
Chapter 74: Between duty and love



"Ghost Rider Voice"


Jefferson Pierce Academy, Metropolis, United States, June 14, 09:47, 2017

"I'm surprised you're here" Edgar said to a handsome man with a large, bushy beard, abundant mustache and slightly long, blond-toned hair standing next to him. It was Oliver Queen, or better known as Green Arrow.

Like Edgar, Oliver had also come to school on behalf of his sister Thea, who was the same age as Raven, and who, surprisingly, were in the same classroom. It wasn't hard to guess that the two were good friends.

At this moment, they were both standing in a long hallway waiting to be called by the school counselor.

Next to them, there were a large number of parents or guardians coming along with their children. In the group of parents were famous businessmen, celebrities and even royalty. The large hallway looked small for the large group of parents and children.

However, without a doubt, the most famous people there were Edgar and Oliver. Both were already well known in the world. Both being quite wealthy and owners of powerful companies such as Queen Enterprise, and Revenger Group. In addition, their credentials as members of the Justice League boosted their fame even more.

Edgar, as the Ghost Rider, in some countries, was even the subject of adoration. The Justice League fought valiantly against Doomsday, but, for most of the world, who saw the entire fight live, agreed that it was the Ghost Rider who actually disposed of the menace.

The video of the flame that Edgar generated by calcining Doomsday's body had even become one of the most viewed videos in the history of the internet. Green Arrow was famous, but Ghost Rider was simply on another level of fame.

Either way, either should have been mobbed with questions, photo requests and autographs from everyone there, yet neither was going through that. Both were simply sitting quietly, chatting in a corner, undisturbed.

And the fact is that, all of the League, in view of the fact that they were already famous and well-known, to avoid having to disguise themselves and pretend to be someone else on the street, they opted to use Superman's Kryptonian technology to 'camouflage' themselves.

Like Clark did with his glasses, League members used certain gadgets that simulated an illusory frequency to dissipate and divert the attention of the masses. Edgar, at this time, wore dark glasses that generated this effect, and Oliver wore a necklace, where inside was the photo with his family, that simulated this.

They were not bothered, because, to the people who were there, they were simply people who were 'known', but could not place from where. However, in a school where most were known for something, this was not at all surprising. 

(AN: I had talked about this technology long ago, but I put it up so you know that they don't hide, they just use certain gadgets to dissipate people's attention)

Edgar was quite surprised that Oliver had time to come. Since Oliver was on Diana's team of the Justice League of Europe, and he knew that the whole grouping had been quite busy these days. Diana, for that very reason, had not come. He thought Oliver's mother, Moira Queen, was coming as Thea's representative.

However, such a surprise was a pleasant one. Oliver was a good friend and someone who was very pleasant to talk to. Edgar was happy that he was here. Since, honestly, by this point, he was bored as hell.

The school had dedicated this day for all the parents to come and hang out with their kids. It was not only for them to see grades and progress, but to see the excellent facilities, clubs, and teachers that the school had.

The day had started with a talk by the principal to all the parents in the main auditorium, where they had talked about having a get-together afterwards and so on. Practically, like a parents' day festival.

To which Edgar was not happy at all. Come on, he hadn't even slept or rested from the mission he had previously. That Oliver was here at least indicated that Edgar wasn't going to be bored. Oliver replied to Edgar.

"I must admit I wasn't going to come. But Thea asked me with puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't say no to her. That girl's got me eating out of the palm of her hand. Sigh. I don't know who controls me more, her or Dinah"

"Hahaha, definitely both"

"Hahaha, yeah both. But that's how I love them"

Oliver had finally started dating Dinah (Black Canary). Roy's loss at the hands of Ra's, plus his numerous wounds and scars that would last a lifetime, the result of the hard fought battle they had with The Light, made him realize that life was fleeting. And that he would regret it if he did not confess his feelings to Dinah.

Oliver no longer hesitated and confessed his feelings to her. Feelings that, fortunately, were reciprocated. They had started dating at the beginning of the year, and although they were taking their relationship slowly, they both seemed quite happy and in love.

Unfortunately, work kept them apart because Dinah was in the Asian branch of the Justice League and he was with Diana in the European branch. However, the two were making it work, timing their days off so they could get away.

Oliver was happy. Although his heart will always have a void for the loss of 'his son', his romance with Dinah, plus the well-being of his family, made him see that life still had many good things waiting for him.

