
Chapter 46: Leveling the game 8



"Ghost Rider voice"




Doctor Fate and Mordru were having a legendary fight while casting every spell known and unknown. Great lightning bolts, illusions, spells and so on were being used at the moment. None were giving quarter.

"Brother, you have improved quite a bit since our Camelot days. I still remember when you had difficulty summoning illusions" said Mordru as he shot a powerful fire from his mouth.

Doctor Fate took that fire and turned it into thousands of dancing butterflies. He then moved his hands and those butterflies turned into a flock of birds of prey that went straight for Mordru's humanity.

Mordru was undeterred by this and summoned thousands of red diamonds that trapped those birds, then with a crushing motion these were destroyed turning into thousands of golden powders. He then proceeded to generate small magical seals which then grew larger and larger.

"But, you see brother, you could never surpass me, none in fact, why do you think you can do it now?"

And that was true. Of the four pupils Merlin had, namely Arthur, Morgana, Nabu and Mordru. Mordru was simply the best of them all.

Nabu was a genius who could learn and modify spells in his mind. Morgana was someone who had a knack for enchantments. Arthur was someone who for battle magic had no equal... but Mordru, he had all that and more. Everything he saw, he learned by instinct. And he even improved it with practice.

He was the only one of the four to surpass his master, Merlin, considered the greatest homo-magi in history. 

With that, Mordru attacked. From the seals, a powerful laser came out that grew stronger each time it passed through a magic seal. Doctor Fate summoned a shield, which could barely resist the attack. That was how powerful it was. Fate did not stand idle, and quickly summoned an arkh, which then split into three chains and trapped Mordru's limbs.

"I admit it, brother. You are strong. Even without being whole, you are one to be feared. And that is why, I must do this. For the sake of the order of the world"

Mordru was trapped. He wanted to break free, but it was useless, his chains were too tight.

"I am sorry, brother. It pains me to admit it, but being trapped in limbo is not enough. I must kill you"

Doctor Fate summoned every ounce of his power, as a huge magical seal materialized in the sky. Mordru sensing all this power wanted to try to break free, and in the end he succeeded, but it was too late.

'I will always love you, brother' thought Nabu.

Just as Mordru had a weakness for Nabu, this was the same. Mordru never killed Nabu despite his power because he did not want to, and Nabu locked Mordru in limbo because he could never kill him, his love for him would not allow it. But he was a Lord of Order, even though it pained him to do so, he had a duty to the world.

With that, he let out every ounce of his power. A gigantic golden beam shot out at Mordru's humanity who could only put his hands on his chest in protection. Quickly all the golden light engulfed him.

This beam was special, it was so powerful that it would destroy Mordru's entire spirit. Not having his soul complete, he was practically a spirit in the earthly world. This would destroy him completely.

 Or so Doctor Fate thought….

He quickly realized that the great beam that would destroy his brother, was diminishing...NO, it was being absorbed. This was bad, very bad.

The big beam, began to shrink and diminish until there was nothing left, and Mordru, who had received the beam, was as if nothing was left. What's more, at this point he wore a smile of victory on his face, which frankly made Nabu nervous.

"Phew, impressive little brother. That could have really hurt me if I had received it directly. But you see, even though you were always better at time magic, I too have learned a trick or two stuck that long in limbo. You're not the only one who can fool someone with his time magic"

(AN: remember that Fate tricked Mordru into thinking that The Light would have more time to carry out his plans. That's why they were caught quite off guard with Batman and the others attacking today)

Mordru pulled a small wooden box from his chest that had absorbed all of Doctor Fate's beam. The box didn't look special, however, it was currently glowing rainbow colored

"Recognize this, brother?"


Nabu easily recognized this box that didn't look special to the eye.

"The key to Gemworld, how did you...?"

Gemworld was the pocket dimension created by the homo-magi. 12 great wizards, almost on the same level as Merlin, gave their lives to create this dimension totally isolated from the world. This was not a simple dimension like Azarath or others. This was THE pocket dimension.

A place so protected that, even with the power of a Lord of Order or Chaos, they could not enter on their own. They had to use the key. The same one that Mordru held in his hands at this moment.

