This is one of those stories where the author thinks it's a good idea to do a complete personality replace 12 chapters into the story. Yes, it's written well, yes it logically follows plot, no it isn't a good plot device to initiate after we start getting attached to the characters. Honestly, calling it Harry Potter is little more than pure clickbait by chapter 12.
The MC picks up the first stray he sees, which just happened to be an old foe. She gets mad at him for not being boyfriend material when he's JUST letting her stay as a houseguest until she gets back on her feet. She inadvertently triggers a mega crisis event, one that MC could handle solo but is screwed over because she exists - noting that she has done practically nothing for the story so far, so she exists solo as an instrument of chaos. Now, after she causes chaos and pretty much ruins everything, they're basically married. Yeah, it's basically mind control from there on.
This story is just a bunch of annoying plot points in sequence.