
I'm not over-indulging in the bath, I'm taking a break

She huffed as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror.

She twisted to the left and to the right, scrutinizing her own nude form.


She couldn't pinpoint it.

She just...

Felt like she looked...



She stared at herself and couldn't pinpoint it.

It didn't feel different.

She ran her fingers over her skin and muscles.

Her face didn't look odd.

Her hair looked like the usual kind of wild uncombed mess that came from sleeping with it all messed up and not bothering to fix it when she woke.

She tilted her head at her reflection, trying to see herself objectively and think of what might be going on with her body.

"Everything seems...fine, physically...?" She murmured to herself, unsure. "...Maybe it's just psychological...or just feeling tired..."

She touched her breasts.

She frowned.

She didn't feel particularly different.

They didn't feel different.

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