When the dimension was created. Two keys were made. One was kept tightly guarded by Nabu in his tower and the other had been left to the homo-magis who never wanted to go to Gemworld as they had their life made in the world despite the difficulties. And that, over time, was lost and forgotten.

To enter, there were two ways: with the permission of the inhabitants, that is to say of Gemworld, where, in the key you imbued your power and they received an alert and let you enter. Nabu, being a Lord of Order, was a special guest.

Or, by force. Put so much power into the key that it would open a forced portal to Gemworld. This Mordru could not accomplish, but, putting together all the power of that lightning of his brother's, with his own, he had practically done it.

"I always thought the path of power was a lonely one. To be on top and have others worship you from the ground up. But, now with The Light, I see that it's not so bad to have minions to your power, little brother. And The Light, has a LOT of resources. I practically put my whole crew on the hunt for this little box. Can you imagine, one of the safest and most powerful artifacts was in a garage in Scotland gathering dust hahaha"

Mordru crushed the box, a rainbow colored portal opened right next to it.

"That was a lot of talk already, little brother, and I'm running late to go retrieve my last fragment of soul. As they say nowadays... or, yes, arrivederci"

Nabu wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Mordru had crossed the portal. This was bad, very bad. He had been tricked, and now his brother was on his way to regain his power.

They were only evenly matched at the moment, because of the power Ekron's eye gave him, but if he regained his last soul fragment... he would be unstoppable.

Nabu quickly opened a portal to his tower of destiny. He held the other key. However, before he left, he felt the artifact he had given Edgar being pressed.

This was a warning in case the mission was a success. That's right, Edgar and his group had won.

With a snap, Nabu opened a portal into Themyscira, as this was the plan if everything worked.

And doing so, he set off for home. He had to stop his brother Mordru, before it was too late.....


"Don't do it, brother. Here's me. Take it out on me, but let them go. They're innocent" Arthur tried to reason with Orm, but it was useless.

"Innocent?, they invaded without authorization, that's already payable with jail, but, you see brother, in your absence I checked the rules of justice, and I saw that some were very flimsy, so I decided to change them, and now every fault... is payable with death"

Orm, raised the trident and was about to cut Constantine's head, when....

"WAIT" Constantine's voice interrupted the movement of Orm's trident. Orm was in a great rage at being stopped.

"What do you want, you damn surface man?"

"Well, the truth is I wanted to make one last wish before you, you know, slice me up with that thing"

Orm couldn't believe the audacity of this man. He began to tighten his grip on his trident, but didn't move, instead replying in disguised anger

"And why should I do any of what you ask of me, if even my brother can't command me, surface man?"

"Oh, well, I thought that maybe, I don't know, the great king of Atlantis would be able to grant this damned man his last wish. But I see it's not so, all right, cut me down, I'm ready, mate"

The soldiers there began to mutter under their breath. These words had brought Orm into question. How could a king not grant a prisoner's last wish, even the cruelest king in history did. It was the ultimate royal mercy. Orm watched as everyone looked at him to see what he would do. Even Nereus and Manta were curious.

"All right, so what do you want surface man. Perhaps a last meal, or say a final inspirational speech to make me reflect on my actions?"

"Not at all, mate. That's stupid. All I want is to smoke my last cigarette. I recently found out they discontinued them and I want to enjoy my last one. That's my request"

Orm, motioned to a soldier to help him. He approached Constantine. While all this was going on, each soldier kept pointing their guns at Arthur and Edgar. As soon as they made a suspicious move, they would fire. The soldier approached Constantine and Constantine said.

"They're in my coat pocket. It's the only one. And I'll thank you if you put it in my mouth. With the handcuffs I can't move"

The soldier took the cigar and put it in Constantine's mouth. With difficulty, Constantine continued speaking.

"Thank you. Now, help me light it"

"And how do you want us to do that, here we don't have any of those rudimentary devices they use to light their vices at the surface" Orm replied mockingly.

"Oh, no mate. I wasn't telling you...I was telling him"

This only confused Orm, "Who are you telling?"