And Edgar could feel this joy. He was happy for his friend. However, he still commented to him, curiously

"But I'm surprised you're here. Don't misunderstand me. I'm glad you're here. But Diana told me that you were going to be very busy these days because of mission reports you have to deliver. Besides, I heard that a new criminal group of metahumans called the Royal Flush Gang had emerged and they were starting to cause trouble"

Oliver, smiling, tapped Edgar on the shoulder twice and said "My friend, I know my presence is indispensable for the group in question to function, but believe me, they can manage without me one day. My reports were delivered yesterday. And, about the Royal Flush Gang, I was just informed that they were captured today. Although I think one member escaped. Well... I think maybe they did need my presence"

"Oliver, with your presence, they surely would have all escaped. Maybe THEY NEED ME to help them. With my presence surely no one would have escaped" Edgar said to Oliver in a mocking manner. Oliver simply smiled slightly and said.

"If you had been there, there would have been no bodies left to capture"

"But they wouldn't have escaped"




"I can't argue against that logic..." Oliver conceded. However, he remembered that he had heard something about Edgar that made him very curious, so he abruptly changed the subject and asked, "Changing the subject. I hear you want to build another research center - is that true?"

"It's true" Edgar nodded. "I didn't want to, but in the end I decided to re-build a center like the previous one destroyed in National City"

"Why didn't you want to?" Oliver asked with genuine curiosity. The Revenger Group's research center had helped thousands with its scientific breakthroughs. He couldn't understand why Edgar was hesitant to make another such center again. Edgar, with a sigh, answered him.

"Sigh. I feel that work limits a lot of my time. Kent and Inza, they left me a legacy of protecting the world, and it's not easy, Oliver. Not only are the Obscurus threatening to come, but other threats are waiting in the shadows to strike. Evil spirits, vampires, werewolves, demons, and other dark creatures are in the land that, if not stopped, can cause much destruction and mayhem. All that and more, consumes my time. If I didn't have a team, honestly, I wouldn't be able to do everything. Even, because of the lack of time, Raven complained that I didn't pay enough attention to her. I almost forgot that today was the Parent-Teacher Meeting"

"Sigh. I understand you, Edgar. Thea also gets sad when I'm away for weeks at a time for my work in Europe. Even with years of being a hero, it's still hard for me to separate family from duty. But what I can tell you, though, is that eventually you'll find a way to manage it all"

"Yes... I hope so. Thanks for the advice, Oliver" Edgar thanked his friend wholeheartedly. Honestly, with the responsibilities he had today, Edgar felt that time was not enough for him to have an extra job. Let alone one like owning a Research Center and where he does have to be actively involved.

Unlike his other drug manufacturing companies, where he already had a streamlined and systematized process, a research center had to be on constant watch. A research center involved almost weekly planning of the different research projects, and analyzing whether the projects had a future or were just a waste of resources.

Before, Edgar and the Revenger Group board planned all that. But, with the work with the Outsiders and his investigation of the Obscurus, he no longer had time for other activities. So much so, that Edgar was beginning to neglect Raven.

What Edgar didn't want to do was to immerse himself in work and neglect what was most important such as Diana and Raven. Edgar was very sorry when Raven thought he didn't care about her business. Which was obviously not true. To Edgar, they were the most important thing.

Naturally, he wouldn't build another Research Center, as he felt he didn't have enough time to devote to that at the moment. Not with everything that was going on. However, an offer made to him recently was the cause of Edgar's change of heart. So he continued the conversation.

"A Research Center requires my time. Time, which I currently don't have. And I know that my previous collaborators like Kimiyo and Helen don't have either. Because of that and more, I was not going to build the Research Center, and I was going to continue just with the drug manufacturing that daily my company does. But recently, a person contacted me through Michael Holt, and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. An offer that will not only see us build the most advanced Research Center in the world. But that we will build a future legacy that will live on in history and move humanity forward into a new era"

Oliver was surprised by this response. Above all, he was very curious to know who it was that had contacted his friend. However, he would never have guessed who it was. For the person who had contacted Edgar was the sister of one of the world's most dangerous supervillains. Curious, Oliver asked.

"Who is it?"

"Lena Luthor"




"WHAT, Lena Luthor, as in Lex Luthor's sister, that Lena?" Edgar nodded at the question

"Are you out of your mind?, that family is cursed. Lex is a maniac, and I'm sure his sister is the same" Oliver couldn't believe Edgar's reply. Just because of the family name, he would never get involved. But Edgar, he had agreed to partner with her. Oliver couldn't believe it. "Besides, you know she's most likely doing it to atone for the sins his brother did. Her company has a lot of legal problems. She had to resurrect the company his brother left her from the ashes. LexCorp lost a lot of important business deals with everything that happened. I'm sure it's all a sham"

Edgar understood his friend's surprise. The Luthor name was taboo. Nevertheless, Edgar did his research. And, although he didn't believe it at first, Lena was a good girl.

