
Chapter 50: Conditions

"Now come all of you no need to stand around here when we have a perfectly good set of couches in the living room!" After being herded into the next room over, we began discussing my time as an adventurer.

There were some details that I left out for my family's sake I exchanged glances with Ash and Lucy when I skipped these parts quch as when we were ambushed by Ghost, but other than that, I made sure to fill them in to the best of my ability.

Lucy and Ash were from time to time taking the lead to tell them some events that happened and thing like that, and Ash kept bragging about his feats making everyone in the room chuckle.

My sister, who was sitting cross-legged on the couch across from me, was wide-eyed the entire time as I recalled the dungeon experience with Ash and Lucy. Her eyes practically sparkled at the fantasy-like fable, but it wasn't just her that became enraptured by the story.

The audience couldn't believe it when Ash continued the story on for me and told them about how I had defeated the Heavenly Pegasus. They refused to believe us until he finally pulled out the beast core. It was then that they were forced to swallow their doubts as they stared in awe at the white orb that was the same size as my fist.

"Speaking of core. Dad, what stage are you at?" I asked.

Giving me a proud chuckle, he answered. "I've been stuck at the bottleneck of the dark orange stage since you left. But Arthur gave me a strong beast mana core that helped me breakthrough solid orange stage now! What about you Meliodas?"

"The dragon sin of wrath is at dark yellow stage now!" I showed off in front of everyone with my hands on my waist.

Vincent's eyes practically bulged as his wife let out a sharp breath in awe. "Sweet mother of... that's just ridiculous," Vincent breathed out, shaking his head.

My family took the news a lot better, indicating that they were used to their monster of a son.

We shifted topics after a few more awestruck comments by Vincent and Tabitha.

"Brother you will be present at my birthday right?" Ellie asked, seeing that I always leave for long periods she is scared if I would leave and not be present on her birthday.

"What are you talking about! Of course I will be there, your are my dear beloved sister after all!" I said as I pulled on her cheeks.

"Thank you so much big brother! I thought you wouldn't be here because of the academy, but now im happy, hehe." She said as she jumped on me with a hug.

"Speaking of academy, how would you feel about sponsoring Ash and Lucy so they could attend Xyrus Academy with me?" I asked looking at Vincent and patting my sister's back at the same time.

Hearing this, both Lucy and Ash's eyes sparkled in happiness and excitement. Attending Xyrus academy is a lifetime opportunity and experience that is only provided to the elite, and being part of it is an exciting idea. They also are happy for staying with me, and not having to seperate during my classes period

"I'll have to talk it over with Director Cynthia, if I can make that old woman squeeze in some time for me, but I don't see why not!" Vincent answered with a grin.

His eyes twinkled underneath his glasses as he studied the anxious Ash and overconfident Lucy. From the stories he's heard from everyone in the city about the Dragon Sin's party members achievements, and this opportunity for him to sponsor such talented individuals, there was no doubt that the inner businessman in him had flared in excitement.

At that moment a knock was heard on the front door. "Coming!" Screamed my sister.

Opening the door, Director goodsky came into view. "Speaking of the devil." I muttered under my breath so no one could hear me.

"Im sorry to intrude on you at such time, but I heard that Meliodas was finally back from his journey." Cynthia said with a wide smile.

"Yo director, it's been a long time" I waved at her.

"It indeed has been a long time, but I already said that you can call me just Cynthia didn't I?"

"Okay then, Cynthia" I placed my hands in my pockets.

Observing me from head to toe with a piercing gaze she then spoke. "I see you haven't been lazing around these two years, you have made great progresses."

"You can't slack off when you are at beast glades even if you wanted to, I guess." I joked.

"Haha, you are right, and this confirms even more that the decision im going to make is right." She placed her palm on her mouth while chuckling.

"What decision are you talking about Cynthia?" I titled my head.

"We will talk about that in private, if you would like." She eyed everyone else present.

"In that case let's go and talk in my room because I too have somethings to discuss with ya." I waved my hand at her to follow me.

Going into the room, I closed to door and sat on my bed, while she sat on the chair facing me. She casted a sound barrier on both of us that stopped sound from coming in or out and continued.

"Let's start with you first, what do you want ?" I crossed my hands under my chest with a small smile.

"I want you to join the disciplinary committee of the academy that is going to start this year." She responded.

"The disciplinary committee?" I leaned my head sideways again with my hand on my chin to indicate that I didn't quite understand.

"Meliodas, the disciplinary committee is a groupd of individuals picked by me and will be strictly based on strength. Being in the disciplinary committee will give you the chance to work with students, some of which are also deviants, that are all strong in their own fields, and keep them in check."

"Yeah, but I dont see any purpose for me to join this committe." I told her.

"I heard from your parents that you joined the academy just to have fun not nececerly to learn magic, being part of the disciplinary committee will give you many advantages such as attending the classes you want, having access to theory classes and the library.

I also offer you the access to a private training facility where you won't need to worry about anyone intruding just you and you're friends, even your childhood friend is waiting for you there."

"Childhood friend? You mean Elizabeth? How the hell do you know her and my realtion with her?" I stood from my place alarmed, having my hand next to Amaya's mouth to take out my weapon rapidly.

"Calm down Meliodas I am not your enemy, Elizabeth will be attending the academy too, as for how do I know, Virion who was your mentor is an old friend of mine, and when you left to beast glades we happened to talk about you, this is how I know about your relation with her."

Calming down after hearing her explaination, I said. "Damn it, that old man is bragging about me everywhere he goes." *Sigh* "Anyways Im ready to accept your proposition under four conditions."

"Four conditions? I will grant them to you as long as they are in my power." She smiled waiting for for me to elaborate.

"The first condition is that I need you to find for me all informations about the Blue Necklace of Life." I told her with a serious expression, lifting my index finger indicating condition 1.

"Blue necklace of life you say huh?" She said with a thoughful expression. "It is true that I already heard about it, but I have no idea about this subject. But no worries I know exactly the right person to ask, so, granted. Next condition!"

Adding my middle finger making number 2 I continued. "My second condition is to let my friends Ash and Lucy attend the academy with me."

The smile on her face grew wider. "I love this one! I heard great thing about your party members while you were adventurers, so im more than glad and happy to let talented kids join the academy, so, Granted. Now for the third one."

"My third condition is to make me the president of the DC, I dont like receiving orders." I lifted my third finger.

"The disciplinary committy is a group based on power, wittnessing your demonstartion that day made me realise that your power are way deeper than what you look, so consider it granted, now for the last condition." She said with a smile.

My expression became cold and calculating as I gazed daggers on Cynthia. "Listen well Cynthia, the last one is the most importing and determinating one. If you dont accept this one i'll never accept your proposition."

*Gulp* Her smile quicly vanished, and a nervous expression took place as she swallowed a mouthful of saliva readying herself. "W-what is it?" She asked.

"For my third and last condition... I want my uniform to not have sleeves." I raised my pinky creating number four.

'My body is becoming a lot muscular, I really hate sleeves now, they feel tight. I have to always wear baggy clothes.' I thought to myself.

"That's it?" She asked with a sense of relief in her voiced.

"Yep." I crossed my hands again with a smile, closing my eyes.

"Of course! That won't be a problem at all if that is all!" She desactivated the spell with a big happy satisfed smile.

"Once your, unifrom will be ready, I will send it to you!" She gave me a wink as she turned her back to leave.

"As for your friends I will send their's probably tonight. Oh and I will send you a letter in three days on the subject of the blue necklace of life." She continued.



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