Edgar was now transformed with his blue fire. He didn't even have to move as he quickly teleported right next to Orm. Orm couldn't even say anything when Edgar gave him a tremendous punch that sent him far away through the wall.

With that, Arthur moved as well and hit the nearest soldiers. He then grabbed one of his guns and began firing. While all this was going on, Edgar had released Constantine.

"I knew I could trust you, mate. Now light my cigar. I'm not kidding when I say it's my last"

Edgar could not believe Constantine's blatant request. He could not see that they were in a fight. Still, he lit his cigar with his fire.

"Thanks" he took a puff on the cigar, "my friend"

"Take them all out. Orm is mine" 

"Don't worry, someone is already taking care of that" Constantine pointed to a soldier who was using his pistol to shoot and destroy the Atlantean handcuffs. This was Deadman, the only one who hadn't been captured. But hey, how can they capture a spirit.

"When I knew plan A wouldn't work, I told Deadman to hide and get us out. Good thing that idiot Orm let you guys in like it was nothing. How stupid"

When the alarm sounded, they were quickly surrounded by all the forces in the place. So Constantine quickly came up with a plan and told them to let themselves be captured. Deadman would be the one to get them out, but he never thought Orm would be so stupid as to let someone as dangerous as Edgar into his realm.

It has to be said, the barrier prevented him from teleporting. That's why they had to remove it. But Orm opened it by himself. Now with that, Constantine changed his plan B, to a plan C... improvise on the fly. 

Edgar could no longer even answer Constantine when he was blasted by a powerful golden beam. It sent him through the glass and into the sea. Water was beginning to seep in from all sides. Orm followed him carrying the trident.

'Don't expect to see this monster, here. If I had known it was him, I wouldn't have even let him in. I was careless' he thought.

Orm recognized him easily. The Justice League were classified as persons of interest (threats) level 9. But there were only three individuals above that level, i.e. level 10.

Superman, who had been captured (released by then), Doctor Fate, brother of Mordru who had his level of power. And, this monster, or Ghost Rider. They even shared the name of Edgar.

The problem was that it had been a long time and he had forgotten about Edgar's appearance with other matters. But he never forget the flaming skull. This thing was more dangerous than his brother and by far.

But this was his element. He would show this monster the power of the sea.

Orm summoned the full power of the trident. Although he still did not obey it completely, he was able to summon much of it, and, with that, he began to generate currents of water so powerful that they would crush anyone and make mincemeat out of them.

These currents formed into a great column, and he threw it right at Edgar's entire humanity. Edgar, despite his great speed and great senses, was in the sea, which made his mobility somewhat difficult. He could not dodge the current and it sent him to the bottom. He stopped when he hit the ground. The powerful current slowly began to destroy the floor due to the power it carried.


In the meantime, Arthur wanted to help him fight his brother, but powerful plasma beams stopped him. It was Black Manta. These beams were 3 or 4 times more powerful than Atlantean weapons, they could easily hurt Arthur badly.

"Aquaman, I will finally fulfill my purpose. Today you will die by my hand"

"I don't even know who you are"

And that was true. Sure, he recognized the intruder who helped capture him, but in reality, Aquaman didn't know who was behind that mask. He couldn't understand why this man hated him so much.

Aquaman lunged at thunderous speed and wanted to strike, but Manta was no longer the amateur he had been before. Now, he had improved. As Aquaman was about to strike, Aquaman was quickly cut down by a Promethium sword that was thrust right into his chest, which made him grunt in pain, and made him start bleeding.

Then as if that wasn't bad enough, other lasers came out of Black Manta's visor that burned his skin. Manta finished it all off, with a hard kick that sent him rolling away.

His suit had been upgraded to the point where it could match the strength and speed of the Atlanteans. And his weapons were so dangerous that they could cut through the flesh of the Atlanteans themselves. Aquaman, despite being an upgraded Atlantean, was also be injured by this.

Around this fight, The Outsiders were decimating every force. Plastic Man was hitting everyone with fists in the shape of large hammers as he stretched all over the place. Despite his great creativity, he was a novice in his power, and didn't understand that he could actually do more, that he could be much, much more powerful. But in time he would learn this.