First of all, she was Lex's half-sister. Daughter of the same mother, but different father. If Lex's father abused him, Lena was practically not even a shadow in his eyes. All her life she grew up being looked down upon, when in reality, she was quite intelligent and capable.

Not on Lex's level, but her resume was impressive. But Oliver was right. Lena did do it to save the company she inherited. However, she wanted to make a mark for humanity. Her idea, and her business proposal to leave a legacy for the future generation, made Edgar accept her offer.

They were still in the preliminary stages. The details and agreements had not yet been worked out. But Edgar had already accepted. Sensing Oliver's disbelief, Edgar tried to calm him down. 

"Take it easy, Oliver. She's good. I've already seen her soul and judged her, and she came out innocent. Besides, she was contacted through Michael Holt. And you know he is just as picky as Bruce. He did a sweep of information and saw that she was clean. Besides, if she ever betrays me...well, you know what will happen if she does"

Oliver was about to reply, but, just then, the counselor yelled out.

"Rachel Roth and her guardian, please come in!"

Raven, who was with her friends, broke away and approached Edgar. Edgar turned to his friend and said.

"Don't worry, Oliver. We haven't built anything yet. The Center will be in the future. We'll keep chatting when this is over"

"Sure, my friend"


"She's happy" Edgar said to Oliver, as they both sipped lemonade they were selling at a stand in the schoolyard.

By now the counselors had finished talking to the parents and the potluck had begun. The clubs, like most of the school, had set up food, drink and carnival booths to generate income for their respective projects. They didn't need it, since the school took care of their needs, but extra money is never denied to anyone.

In addition, the school had agreed to have the clubs open these booths so that there would be better interaction between parents and children. And it was working. Parents and children were laughing. Some ate at the stalls and others played at the games. In general, there was a happy atmosphere at this time.

The teachers and school administrators were happy that the parents were happy as this only indicated that there would be more donations next semester. In short, a win-win.

Raven, at this point, was eating pizza with her classmates. One would think she was bored by her lack of excitement on her face, but Edgar, who knew her, could sense that she was happy. Very happy.

Apparently, Diana's idea of having her come to the school had been a success. Raven had made friends. She was gradually fitting in with the others. Finally…her loneliness had vanished

Edgar felt a different warmth in his heart than he felt with Diana. A warmth like that of a proud father seeing his daughter achieve a goal. Oliver was also smiling because he saw the group. However, his smile was not for Raven, but for Thea, who was smiling happily, while eating pizza.

"Yes, they are. Hey, by the way. I'm staying in Star City today, and I want to invite Raven, Diana and you over for dinner. My mother will be happy to see you. A simple, family dinner. What do you say?"

"I think-" Edgar was about to speak, but just then a beep sounded on his cell phone.

"🎵Bling-bang-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-bang-born...🎵" was the special ringtone Edgar had set for Diana. Obviously, she was the one calling.

"Yes, love" Edgar answered. However, he quickly sensed the seriousness in Diana's tone and realized that this was not a normal call, but one for an important matter.

"Edgar, are you busy?"

"No. I'm at school with Raven, Oliver, and so on. Why. What happened. Oliver even invited us to dinner at his house. I don't know if you can because of work"

"Edgar... I need you to come. It's... it's urgent"

Edgar sensed the seriousness in Diana's tone. He realized that this was a serious matter. However, he hesitated to tell her that he was on his way, because he had just promised that he was going to dedicate the day for Rachel.

Just then, Raven got up where she was with her friends and approached Edgar. She sensed that there was a conflict inside his heart and it made her curious.

"Are you in trouble?" Edgar asked.

"No, no, I'm fine. Everything is fine, I just... I can't explain it to you over the phone, I need you to come over. But if you can't, don't worry"

"I-" Edgar was going to decline and was going to say that he was going to stay with Raven as promised, but before he said anything, Raven interrupted him.

"Tell her you'll go"

"Raven, but-"

"I understand, Ed. I sense your conflicting feelings. And I don't want you to. Besides, Thea invited me to her house and I said yes. We're having a sleepover with some other classmates. In fact, I came to ask your permission"

"I see..." he sensed that Raven wasn't entirely telling him the truth, but he didn't probe further. Quickly, he turned to Diana, who was waiting on the phone and said.

