
I'm not a glove wearer, I'm a free-hand

She blinked and stared down at her little kitten.

Snowball stared up at her unblinkingly, offering no explanation.

He appeared to be holding an unfamiliar glove in his maw. A woman's glove, long and silky, expensive looking and vibrant.

Definitely not hers.

She placed her hands on her hips and stared at her fuzzy little rascal.

"And where did you get that?"

Snowball dropped the glove on her foot and mewed up at her.

As if that answered her.

The poor thing. His tail dropped, his ears laid down. He looked guilty, like he'd done something wrong.

Did that mean he slipped out of the room...?

No, certainly not.

She knelt down and gathered her little kitten into her arms. She placed a gentle kiss on the sweet kitten's head and nuzzled his head with her cheek.

"Mama could never be mad at her baby for playing, my little sweetie..."

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