Metamorpho, too, did not stand idle and threw concrete spikes that pierced the heads of the Atlantean soldiers. He had no qualms about killing like the others. He knew that, in this world, the strong crushed the weak. He had lived on the streets for a long time and had to do many difficult things to survive, which is why he was taken by The Light, as they considered him a burden. But now that he had power, he would take revenge for all that he suffered at their hands.

Jaime Reyes, or Blue Beetle, as he was known, DID have a problem with killing. And this was seen when his scarab, which was a Motherbox-like intelligence, spoke to him.


'Beetle, help me defeat all of them'


'No, no, no, no, no. Maybe something that doesn't involve killing someone''


Jaime was now firing sonic cannons that knocked out and incapacitated every soldier in the place.

Etrigan and Deadman were not far behind. Etrigan, in his demonic form could only be called 'demon', his great strength and firepower crushed every soldier that passed through his hands. Deadman jumped from body to body, incapacitating and taking these soldiers from behind.

Orsi and Vulko were also doing their thing.

"My sons, you have sinned. Let me help, CONFESS YOU" said Orsi, as he threw his censer. This was his special weapon that made every evil being or low class demon burn and destroy itself. In the soldiers, who were not demons, this did not happen, but their power allowed that if they suffered severe burns even with their special Atlantean suit.

"Forgive me, but we worship Poseidon here" Vulko answered him, who was standing next to him, impaling two soldiers with a sword.

"Never mind, I can still help them to confess" they both smiled. Of the group they were the oldest (despite Edgar, Kent, Inza and Diana). A good friendship was brewing in their time together.

But the hardest fight, was right with Constantine, who had been joined by Firestorm, and they were fighting the king of Xebel, Nereus. Even though there were two of them, Nereus was not just any opponent, he was a great fighter, almost on par with Orm and Arthur. In addition, as king, he carried a special trident, not as powerful as Poseidon's trident, but powerful in its own right.

Each king carried a trident, but it was the absolute king who carried the golden trident of Poseidon.

Constantine was casting spells, while still enjoying his cigar. Firestorm was launching his nuclear power, but Nereus was covering himself with powerful shields made of his trident.

Everything was in chaos. And more and more water was starting to leak into the place due to the glass breaking.


Orm was smiling as he watched this fire monster being crushed by all the fury of the sea. However, as these began to subside, there he saw that the monster was not there.

'Where is it?'

"tap, tap, tap"

However, it finally dawned on him when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder.

Edgar couldn't dodge the current, but that doesn't mean he would let himself be attacked by all that big column of water. Quickly with his angelic power he teleported right behind Orm.

Orm wanted to turn and strike with the trident, but Edgar moved faster. He quickly pinned him by the arms and kneed him right in the ribs, which knocked the 'air' or water out of his lungs.

Then, he fairly burned the arms of this same one that made him drop the trident in his power. Edgar did not stand still and quickly grabbed the said weapon and threw it at Arthur who was fighting.

Arthur didn't even need to receive a warning, as soon as he felt his weapon coming towards him, he simply reached out and grabbed it. When he took the trident, it glowed with a great golden light. It was three times as bright as it was when Orm used it. Finally, the trident was with its true owner. The trident was with the true King.

Aquaman, with his power in hand, felt like new again. With the trident he quickly attacked Black Manta. Black Manta wanted to keep up with his swords, but there was Arthur's mastery with this trident. He was practically one with this weapon, while he moved and changed position with his hands. In the end, Black Manta didn't stand a chance, as he was impaled with the spikes of the trident.

Artur removed his helmet and there he saw a handsome dark-skinned man, but Arthur did not recognize him. Whatever his hatred for him came from, Arthur couldn't remember. In the end, he gave him such a powerful blow that knocked him unconscious.

When it was over, Arthur looked all over the place which was in chaos.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" he slammed the trident right into the ground.

When he did so a golden ripple went all over the place, which brought every Atlantean to their knees by force. It was no lie when they said that whoever had the trident would rule them all. It had the power to bend any being in the ocean, including the Atlanteans. With this, the fight was practically over.