"I'm on my way"

"I'll wait for you here"

Edgar hung up the call, and turned to see Oliver who had heard everything. Without needing to say anything, he said

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Raven. Nothing will happen to her in my house. I promise"

"Thanks, buddy"

With that, Edgar walked quickly towards the exit. Once he was out of the school, and out of prying eyes, he opened an orange portal with his power, and headed just outside the League's London facility.

As he left, Raven watched him go. A small tear came out of her eye as she did so....


"Let me get this straight. She is Nimue, the ancient queen of Camelot, wife of King Arthur and a thousand-year-old sorceress who has lived her life hiding under the pseudonym of Madame Xanadu, living as a simple fortune teller. And that she came because she has important information to share with us about future events to come. Information that she DOES NOT KNOW where or how she acquired it, but that it is indispensable for her to tell us, Did I miss something?"

"No, I think you have everything"

At this moment, in Diana's office, were gathered Edgar, Nimue (Madame Xanadu), Barbara (Cheetah), and Martian Manhunter. Martian Manhunter had been called in on an emergency by Diana to read Nimue's mind.

Diana had never had a case like Nimue's before. And that is because, with the lasso of truth, she had challenged her with numerous questions that she answered without hesitation. The problem was that the way she had answered had made Diana quite nervous to the point where she decided that the Martian needed to read her mind.

She quickly revealed her Arthurian origins. Her millenary history. Her journey and her decision to hide from the world and live a quiet life. All this she said it without hesitation and without resisting the lasso of truth. Everything she said, as surprising as it was, was the truth.

She even revealed information about Nabu that Diana knew from the stories Kent had told her. Information that Nimue simply confirmed with her own stories. She even put in more details than Kent had told, which made her story simply more solid.

Diana had no problem with that. The world was varied. Meeting a millennial sorceress was practically bread and butter in this world. The problem, however, was when she started asking questions about the information she was coming to tell Edgar.

And the fact is that, at all times, she answered with a strong and confident 'I don't know. But when I see your boyfriend, I will know'. That's when everything got weird.

Nimue was sure that there was a lot of information in her head about events that were happening in the world. But she also claimed that, for some strange reason, she couldn't tell them. Not at that moment. But that she was sure that eventually all would be revealed to her.

That's when the Martian came in to read her mind. There were two possibilities. She was evil and was a threat to her beloved, or, she was really telling the truth. To everyone's surprise, the Martian confirmed that she was telling the truth.

All the information had been implanted by someone - who, Nimue's memories did not reveal. The Martian had realized that a part of the memory was cut off. Faded by a strange but powerful power.

The barriers were also powerful. Martian Manhunter could forcibly remove them and reveal all the information, but it would leave Nimue a vegetable. And that was something he didn't want to do. Neither did Diana. In the end, all she could do was call Edgar.

Though she was hesitant to do so. A part of her didn't trust this woman. And she didn't want her beloved to be involved in anything from someone so mysterious and with so many secrets. Not when he was under a lot of stress because of his job.

When Edgar arrived. He was quickly told everything that had happened in a quick and concise manner. Edgar took off the black glasses he had on, revealing his beautiful gray eyes. Looking carefully at Nimue, he quickly asked her.

"Before you speak, I want to ask you a question" there was a rather serious tone in Edgar. Everyone tensed up at this. Not because they were afraid of Edgar's tone, but because when Edgar got serious, it meant there was trouble.

Nimue was unfazed by this. Not one bit. She felt a little pressure, but she never stopped smiling.

She was someone experienced in situations like this. This didn't bother her one bit. Nevertheless, she did not resist. On the contrary, she agreed to answer every question truthfully. If she knew, she would tell.

"Sure, ask me" Nimue replied with a smile, as she put her leg crossed with the other and settled back in her seat. Diana offered to put the lasso of truth on her, but Edgar dismissed it with a simple wave of his hand.

"My question is simple..." Edgar said calmly. But quickly, the situation escalated as Edgar transformed, "What god sent you to talk to us?"

"I... I... I... I don't know. I don't know what-" Nimue felt fear. Her smile had faded, as she felt the enormous pressure Edgar was putting on her.

Diana was about to say something, but Edgar didn't even let her, when he moved and grabbed Nimue by the neck and lifted her up.

"What fucking god told you to come. Tell me the truth"


"Edgar, what are you doing?" Diana asked as she approached Edgar, however, at no time did she prevent Edgar from leaving Nimue. She was sure there was a reason why he was doing it.

"She is a demigoddess. Her soul is half divine. Like yours, Diana" 

This surprised the Amazon warrior. She never expected Nimue to be a demigoddess. Everyone in the room was surprised. Barbara had smelled her with her powerful senses of smell and did not notice any irregularities. And Martian Manhunter had found nothing of the sort in her mind either.

