
I'm not the best wife, I'm the one with the best husbands

She hummed and reached up to stroke Octavian's hair. He looked tired. Borderline exhausted, actually, and he hadn't even left the room to join in the investigation yet today.

That wasn't a particularly good sign for how things were going, in her opinion.


It could have been a good sign of just how much effort Octavian was putting into uncovering the truth and stopping the framing.

That in mind, though he looked exhausted now, she could be heartened by thinking of the fact that he'd feel better soon, and that his hard work meant that Nevremia would be safe.

Of course...

It could have been a mix of both: Octavian hard at work, and all the facts and circumstances slanted against them.

That's how Caleb had described it, after all.

A scenario that was hopeless to be solved in the normal routes.

Next chapter