Edgar continued to beat Orm. Strong blows were given to Orm's face, which made him bleed from his mouth and nose.

Orm, seeing that he had no chance against this monster and even less without the trident, and then seeing that his troops were being easily decimated, decided to flee.

He quickly summoned all the energy he had and began to swim at supersonic speed as Aquaman did. But, just as he was getting a couple of miles away, he was stopped by a chain that wrapped around his foot.

The worst part is that the chain caught fire and burned his ankle. Which made him scream in pain.


The chain yanked and pulled him back to Edgar. Then Edgar started swimming right to where the fight was practically over with the prisoner. Even the water that was seeping in was starting to recede due to Arthur's power. As the saying went. He truly commanded the sea.

When Edgar arrived, he left his transformation and turned to Arthur.

"Well, I guess we finally made it" as he said this. He pressed the device Fate gave him to let him know the mission had been a success.

"That's right, friend. We did it. Thanks to you, guys. Even if it was just Orm's troops and not the full power of Atlantis, I alone wouldn't have made it... and speaking of Atlantis" Arthur hit the trident three times again. A strong brainwave was spreading throughout the far reaches of the ocean. The king was calling to his subjects. Edgar felt this disturbance. However, he did not know what had happened, so he asked.

"What did you do?"

"Call to the sea" Arthur replied with a smile.

"Hey, Arthur, I don't want to be rude, but what will you do with him?, if you want I can judge him with my eyes-"

"No need, everyone will be judged by Atlantean law. By MY hand. Believe me I will not be merciful... even to my brother"

"Fine, but as a request I want to judge that one" said Edgar pointing to Black Manta. "He's no Atlantean, as I recall. Let me take it upon myself to judge him with my power"




"I understand. Although I should judge him with Atlantean law, I think I can grant you that"

With that Edgar approached Manta and summoned his demonic power. Manta was beginning to wake up from his unconsciousness and was frightened when he saw this skull monster with orange fire. But then, he let go of his fears, and accepted his fate. He had also read The Light's files and knew about this monster.

Edgar approached him, lifted him up by the neck, and said


All of Manta's life, sins and memories were going through both Edgar and David Hyde's (Black Manta's name) mind. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Edgar blurted it out and said.


That's right, David was not a sinner who deserved eternal punishment. He had done horrible things, YES, but not enough for his soul to become a level 4 or higher. He was a level 3, along the lines of 'forgivable' for Edgar's powers.

The surprised one was Aquaman, who thought he would die at Edgar's hands.

"Edgar, how is he innocent?"

Edgar let go of David and, leaving his transformation, he said.

"Because in the end he didn't regret what he did, since everything he did was for a purpose... for revenge towards you, Arthur"

"That's right, damn you Aquaman. I HATE YOU. AND I WILL DO IT EVEN IN HELL ITSELF. Now kill me because when I get out I will bring my fury against everyone you love" David said glaring angrily at Aquaman.

"I don't even know you. I don't remember doing anything to deserve your fury" Aquaman replied hesitantly. Even being threatened he was still trying to remember what he had done wrong. But he couldn't remember. Edgar interrupted just then.

"If I can intervene. I think I have the answer about that" Edgar also looked at David's life and saw everything that had happened. "he hates you because he blames you for the death of his father, who justly died at the hands of your power, well, specifically the power of your trident, which sank his ship, killing all the crew but him"

"Yes, that's why I hate you-" David wanted to say, but was interrupted by Edgar.

"However, you are also wrong... the trident DID cause your father's death, but it was not carried by Arthur. You think it was him, because your fuzzy mind saw someone similar to Arthur, but in reality I did get a good look at him. It wasn't Arthur. It was another man"

"How long ago was that?" asked Arthur.

"Ten years ago"

"I see... 10 years ago I didn't even know about Atlantis, I was living in Mane and... let's just say I had a drinking problem. The previous king, Orm's father, the former king was the one who used this trident before, but the kingdom was very unstable since he couldn't wield it completely either. The trident didn't recognize him either. He was, well... he didn't like ships passing over the kingdom, and always used its power to destroy the boats. For what it's worth... I'm sorry for your loss"

David could not believe, could not even want to understand what he was being told. All his life, falsely believing that Arthur was his enemy. Believing that his life was only for revenge.

