
Looking for land

Can it really be done?

Luck tossed and turned in his bed, the same question running through his mind.

Can I grow the fruit and vegetables I brought from Gliese here on Earth?

Luck's mother's whimsical suggestion had become a serious matter for Luck!

He knew that if he kept bringing back fruit and vegetables from Gliese, at some point someone would start to wonder about their origin, and the fruit and vegetables he claimed to have bought by hand 'from a village' didn't really come from a village! At least not in the world.

No harm in renting a plot of land and giving it a try, right?

Luck had made up his mind, without wasting a second he picked up his phone and started looking for land suitable for agriculture.

But soon his face was already twitching!

He never expected farmland to be so expensive! The few farmlands around Istanbul were insanely expensive!

After the nuclear war, most of the land suitable for agriculture had been contaminated and agriculture was no longer possible, so agricultural land had become very valuable.

While many lands were too contaminated to be farmed because they were too highly contaminated, the lands that were within the limits of contamination were very valuable.

Giving up the idea of Istanbul, Luck started to look for land in the neighbouring provinces.

Tekirdağ, Bursa, İzmit, Balıkesir, Çanakkale...no! No suitable land!

Luck's face was getting darker and darker. 

One of the adverts caught his attention when it seemed that his plans would fail before they even started.

A 50 mSv/year polluted piece of land suitable for agriculture caught his eye.

A/N: Sievert (Sv) or millisievert (mSv) is an international unit for measuring the harmful effects of radiation on the human body. 

0.05 mSv/year A small fraction of natural background radiation. The maximum dose rate allowed in the safety margin in the design of nuclear power plants. The dose during operation is actually much less.

0.3-0.6 mSv/year Typical dose rate of radiation from artificial sources. Usually applies to medical sources.

2.4 mSv/year Average typical background radiation. Varies according to geography.

5 mSv/year (maximum) Typical dose rate received by aircraft flying at medium altitudes.

9 mSv/year Dose rate for transoceanic flights (Tokyo-New York).

10 mSv Dose rate for computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen or pelvis

1000 mSv (short term) The dose at which it is assumed that 5 out of every 100 people will develop fatal cancer years after irradiation. (For example, if the incidence of fatal cancer was 25 per cent, this would increase to 30 per cent).


Threshold for transient radiation sickness (acute radiation syndrome). Examples include nausea and a decrease in white blood cells. It is not fatal. Above this level, the severity of damage increases with dose.

5000 mSv (short term) A dose that could kill half of those exposed within a month. (This is twice the daily dose given to a very small area in treatments. Treatments last for 4-6 weeks).

10000 mSv (short term) Death is expected within a few weeks.

This piece of land, which was within the acceptable pollution limit of the world government, was located in Manisa and had a very reasonable price. 

If it was before the nuclear war, it would have been out of the question to open such land to agriculture, but thanks to the drugs developed after the nuclear war that can clean some of the radiation pollution, such lands are now considered suitable for agriculture.

Luck checked the land on the map and realised that it was a piece of land on the outskirts of the city.

Putting his hand to his chin, Luck said thoughtfully, "50 mSv/year pollution rate...right on the border and a rental fee of 1 million dollars a month..."

Turning his attention to the telephone number in the advertisement, Luck entered the number into his phone.

Luck thought aloud: "I'll do some more research. If I can't find another place, I might rent this land."



Brian, overwhelmed by the stares directed at him, stood like a statue, not knowing what to do.

His reflexes are terrible, I've seen worms react faster than this guy....

Senna's words kept repeating in his head.

He wished he could dig a hole and get in.

"Your name is Brian, right?"

Brain exclaimed excitedly as he realised that Nikolai sitting opposite him was talking to him.

"Yes sir!"

Nikolay made a grimace and covered his ear with one hand.

"There's no need to shout, son, are you trying to deafen me!"

His voice was so loud that it was comparable to thunder.

Senna: ...

Elsa: ...

Daniel: ...

His ears ringing with pain at the sound of Nikolay's voice, but not daring to react, Biran apologised,

"I apologise, sir..."

When Nikolai squinted his eyes and looked Brain up and down, he could sense the faint star power coming from Brain.

"Tell me, did you really fail the awakening ceremony?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You mean you awakened the star power today?"

"Yes, sir!"

"How did you do that?" Nikolai asked with obvious curiosity.

"I don't know, sir! I just used a firearm to kill a few star beasts, sir!"

Nikolay turned his gaze to Elsa and Senna.

"What do you think?"

Elsa and Senna both looked thoughtful.

Brain suddenly felt a chill.

It was as if he felt the breath of an extremely dangerous predator breathing down his neck.

Elsa began to speak.

"Dad, there are only two things that can explain Brain's awakening."

Nikolai asked curiously. "What are those two things?"

Elsa began to explain confidently.

"The first thing is that firearms could have caused Brain's awakening, and the second thing is..."

Elsa's gaze turned to Brain.

"The second thing is that Brain might have a special physique."

Everyone in the room looked at Brain.

"Yes dad, if he has a special physique, it could explain his late awakening, we could even learn the secret of his special physique by analysing him."

Brain broke into a cold sweat as he listened to Elsa.

Analyse? Analyse what? My body? How!!!

Senna nodded in agreement.

"You may be right, both options are possible."

Seeing that both his daughters agreed, Nikolai nodded.

"Okay, then we have to consider both options."

Brain was beginning to sweat visibly.

"Daniel, pick a group of more ordinary humans to wield firearms and hunt star monsters and see if anyone else awakens."

When Nikolai's gaze turned to Brain, Brain almost wet himself. 


Brain said in a shaky voice, "Yes, sir.."

"You may leave the room."

Brain : (?_?)


Noticing Brain's lack of movement, Nikolai said angrily, "Are you deaf or do you disobey my orders?"

Brain, recovering from his daze, hurried out of the room.

Looking at Brain's back as he left in a hurry, Nikolay then turned his gaze to his daughters.

"What if the firearms are ineffective?"

Senna and Elsa looked at each other for a moment.

"He'd better pray that someone wakes up thanks to the firearms..."

I look forward to your valuable comments.

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