
Chapter 87

"So explain why I am walking through a forest near a popular make out point with another man again."

Leonardo found himself currently walking in a forest with Clark near a point where couples would drive and make out in their cars. Why did they drive here just to make out with each other surrounded by others in their own cars doing the same. Leonardo didn't know not to mention before coming he looked at a list of people who were listed to be in the area at the time.

He saw the names of a few women he had a bit of fun with. Not to mention Aurora has their contact details from that night in the barn. Yeah, he still felt terrible about that, but Aurora seems excited to get him back into a similar situation.

"Chloe and Jimmy found the woman and Chloe said the tree appeared as if it grew out of the ground impaling her. So I ran to the fortress this morning to check some records about any Phantom Zone inmates having the ability to manipulate plants." Clark explained.

"There I found a woman called Gloria who fits the description, but I haven't ruled out the possibility of a meteor infected." Clark answered.

"Didn't you say you would handle this? What did you say, I made the mess and now I have to clean it up?" Leonardo narrowed his eyes at Clark.

Leonardo had offered to help deal with the zoners that escaped, however Clark asked him not to. He believes since he caused this mess, he needs to be the one to clean it up. Which just made Leonardo sighed but also began doing his own research into tracking the zoners. Just besides a boy over in California going missing. He hasn't had much luck with it so far tracking the others.

Since most of the zoners who escaped had a physical body and not a phantom. Hence with their intelligent and similar appearance to humans. They could blend in pretty easily with a bit of effect. Since most were super criminals and not the average of the run mill galaxy criminals.

"Well, we haven't really hung out lately. So I thought I would bring you along." Clark said.

However, Leonardo didn't believe him one bit since Leonardo sees Clark almost every other day. So before he could call Clark out on his nonsense, a plant root shot off the ground and knocked through the air. Where he felt a bit winded from the strike.

'Well, it's safe to say it's Gloria. Somehow she can manipulate plants so they can even hurt Kryptonians.' Leonardo stood up.

There from behind a tree, a woman with red hair stepped out. She wore a park ranger outfit and looked fairly pretty. However, her angry looks took away from her nice looks before her face changed as she rubbed a tree lovely.

"You tracked me down pretty quickly, Son of Jor-El." Gloria glared at Clark.

Leonardo just felt a bit speechless since for a super criminal, Gloria seemed impatient to jump out. The two were literally just chatting about if it was a zoner or a meteor infected. Yet, she jumped out at the first chance she got like she couldn't stand the thought of taking her credit.

"I can't allow you to hurt others on this planet, Gloria." Clark said as he puffed up.

"Oh, but the humans here don't respect nature." Gloria said.

Gloria seems to pet the trees next to her lovely but when she mentions humans. Leonardo noticed her expression shift dramatically. While he wondered if they forgot about him since the two seemed to be in their own world.

"You have already harmed humans, so I can't let you stay and your planet is gone. So what are we going to have to do?" Clark stated.

"Let nature take its course." Gloria said.

Leonardo felt invisible as he walked up to Gloria and pressed his crystal against her. Thus, within moments, a portal sucked her in and sent her back to the Phantom Zone. The momentary scream she let out at him before it was silent as she vanished from Earth. It seems he won't be invisible if he sees her again.

"Clark." Leonardo turned his head towards the man in question. "When did you become so childish when dealing with enemies?"

"I was being serious." Clark retorted.

Leonardo decided not to pursue this and let Clark be. Maybe a few punches from a few more ruthless criminals will get him to not take others lightly. Since most of the time he only had to deal with humans with a few special abilities with only a few hurting him a bit.


"You know, it has long pass the time for you to take flight. You've been hovering for a while and now it is time for you to take to the skies. Yet, you decide it better to sit in a tree watching your ex." Leonardo rested his head in his hand.

He sat next to Clark on a branch as they looked at the party going on in the Luthor Mansion. Lana was currently dancing with Lex Luthor and if he remembers correctly. They would be doing a more primal dance later on.

"It's been harder to let her go than I thought it would be." Clark muttered.

"Well, stalking her isn't the answer and it looks like Lana has moved on. She was becoming a better person, but it seems both of you are taking the break up a bit hard. Even if she doesn't know it or maybe she does, the only reason she jumped at Lex is half due to the kindness he showed her. While the other half is to hurt you since she knows you and Lex's relationship has been strained for a long time now." Leonardo replied.

"She doesn't know all he has done in the dark. To fuel his grand ambitious and very loose moral line that shifts when he needs it." Clark replied darkly.

"Maybe not, but in time she will either learn to live with it or leave him. However, either way, it is not our business to try and drive a wedge between them. In time you can treat her as a friend, but for now leave her alone." Leonardo stated. "So, let's go get you flying in the sky."

Clark clearly wanted to argue, but Leonardo wasn't having any of that. So grabbing the collar of his shirt and jacket, Leonardo threw Clark into the sky. Where he sped after him a moment later and spent the rest of the night tossing Clark around until he finally learned to fly.

It was a moment Leonardo felt pride at seeing Clark finally taking to the skies after all these years. The journey has been long and Clark still had a ways to go before he would become the true Man of Steel. However, it never seems right without Clark being unable to fly especially with incoming enemies being able to.


"So you are the infamous Jimmy." Leonardo looked at the man before him.

Upon sitting in the Kent Living room where Clark decided to have a movie night. It had turned out that Chloe's boyfriend self invited him upon hearing her say she was coming. Which didn't bother him too much since Clark was trying to keep Lois from burning the popcorn too badly. What bothered him the most was how Jimmy's jealousy showed it ugly head at each chance.

So Leonardo was currently looking at the fairly good looking guy with short red hair, clean shaven and dressed in a bif of nice clothing. While he tried to show a smile, Leonardo found it hard to look at since he could easily read the guy's emotion.

He could even read it without looking at the guy. Since whenever he or Clark tried to say a few words to Chloe. Jimmy would interject or try to one up the story. Which for the most part was unbelievable. Even by Clark's and his own standard, Jimmy's story was a bit far fetched.

"Yes, I am." Jimmy replied.

"You can put away your jealousy. It's pretty annoying and truth be told. Neither Clark nor I hold interest in her that way." Leonardo told him straight out.

"Eh!" Jimmy looked surprised. "Why, she's totally hot."

Leonardo raised his eyebrow at the man before sweeping his eyes over Chloe and wondered if they were looking at the same person. Since it felt like according to Jimmy, even supermodels will fall far short of her. While in his own opinion, Chloe was a bit above average but wouldn't go that far above average.

Before Leonardo could open his blunt mouth, Clark came into the room with the popcorn and a slightly annoyed Lois who held some salt. Clearly she wasn't done, but Clark rushed off with the popcorn.

Thanks for Reading.

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