


Philip steps into his Parents house, Mary is on her iPad

"Mom." That's the word that comes out from his mouth

Mary tilts her head towards his direction, sees him,Smiles spread on her face

She runs towards him and embraces him tightly "I am so happy, you're back." Mary still embracing Philip

Philip smiles, inhaling his mother Secret Victoria Perfume, He misses her dearly "I am happy to see you Mom." He says, still in embrace.

They let go of each other, and goes over to the Couch,

Philip could feel his Mom's eyes on him as he looks arond the house, he almost didn't remember how it use to look like.

"Your Dad, he stepped out to run some errands."

Philip nods as she speaks "You mean running some errands for you".

Mary smiles widely "You know how your dad is, always wanting to spoil me." She laughs at Philip.

"How have you been, Mom." They havent had the chance to catch up on eachother for a while.

"Son." Mary begins to speak still looking at Philip " These past few weeks have been tough for I and your dad."

Philip nods his head repeatedly, "I can relate to that Mom."

Mary looks at him gently "I just want you to know that I and your dad, We are really sorry for keeping things away from you for so long."

Philip shifts his eyes to the room, He looks at the decor as he speaks

" Now , I really understand why y'all did it, If y'all had told me sooner, It could have really affected my mental health." He pauses, breathes out and continues "You know coupled with the fact, that She doesn't want to be found."

Mary goes closer to Philip, tighten her hands on his, "You know Son, It wasn't easy for her,

Your mom was going through stuff and coupled with the fact that she got raped, That kind of thing, messes people up."

Philip look over to her, their hands still tighten around eachother " I know that Mom, I just wish I can be able to speak to her, if it's just." Philip didn't finish his statement as the door opens.

It's Dave, He's stunned to see Philip, as Philip sees Dave, He stands up

They both walk towards each other and embrace each other tightly.

"Oh Son, I am really happy to see you." Dave laughing as they embrace eachother.

"I am too Dad," They both walk towards to the Couch, Dave hands over the wine, Mary wanted.

Mary and Philip exchange eye contact as they smile.

"I didn't know you would come around today, We could have prepared something."

Philip mutters to himself ' Neither did i.'

He looks over at his Parent, Who were smiling and talking amongst themselves.

"I want to find my birth Mom." The words came out of Philip mouth.

They room goes silent, Mary and Dave exchange looks. Dave manages to speak

"Son, I thought you saw it in the letter, that she doesn't want to bbb". Mary cuts Dave off immediately as speaks carefully

"Philip, your dad means we would look into it for you."

Philip looks at his Dave "Dad, I really get you, but she is the one who doesn't want to be found, that's her decision, but I want to go out there and look for her."

"But, Can we atleast respect her decision." Dave speaks calmly.

"Dad, we've respected her decision, for the past 18 years, When she dropped me here with y'all, She was in pain, she was raped, she was going through a lot." Philip pauses, letting the words to sink into Dave.

Philip Continues " I have questions Dad,

I really want to know her." Philip breathes out.

Mary goes over to Dave and pulls his arm over hers "I think he's right and he has a right to know his Mom."

Dave looks over to Mary who is looking at him gently, then he eyes drifts to Philip "Son, I am not denying you that, okay, I and your mom would look into her for you , Just don't go off doing it on your own."

Mary chips in " We want to be there for you, Son, It can be emotionally and mentally draining, let's us search for her ."

Philip mutters "Promise me, You will let me know about anything and everything.

Dave nods as Mary replies " We will."

Silence falls in the room again, Dave breaks it "Son, how is the college, The studies, Your friends, The girls?"

The mention of the girls makes Philip laugh out " Studies been good, Test is approaching , My friends are all doing their thing." Philip says avoiding eye contact, because he knew his mom will eventually ask about the girls.

"That's nice to know, How about the market counselling thing." Dave asks.

"It been going well, You know , am having loads of crazy client, I didn't know people really need advice when it comes to getting gifts for boys in their teens, adolescent." Philip says as he looks at the fridge

"Why did you say that." Mary asks as she gulps her wine

" I just thought , boys are the easiest gender to train." Philip says, as he goes over to the fridge getting himself a juice and a beer for his dad.

Mary laughs out loud "No child are the same and every child is difficult to train irrespective of the gender."

Dave collapse in the Couch as he give his Dad his beer, he opens his juice and drinks straight from the bottle.

"So how about the Girls you think I'll let that slide ." Mary asks as he gives him a side eye.

Philip and Dave laughs out loud "Okay Mom, I met someone though."

"Doesn't she have a name?." Mary asks

" Her Name is Magedelene, You know she's also adopted, She's really beautiful."

Mary and Dave looks at each other and laugh "Are you inlove?, I can see your eyes." Dave asks laughing.

"I really do like her so much, she's really talented, Her drawings are Fire, and you know she totally understands me." Philip continues speaking, as his parents laugh.

" Seriously, I am not saying anything again, I'll pass the night here, I'll get back to campus tomorrow." Philip says as he goes over to his room.

" We hear you lover boy." Mary says laughing.

Philip opens his phone as he messages Magedelene, He misses her a lot.

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