
Albert's Suggestion

Deep in thought, Albert wavered between whether or not to present his idea to Arya.

Albert, who used to be the manager of a big burger company, had realised that after realising the explosive number of customers of Monster Burger, the current shop was no longer enough for them and they were sending many customers back empty-handed!

This was a huge loss! Every customer that came back empty-handed was a loss for them!

Albert, who wanted to put a stop to this, had been preparing a report on this for some time and no matter how many times he called Luck today to present his report to Luck, he got no answer.

"Mr Luck's phone is switched off again! Why would a person switch off his phone?"

Standing idly with his report in his hand, Albert felt that he couldn't stand it any longer when he saw people lined up in front of the Monster Burger.


Standing in the doorway, Albert clenched the files in his hand and looked at the name on the door.

Arya Evans.

The boss's mum's room.

Even though he was the manager of Monster Burger, the employees were more afraid of Arya than him!

And so was Albert! He was so scared of Arya and now he was going to have a meeting with Arya to make a big proposal to her.

If he could convince Arya, it would be like convincing Luck!

Knock, knock, knock.

"You can come in!"

Albert took a deep breath and walked in, gathering his confidence.

When he entered the room, he saw Arya sitting behind a small desk, staring intently at the computer.

Whenever Albert saw Arya, he was surprised by the woman's oppressive and intense aura despite her tiny physique.

Arya looked up from the computer and looked at the person who entered the room, "Albert, hello, did you have something to say?"

Albert gave the file in his hand to Arya and sat opposite her.

Looking at Albert and the file he gave her, Arya looked at Albert as if to say what is this.

"Mrs Arya, as you can see on the first page of my report, our number of customers is increasing exponentially day by day, so much so that even from the surrounding provinces, there are people who hear our name and come here to eat."

Opening the first page of the file in her hand, Arya did not understand the graphs and tables on the paper, but she liked what Albert said.

 "Yes, I noticed that too! The other day there was a couple who came from Izmir just to eat burgers!"

Looking at Arya's happiness, Albert showed a bitter smile.

"Our customers are increasing every day, but we are missing just as many customers!"

Arya's expression suddenly turned serious.

"How? Are we giving bad service? Are the staff not treating the customers properly?"

Albert swallowed as he witnessed Arya's sudden change in aura.

How dare the staff treat customers badly! Any one of them is working like crazy out of fear of you!

"No, if you look at the second page of my report, you will realise that our shop can no longer keep up with the number of customers coming in."

Arya said suspiciously, "The shop is understaffed? How can that be? Can't we hire more staff?"

Albert smiled sheepishly.

"There's only so much water a glass can hold, no more."

Turning the pages in the file one by one, something finally caught Arya's eye.

"Are we missing at least 400 customers a day!"

Albert nodded, "Yes, we serve close to 1,000 customers a day, pushing the limits of our shop, but there are many shops where we don't make sales."

Arya said in disbelief, "400 people! If that many people came to the restaurant where I worked before, my boss would dance with happiness!"

"You're right, thanks to the customers we couldn't catch, the restaurants and peddlers in the neighbourhood are doing well."

Arya squinted her eyes and looked at Albert.

"Then what do you suggest we do! If we can't sell to this many customers, we're missing out!"

Following Arya's question, Albert moved decisively forward and opened the last page of the file in front of Arya.

A group of photographs were attached to the last page with paper clips.

Arya took the photos and began to examine them.

There were many different photos of many different shops.

"What the hell are these?"

"You know, if one glass of water is not enough, you buy another glass of water...here are the photographs of the places that can be our new glass."

Arya's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you suggesting we open a new shop?"



"You want seeds?"

Nikolai was looking at Luck with a strange look.

Is there no end to this guy's weirdness? One day he tries to melt gold coins, and now he asks me for vegetable and fruit seeds.

Luck nodded his head approvingly, unaware of Nikolay's thoughts.

"Yes, I especially want vegetable and fruit seeds that will grow fast, the faster they grow, the better."

Nikolay continued to stare blankly at Luck.

Luck pretended to be embarrassed. 

"I want to grow something for a hobby, but I don't have the patience to wait too long, hahaha"

"For a hobby, huh..."

"Yes! Just for a hobby!"

"So, how many kinds do you want, and how much?"

Luck put his hand to his chin and thought for a moment.

"For now, enough seeds for about 20 acres of land should be enough...I don't really care what kind of seeds."

"Seed for 20 acres hah..." 

Nikolai looked at his daughter Senna sitting next to him.

Nikolai's eyes seemed to say, 'Is planting 20 acres of crops a hobby?

Senna shrugged. 

'Luck is a mystery. How should I know?

Not getting the answer he expected from his daughter, Nikolai had no choice but to accept Luck's request.

"Well, tomorrow he will have the seeds you want, is there anything else you want?"

Luck waved his hands as if to say no.

"No, thank you, how much do I pay for the seeds?"

Nikolai waved his hand dismissively.

"I'm not going to charge you for some seeds."


"I've had the last word!"


Seeing Nikolay's stubborn behaviour, Luck didn't press him any further and after chatting with him for a while, he left Nikolay's room and went out.

Luck was curious as he remembered a few times when Nikolay opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but then gave up and kept silent.

"Nikolay always seemed to want to say something but he held himself back...I wonder what he was going to say..."

As soon as Luck stepped out of Nikolay's house, he met Horace who was waiting outside as if he was waiting for him.

"Luck! You're here at last!"

Luck was surprised to see Horace greeting him with excited eyes, "Hello Horace, were you waiting for me?"

Horace nodded his head approvingly, with a serious expression

 "Yeah, there's something I need to talk to you about, come on, this is not the place to talk."

Luck, realising Horace's seriousness, followed Horace to a restaurant.

The restaurant was an ordinary place and there were not many customers inside.

After ordering food, Luck asked curiously.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"What do you think of your staff?"

Luck was stunned for a moment, not expecting such a question from Horace.

"My employees?"

"Dan, Levi, Can and Velma...they were his employees at the burger shop in Gliese and had followed

Luck to the blood adventurers' compound after the incident."

Luck was afraid that something had happened to one of them, "Did something happen to one of them?"

Horace smiled when he realised that Luck was worried about his employees as he waited for the waiter to come and put the plates of food on the table.

Horace said in a soothing voice "don't worry, they are fine and healthy..."

Luck breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn't last long.


A/N: Now I realise I have to give Luck's mother a name. What do you think?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PuckGoodfellowcreators' thoughts
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