
Chapter 51: Gideon

Four days went by, during these four days Lucy and Ash didn't stay with me. Once they received their academy uniforms each one of them went to do his own things.

I gave each one of them his share to pay their expenses during the period im not there with them, now they are old and mature enough to live on their own and manage their money. But they will be back after finishing what they left for.

Ash went to his town to give money to his relative and see how he was going, who took care of him. While Lucy heard some rumors about a small town with the best sweet food, so she decided to have a few days of vacation there.

Yesterday night I received a letter from Cynthia telling me to go to a certain scientist called Gideon, apparently he knows something about the necklace.

And this is what I did. Going through the busy and beautiful streets of Xyrus, each shop I saw attracted me to go in it and spend money. I ended up bying a lot of food and a bunch change clothes as well as earings.

Also school is coming closer so I had a haircut since my hair was getting long. Now I have the same messy hair of Meliodas again!

And only now I can finaly go to meet with Gideon. Walking there after asking some random guys for directions. Making my way to an unadorned front door, I met someone I didn't expect to meet at all.

"M-meliodas! What are you doing here?" Arthur asked me pointing his finger ar me, with Vincent behind him having a puzzeled expression on his face.

"Yeah what brought you here Meliodas?" Vincent pointed at me

"Hey! That's my question." I pointed my finger back at them, suprised to meet him at such place. Now we looked like the three spidermen meme.

"Well, I am here to speak to a scientist what about you?" Arthur quicky regained his calm attitude.

"Same here, Cynthia told me to come ask him about something." I explained.

"So you have business with Gideon too, huh? No problem let's all go in, in this case." Vincent smiled firmly knocking, an old man with a handlebar mustache and dressed as a butler appeared, not opening the door completely, letting only his head come through.

"Greetings. Master Gideon is not... Ah, hello master Vincent, please come in." He greeted, motioning us inside. Judging by the stern expression the butler had for a split second before realizing who we were, I'd have to guess that this Gideon person wasn't very welcoming of guests.

'Just what is this change of attitude, did Vincent become a sort of big shot or something?' I thought, lifting only one side of my lips when smiling

As we stepped inside, a foul mixture of metal, herbs, and rotting material bombarded my nose. While the exterior of the facility was hardly grandiose, the inside was even less appealing to look at.

The whole place was a mess with tools scattered with no order, piles of discarded clothes and other miscellaneous items littered across the floor. There were also microscopes and other tools.

"Himes! I told you not to let anyone... Oh, it's you, Vincent. I see you've come to bother me again." From the dim corner of a back room, a short, hunched man made his way over.

Taking a closer look at the supposed genius scientist, I could say for certain that he definitely looked the part. His curly hair that looked like it's been struck by lightning more than once complimented the beady eyes with dark bags under them. His complexion was pale and he had a pair of goggles hanging on his neck paired with a dirty lab coat.

'Does all those scientist geniuses have hygiene issues? It's as if they are discord mods.' I joked inside my head.

"Haha! As welcoming as ever, Gideon." Vincent shook his head with an embarassed smile, giving his acquaintance a helpless smile and handshake.

"Don't even start! This past year, the Royal Families sent in over a dozen messengers asking for a way to start traversing the ocean to reach the new continent! I haven't had a chance for a decent sleep in months!" The hunched eccentric flailed his arms in disgust as he started pacing around.

"Is it really true that they found evidence of another continent, Gideon?" Vincent asked quietly, leaning closer to the inventor.

"Hoho! That, is actually a truth those snobby Royal Families are telling for once. I was the one to study the evidence! All I'll say is that the new continent has better artificers and perhaps even better mages than ours." His beady eyes disappeared as his wicked grin widened to reveal a set of yellow teeth.

"In any case… Why are you here? And you brought children with you? Your mistress's son?" Gideon waggled his eyebrows lewdly at Vincent.

"Oh God… Don't even make jokes like that. Tabitha would kill me… quite literally, I'm afraid. No, those are Arthur and Meliodas. I consider them as nephews of mine." He placed a hand on both our shoulders shoulder.

Giving a respectable bow, Art introduced myself. "Arthur Leywin son of Reynolds Leywin. Hello, Mr. Gideon. Uncle Vincent has told me many great things about you and your work."

"Quite the etiquettes for a little booger. How old are you?" He mused, studying him with his beady eyes.

"I'll be turning twelve in May," Arthur answered simply.

"Yo! Im Meliodas Leywin, this scared princess's twin brothe.r" I waved my index and middle fingers.

"Your his twin brotherbut have completely different character than him…" He muttered, shaking his head he continued. "Anyways, you still didn't answer my question, why are you here? I don't take on students or disciples, you know." He puffed his chest out condescendingly.

"I'll let you go fisrt." I told Arthur, I am in no hurry after all. I can wait.

"Mr. Gideon, the fact that you have messengers from the Royal Families visiting you, I can assume that your work is quite influential, correct?" Arthur put on the air of a respecting young lad, a devastating technique that even I couldn't master... The art of being a real king!

"Of course! They're a pain but I receive quite a lot of money from them!" He stuck his chin out in arrogance.

"Perfect." Without saying anything more, Arthur pick up a large piece of parchment lying on the ground and sketched out a blueprint.

After about twenty minutes, he finished drawing a rough draft of a steam engine. Seing what was drawn on the blueprint, Gideons beady eyes widened as he snatched the paper away so he could study it in depth. "Th-This is…this…"

"Of course… why didn't I think of this? There was this solution as well!" His hands trembling as his nose practically touched the parchment.

Suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed and his gaze darted all around the paper. "I feel like something's missing…"

Arthur gently took the paper back and rolled it up. "I did leave out some key details that I will more than happily include... once our negotiations are over." He put on an innocent smile.

'That bastard truly knows how to manipulate peaple, scary~' The smile widened on my face as I sat on the edge of a table, crossing my arms under my chest.

"Are you really just a twelve year old?" His gaze became sharp but after a few seconds, he let out a helpless sigh. Even Vincent looked baffled by the turn of events but he handled it better since he knew what kind of person we were.

"Yup! Can you show me some of your most precious artifacts? Uncle Vincent told me you make some of the best!" Arthur smiled, tucking the parchment inside of his robe pocket.

"Himes! Bring my latest works!" Gideon cried. Soon after, the poised butler with the handlebar mustache appeared, with him, a protected case the size of an adult, sealed with something even I didn't recognize.

Gideon whispered something into the lock while placing both hands on it. After a brief moment, the lock glowed and folded itself into different shapes before opening. Inside the case was an array of various enchanted weapons.



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