"I didn't know that. I swear. I thought I was just a mere human with the curse of immortality" Nimue replied haltingly. Edgar was holding her so tightly by her throat that he was barely allowing her to speak properly.

What she didn't know was that when the Lady of the Lake, the goddess Vivian, saved her and gave her her gift/curse of immortality, she made her a demigoddess of sorts, as she gave her a part of her power. Maybe she didn't know it, but the soul wasn't lying. She was a demigoddess.

Edgar believed her answer. Nevertheless, he did not let her go, but pulled her close to his empty sockets and said.


They both began to see Nimue's entire life through Edgar's power. From her life as a warrior, to her life as a queen. EVERYTHING. When they finished watching it, Edgar released her. Gasping, Nimue just said to him.

"Whew, whew, you're...you're a monster"

"A monster who knows the answer of the one who brought you" Edgar stopped his transformation and looked at those present. "She was sent by Lugh, the Celtic god of the arts. Apparently, your brother Ares has recruited him, along with another group of gods to raise and resurrect the age of the gods"

Nimue's mind had been erased. But her soul had all the memory of her life. Edgar found the answer like this.

"Damn you, Ares" Diana cursed. However, it was Martian Manhunter who asked Edgar's curiosity.

"Anything else you've found?" perhaps he had found the answers that she had stored in the mental barriers.

However, Edgar simply shook his head and said "No, unfortunately, Lugh did not reveal anything significant to her. He only transmitted it through his power to her mind. All the information is in her head. However, my difficult search is over. She knows where the Obscurus are"

"Yes, that is the information I was coming to tell Edgar. It was the first information that was going to be revealed to me when I saw you. And now that I have seen you, I know the information. The lair is in-" However, just at that, Nimue began to hyperventilate on the floor.

Her eyes began to glow pink in power, as a golden aura began to surround her completely. When she finished, she dropped to her knees completely exhausted. She was sweating profusely as if she had run a marathon.

"Whew, whew, whew, another piece of information has been revealed to me. More important than the Obscurus' lair and far more pressing"

"What is it?"

"An attack by the gods on Themyscira" Diana didn't need to hear more. In one swift step, she approached Nimue who was kneeling on the floor, and asked urgently.


"Now...right at this moment"


Themyscira, June 14, 12:00, 2017

At a giant table in the war room of Themyscira, the queen, together with her generals, that is, her most trusted and experienced warriors, were having a strategic meeting.

On the table, there was a world map where numerous red dots were painted. These dots represented points where the trail of Ares had been found. Mexico. Peru. Central and North Africa. Slovenia. Germany. And numerous other countries were marked.

One would think they were random locations, perhaps to avoid pursuit by the Amazons who, as soon as they buried their dead, gave chase to the fugitive god. It was their duty, as elite warriors of the Olympus, to bring the prisoner back. But they could not find him.

They could only find these traces left behind. Nevertheless, Hippolyta knew. These spots were not random. They were strategic.

For Ares, life was a war. Nothing he did was by mere coincidence. Everything was a strategic plan to have a greater battle. And Hippolyta wanted to find out why those places.

"Does the Justice League know anything or have they reported anything?"

"Negative, my queen. We have reported these locations, but their response teams have indicated that they found no suspicious activity in the area. Ares comes and goes. His trail was lost over a month ago. We do not know his current location or hiding place. His pattern tells us that he goes from West to East. Intelligence believes his next destination is somewhere on the continent of Oceania. Perhaps New Zealand or Australia" 

"This...this isn't right" Hippolyta said as she put her hand to her chin in doubt. Antiope, her sister and right-hand woman, spoke up.

"What do you have on your mind, my queen"

"All of this. All these places. It's not random. Ares is no fool. He's quite intelligent and, above all, a great strategist...Why Mexico. Why Peru. Why Slovenia. What's in there..." That's when the realization hit the queen, 'Not what, but who...'

"Attention, call Alexa and tell her to bring the tome left by Zeus of the whereabouts of other gods from other pantheons"

"Sister, don't tell me that-"

"That's what I'm afraid of. Ares has recruited an army of gods"

However, no one was able to move when suddenly there was a loud


The explosion was so strong that the place shook in a strong earthquake. The explosion came from outside.

A female warrior, who was guarding the doors of the meeting so that no one would interrupt, came running in

"My lady, there is an attack on the east side. The barrier has been attacked. I'm afraid... I'm afraid there's a leak"

"Who...who has attacked?"

"Ares, my queen. Ares is here"



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

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