"What do you want to do with him?" asked Edgar. Before his gaze, he came out innocent, but he could still use his fire to burn him.

"He will be tried, and killed by my hand. It is the law"

"...I see" an idea was starting to pop into his head. "You know, he was an executive member of The Light, but he never really got involved with said group. He practically followed his own rules. He practically followed your brother for the sake of revenge. I have an idea for him…"

Edgar was thinking of recruiting him for The Outsiders. Killing him would be too easy, and frankly merciful of him. Better that he use his great abilities, which, really, for a human, were pretty good, and use him to take down The Light. He quickly turned to David, who had a blank stare on his face.

"I have a proposition for you. Arthur kills you at his trial or, you live and join my team against The Light" he said pointing to the entire group behind him. "But that said, you're going to follow everything I say or else..." Edgar summoned his fire.

"Do I have a choice?" David asked with a defeated smile.





"...I'll join you, anyway, The Light never liked me. I know what they've done and they need to be stopped"

"Join the club, mate" interrupted Constantine.

At that, a golden portal materialized right in the center. Arthur became alarmed and wanted to use his trident to attack, but Edgar stopped him.

"Wait, he's a friend... besides, you don't want to stop this"

With that, Mera and the girls crossed the portal. Mera went to meet her husband. And Diana went to meet Edgar.

Just at that moment, all over the ocean, thousands of sea creatures, large and small, plus all the inhabitants of the other realms came at Arthur's call.

The Light was not yet defeated, but for today, they would be allowed to celebrate their victory.



While Edgar and the others celebrated their victory. Doctor Fate had opened the portal to Gemworld with the other key. But by the time he arrived, it was too late.

The pocket dimension so beautiful and full of magic was reduced to rubble. Many scattered bodies of soldiers were lying around. While many more, women, children and the elderly mourned the loss of their loved ones.

Doctor Fate approached a woman who was crying, as she shielded a crying baby with her body. Next to her was the body of her husband, who had been murdered.

She was Lady Graciel, the queen of the Amethyst kingdom. One of the 12 kingdoms, and the most prosperous of all.

As mentioned, this was a pocket dimension that was huge, so much so that the territory was divided into 12 kingdoms, descendants of the 12 wizards who gave their lives to create this place.

The kingdoms were: Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Moonstone, Sapphire, Diamond, Ruby, Opal, Garnet, Sardonyx, Turquoise, and Aquamarine. Each one with forests, rivers, and towns in its power.

But at this moment, the whole dimension was down. And the Amethyst realm, the one that held Mordru's soul, had been the worst of all. When Lady Graciel saw Doctor Fate, instead of being grateful, she lashed out in fury.

"Nabu, why didn't you get here in time, my husband would be alive if you had"

"I...I'm sorry, Lady Graciel"

"If you are truly sorry you will go hunting for that monster. I want his head, Nabu. Now my daughter will grow up without a father...my poor Amaya, oh, my poor and pretty Amaya"

Nabu looked at the baby girl in his arms. Right now she was just a baby, but Nabu knew it. She would grow up and become his successor as Mistress of Order. It was her destiny.

"I will do it, Lady Graciel. I will not rest until I bring Mordru to justice"

With that, he prepared to depart. He would let things settle down. Right now, everyone needed to mourn their dead, and he was sure they wouldn't want him there.

However, before he left, something bad happened.

A vision came to him just at that moment. A vision, where everyone lost....

The future had been changed, and all because of Mordru. Nabu's well thought out plans. That future that he couldn't tell Edgar so as not to spoil it, no longer mattered. Mordru at this moment was making his move.

The game that at this moment was leveling..... It was becoming unlevel again. And not in favor of the heroes.


Tokyo, Japan

Green Arrow was badly wounded from several slashing arrows that grazed part of his body. The duel of arrows between the black archer continued, and, although their skill was on par, