
I'm not prey, I'm too cute

Isabelle wiggled her toes.

This was not something she, a grown woman, often did on purpose.

It just so happened her little baby Snowball was on the hunt down near the foot of the bed, and his reaction to this behavior was adorable.

The white little puffball went into stealth mode and then, ever so cautiously, inched his way around the side of the bed to where Isabelle sat, pretending to read while wiggling her toes.

Little blue eyes followed the motion with avid curiosity, and he crept closer to investigate, still concealed within the shadows.

The kitten crept into the open and advanced a step, blue eyes watching her.

Her big toe wriggled.

He pounced.

Pure fluff tackled her toe as he took the opportunity to ambush, attack, and subdue his prey.

The furry terror nipped, swatted, and proceeded to turn her toe into a chew toy.

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