one chapter of this story every week, I have a life and I write other stories.
I don't know how to make a paywall here on webnovel
Yes but Jaehaera committed suicide (or was murdered), so the Hightower-Targaryen line ended
yes ;)
But he holds no power.
Both, he believed that no one would dare kill him since it would start another war and Viserys is not known for being too fond of a war, and with Daemon away in tthe stepstones, there are no dragonriders left to face the dornish
That's litteraly a line from the show 😂
Do you know how Joffrey was at six?
She just birthed twins, give her a break