
chapter 21 : STFU !

The women saw this and understood that they were trying to kill good people because normally children were not allowed in hostile groups and a child would not become so attached to someone if he was really bad. 

 Calvin: Rose, my angel, these women attacked us for no reason and this woman there (points to Rachel) injured your dad by shooting him to kill him, fortunately your dad is fine. Do you want me to do the same to her?

 Rose :…

 Others :…

 Rose: No.

 Calvin: Why? She wanted your daddy to die...

 "She looks a little like my mom…" She said turning her face towards Calvin's chest before sobbing because her mother died.

 « It's going to be okay princess, we're going to see your daddy. (looks at Molly) Take their guns and nothing else, don't hurt anyone for no reason. We'll find somewhere else to stay. » He said as he left with the child.

 Molly: Shall we check to see if there's any food?

 Cal: No, we've already taken their weapons and we're not here to loot them. Just take the weapons except the bladed weapons so they can defend themselves against the walkers.

 Rachel: Wait...

 Cal: You have no right to open your mouth now. If it wasn't because of the little one then you would already be dead, stay in your corner wisely ma'am.

 He left there, Molly joined him and the others so they left to find another hotel right across the street from the feminist one.

He could have killed Rachel without involving Rose as he promised but he had a better idea, leaving Rachel and Diana with the death of their sisters on their consciences for attacking them. 

The hotel was quite large so they used their vehicles under Calvin's orders to create a sort of barrier to block the entrance for the walkers.

After the searches and elimination of the walkers inside, they settled in, much to the joy of the survivors because the hotel was really luxurious .

 In the basement of the building, they found the garage occupied by a small horde which they eliminated without problem because kicking an unbalanced body head-on required no effort (I never understood why they had just as much trouble in the series.).

However, they remained attentive because Cal kept warning them about two things: the number of walkers and their stealth.

Those who crawled could be much more dangerous than those who stood and the same was true for inert corpses which were trappers.

 They found two high-end generators and a few barrels of fuel still full and they started them to supply the building with electricity, they all enjoyed a hot shower after a small feast when at sunset, the Lookouts alerted Calvin about a horde that was attacking the women's hotel.

 Calvin had found it strange how few walkers had been attracted at the time of the shooting, but in the end, the gunshots had attracted a horde who had heard the gunshots but from quite a distance away.

He went up to look and saw the zombies starting to enter the building with just a few pieces of furniture to stand in the way as Cal had destroyed the hotel's central door with one kick.

 Diana on one of the balconies came out with her loudspeaker to ask for help from across the street, making even more noise and attracting even more zombies into the building.

 "I don't know if she's stupid or if she's just doing it on purpose." he said shaking his head when Reyes came to find him where he was.

 Reyes: Are you going to let them die?

 Cal: They're dangerously stupid, not inherently evil so no! You can go get ready my dear, we're going to rescue.

 Christina kissed him before leaving and he asked his guard via walkie-talkie to prepare 25 men for the rescue to form five groups of 5 spear fighters.

He got out of there while the others quickly organized themselves and climbed on the roof of a truck before lighting a firecracker which he threw very far in a direction to the rear of the horde and he launched others towards certain buildings.

 The horde began to split and become less compact when Cal and his men finally took action to start killing their way to the hotel across the street.

The survivors with their spears knew how to manage the zombies and especially as a team where they were trained to close blind spots so as not to be surprised, they killed the zombies quickly helped by Calvin and his guard who showed their monstrous combat prowess .

 Diana and the other women saw them coming and also prepared where they were, in the rooms they locked.

 "Get out and follow us quickly with what you can, this building can no longer protect you effectively." he said loud enough from outside for all the women to listen and they quickly did as he said.

Quickly, the remaining 23 women rushed to the evacuation under the leadership of Reyes and Molly.

Calvin, for his part, searched the building to see if anyone was missing and after 15 minutes he found a blonde girl of around 16 years old, scared and hiding behind some furniture.

 "Follow me, the dead are invading the building." He said taking her by the arm.

 The girl: NO! LET ME GO ! LEAVE ME.

 She started to get agitated and scream, she even scratched Calvin whose patience had already run out.

 "Stop, I don't mean you any harm, shut up or I'll break your neck!" He said in a cold tone with an expressionless face as the girls felt a chill come over her, she sensed his killing intent and immediately calmed down before he carried her at arm's length .

Cal tried to turn around but the dead had already come in by the dozens and it smelled of rotting flesh everywhere as the girl overcome with fear began to hug him.

 "Don't let them eat me. DON'T LET THEM EAT ME!" She said starting to get agitated again wrapping her arms tightly around Calvin's neck who started to get angry again.

 " DAMN ! SHUT THE FUCK UP !" He yelled as he front-kicked a zombie so hard that its body flew through a bedroom door that was opened. He looked at the now open room as a smile appeared on his face.

 "We're on the third floor so it's doable if I jump off the balcony…" He said to himself and that alerted the girl.

 " What are you saying ?! What do you want to do ?!!!!" The girl started to panic as Calvin ignored her to start his run. Before the dead could even grab them, Cal ran back to the bedroom heading towards the balcony where he jumped to the girl's screams.

 "STOP!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed into the air before Cal landed on the roof of a vehicle which collapsed under the force of his legs as the girl screamed.

 " SHUT UP ! SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I'LL KILL YOU!" He yelled in anger while the girl flinched before falling silent with wet eyes like a child who has just been scolded.

He ignored her before starting to run towards his hotel dodging the walkers who tried in vain to pass the convoy trucks which served as a barrier and threw the girl on top of one of the trucks before quickly climbing up and making her get down from there to take her inside where the others were waiting for him.

 "SAM" Rachel ran towards the girl who came with Calvin to hug her and Calvin ignored them as he walked towards Reyes who was with Molly.

 Cal: Great job girls.

 Molly: Thanks boss. Apparently the girl you brought back is the adoptive sister of the woman who almost killed Danh and when she noticed that her little sister wasn't with the others, she seriously started to panic.

 Cal: Good. Besides, we need to seat our dear guests.

 "Ladies, you will occupy the first floors of the building, you will be given candles to light you because the electricity is exclusively for the upper floors occupied by the survivors under my protection and me. You, dear feminist friends, will manage as best you can. After all, you are strong and independent women. And don't worry, the walkers are unable to pass the trucks. Good night ladies…" he said nonchalantly before heading up to his chambers without even giving the women a chance to complain in his ear.

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