
The Walking Dead : This Lucky Bastard

Author: The3Entities
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  • 29 Chs
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  • NO.200+

In a dimension far from the knowledge of men or even gods, three primordial entities decide to correct the cases of secondary characters through the fictional universes created by humans. After TWILIGHT with Jacob and Harry Potter with the case of Ron, they were interested in The Walking Dead but things will be different this time. English is not my first language, my texts are written in French and I will try to translate them, please bear with me if you notice some typos. Thank you all

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Chapter 1chapter 1 : The Drug Dealer

In a place beyond time and all divine or human knowledge, three primordial entities in human forms were seated on an extremely comfortable white sofa.

In front of them there was a table with lots of snacks and drinks to accompany them. The three entities were Reality, death and eternity .

 Death: The walking dead? I remember this series quite well. I finished it before the producers even thought of the scripts for the episodes of future future seasons. Very lousy seasons compared to the first ones elsewhere.

 Reality: We know, we were there with you.

 Eternity: So, which character are you going to improve?

 Reality: I don't really know and frankly there are a lot.

 Death: *AHEM*

 Reality: (sighs) Any suggestion bro?

 Death: Since we are going to attack a universe that fits into my theme why shouldn't I choose.

 Reality: NEVER!

 Eternity: He's not really wrong, just spin it around a bit.

 Death: Let's proceed by drawing lots at least and no matter who is chosen I will be responsible for bequeathing them my blessing.

 Eternity: Why not! The idea is not bad...

 Reality: I don't really know, I already had good ideas about certain characters and they will have to participate from the start of the series. I feel bad about this draw.

 Death: Let's vote.

 Eternity: It's already 2 to 1 in favor of the draw.

 Reality: It's whatever you want, but I would have warned you.

 On the big screen in front, several faces began to scroll faster and faster and they waited for seconds.

 "Stop" Reality said and the photos stopped scrolling on the photo of a young African American man.

 The entities :…

 Eternity: He has a nice face but I'm not very sure I can remember him.

 Death: Me neither...

 Reality: It's simply because this guy's name is Calvin, he's a drug dealer and he dies in the first episode of the spin-off of the original series. Someone was needed for the events of the original series, I said. But there you go, we made a draw because of you.

 Mort: It's far from a problem, I can easily arrange it to bring him to Atlanta.

 Eternity: Let's give it a chance.

 Reality: Glenn would have deserved this chance, it was him I was thinking of.

 Eternity: And who said his presence wouldn't improve others. Ron did it with the others at the wizarding school.

 Death: Jacob buffed the pack and allies.

 Reality: What these two had in common was that they had good backgrounds. Calvin died trying to kill Nick, one of the main characters. (sighs) We'll see how things develop.

 Death : All right, let's send him to Atlanta first.

 [Alternative reality]

 (Three days before the epidemic)

 "I'm screwed, this time I'm screwed" Calvin Lincoln (made up last name) muttered as he bled to death in one of the police cars that took him to Emory University Midtown Hospital for emergency treatment .

He was shot in the back during a deal that ended in a shootout and he killed two men before surrendering when the police arrived because he was injured.

 The reason he was in Atlanta, Georgia instead of Los Angeles because he screwed up a plan with his cousin Tresh's, Bloods gang member and the police got involved.

Even though they managed to escape, one of their member had been killed because of him so his own cousin had given him two alternatives.

Either he got killed by the gang or he went to pick up a shipment of cocaine on the other side of the country from one of their contracts.

 Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned and a shootout broke out. His brother's contact had been killed and he was shot twice in the abdomen before killing two of the enemies. Fortunately for him, even though he had been hit, no organs had been seriously damaged but he still lost a lot of blood before falling unconscious.

 Nearly three weeks in a coma later, he regained consciousness in a hospital bed inside a large room.

Although weak, he felt something bother his face and removed the tube that was helping him breathe.

Calvin tried to get up, he had a slight pain in his lower abdomen and his right hand had been handcuffed to the bed.

 « Where the fuck am I?!! » he said looking at the machines and other stuff, he didn't remember what happened to him.


 He tried to call several times until a woman came rushing into the room in a white coat and with her was a policewoman who came in pointing her gun at him.

 "Count from 1 to 10 immediately without stopping, you have 5 seconds otherwise I will shoot you on the spot" The policewoman asked in a cold and emotionless tone.

 Calvin: Damn, who are you?! Stop pointing your gun at me.

 Policewoman: 4…3…2…

 He realized she was serious and quickly counted to 10 while in panic he was out of breath.

 Policewoman: State your identity, your age, the color of your eyes and the last thing you remember. You have 20 seconds.

 Calvin: I... my name is Calvin Lincoln, I'm barely 20 years old, my eyes are dark brown and the last thing I remember is... a drug deal. No…a shooting and an intense burning sensation in my stomach. That's all.

 Policewoman: Brown eyes huh?! How do you explain that ?!

 She came with a metal mirror in front of him and he looked into her now light gray eyes in amazement.

 Calvin: I swear to you, I don't know what's going on myself. My eyes have always been almost black, this color suits me really well I must say too. Look, I'm a criminal and I understand why I'm handcuffed but why all these questions? That's not what the cops usually ask though!

 Policewoman: Doctor Simmons, you can go examine him. (To Calvin) You don't move a single millimeter. At the slightest sudden movement then you will be killed.

 " Why all of this ? You can at least explain to me, right? (looks at the doctor) Doctor, can you at least tell me what's going on? I have some kind of illness that I was unaware of ?! " He asked seriously annoyed.

 Simmons: Please don't move sir, she won't hesitate to kill you otherwise.

 She began to do a whole series of examinations on him before turning to the policewoman.

 Simmons: Except for his eyes, everything looks wonderfully normal. His vital signs are even better than those of an average normal man. He is fine.

 Calvin: So why do I have this annoying little pain in my lower abdomen.

 Simmons: You were shot twice in the abdomen sir, you had successful surgery and the wound closed during your coma. You slept for almost three weeks Mr. Lincoln, given the current situation you were very lucky.

 Police Officer: I am Lieutenant Dawn Lerner from the Atlanta Police Department. We're going to keep you like this for a few more days just to reassure ourselves that your eyes just had a pigmentation problem because of your shock. Someone will bring you something to eat and drink, your chamber pot will also be brought to you…

 They left without saying anything more to him and Calvin stayed there, he hadn't taken the time to really notice it but like the doctor said, apart from the little abdominal pain, he was doing extraordinarily well and he could swear that never in his life has he been in such good shape.

He picked up the metal mirror again and looked at his eyes with a very intrigued expression, wondering how and why they had become like that. It gave it more charm but it was still disturbing. After taking a deep breath, he fell asleep again.

 [The entities]

 Reality: Honestly? It's not bad at the moment.

 Eternity: He doesn't seem like a bad subject to me, but I'm still quite curious about the gift you gave him.

 Death: I gave him Supernatural Instinct, Supernatural Luck, an enhanced body, and the ability to understand and master everything he touches to perfection. For him, all this will be natural.

 Reality :…

 Eternity: Wow, you spoiled him! It's pretty funny when I think about how you called it a cheat the first time because of Jacob's gifts.

 Death : I'm sure he'll do good things. I just hope he crosses paths with the original crew of the series.

 Reality: We hope so too, that's the goal.

 Eternity: This cop, isn't she the antagonist of the 5th season? The one who killed the stupid little blonde.

 Reality: Yeah, it's Dawn but it's not the same hospital and it's still the beginning of the epidemic. The circumstances create the characters, perhaps it will not be the same.

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