


Magedelene looks down at her Phone when the message chimes in.

She looks at the sender name, It's Philip, a broad smile comes across her face. She faces her Phone down, She's going to respond to hm later, Right now She was in a meeting with Sam.

"Don't get me Wrong here, the sketches are presentable,the paintings just doesn't meet my expectations or the company's." Sam pointing to the sketch he had told her to keep the first time they met.

Magedelene nods her head as she listens, she didn't take any offence at what he's saying.

Sam continues "I have looked at your other works, they're all good, Painting is important for the sales of our Art, normally the colours attracts our clients."

" Okay Sam, The next one I'll be putting extra effort on the paint, but I would really appreciate if I could get an hint or help with the company's taste."

Magedelene looks at the paintings, wondering where she had gone wrong. She's always been good at this. 'But there's always room for improvement.' Magedelene thinks to herself.

Sam comes closer to her, sit and faces her

"I do Paint though, I think, me and you should meet up, so you could see my stuff and I could show you what I mean".

Magedelene relaxes on the chair, Sam was too close to her " Sure that's a good idea, I'll let you know when am free." She says as she packs her stuff to leave.

"Hey, let me drop you off." Sam moves closer to her, helping her pick her stuff.

Magedelene was taken aback, Sam was acting sneaky, She didn't really put much thought into it.

"Sure." Magedelene responds as Sam slides her ipad to her, his fingers touching her, It gives her the ick

In the Car, They were both silent, Sam breaks the silence by putting a rap music.

Magedelene didn't know the music, So she brings out her Phone remembering she hasn't respond to Philip.

"Hi, how have you been?" She texts back, immediately Philip responds,

"I am feeling better, you know I really had a deep conversation with my Parent and they agreed to help me look for Mom."

Magedelene smiles as she texts him back "You know after our conversation about looking for our Parents, I decided to open up to my Mom, I was expecting her to be mad at me, but she was loving as usual, and she told me when she gets to know anything about my birth Dad, she will alert me."

Few seconds later, Magedelene gets a respond back ". I am really happy you changed your mind, most importantly, Our parents are taking the issue serious, like we are."

She smiles broadly when she sees Philip reply, Her eyes meets with Sam's eyes in the mirror

"Is that your boyfriend?, You've been smiling." Sam asks, his eyes still on her as he drives.

"I really don't know if I should give you a response to that." She shoots him a look.

" Oh chill, I was just trying make a conversation with you." Sam says almost laughing.

Magedelene looks at him without responding, she goes back to Philip who had sent another message "I really didn't know what made me drive to my Parent Place, I mean it in a good way though, I realize that I do miss them."

"I am happy you're not this letting it ruin you,I mean you're handling it pretty well, I think we are the strongest warriors ever."

Magedelene responds smiling, She didn't know why she couldn't shake the smiles off her face.

Philip immediately responds with warriors stickers and then he writes " I really do miss you too."

Magedelene was a bit amused, She didn't know what to write there, she faces her Phone down on her laps.

She looks over at Sam, who looks at her back immediately

" Hey, Am sorry for the way I responded to you."

Sam tilts his head to the mirror, as he moves to the other lane of the road " That was a little rude, but it fine." Sam responds with a smile on his face.

Magedelene looks down, She remembers when Philip asked her 'what are you afraid of' she could hear his voice repeatedly. Now she knows the answer, the chemistry she has with him is beyond understanding.

Was she even ready to take it to next level with him?

"Hey Magedelene I said it's fine, but i will really appreciate it, if you could come see my paints."

Magedelene looks at him suspiciously as he speaks, Sam notices and quickly added

" And ofcourse you should learn a few about paintings I mean, I can already tell me and you would produce mind-blowing paintings together"

She nods and gives him a brief smile, She points over to the road leading to her hostel.

Magedelene turns over her Phone to her face, Looks at the message again " I miss you."

This time the letters jamming into her eyes, She definitely misses him too, but anytime she opens her heart, She get hurts.

Flashback of how she was treated in high school flows through her head, She looks at the message again and starts texting

"We'll meet at School." She Presses send immediately before she changes her mind.

She looks at the road and sees her hostel, " You can drop me here." She points towards her hostel. " Thanks for today." She chips in as she takes her bag to alight.

"Sure, Having like-minded company is nice." Sam Smiles as he moves his hands towards her, Magedelene notices his hands coming to her direction, She quickly alights the car.

Turns towards him and says " Bye." And closes the door.

She goes into her room, brings out her drawing materials, her ipad, places them on the table, collapses on her bed as she brings out her phone, Philip hasn't responded to the message, neither had he seen it.

She looks at her reply, contemplating to delete it when she gets a reply from Philip, he sends a laughing sticker. Magedelene smiles at herself, realizing that Philip must have known her antics by now.

Next chapter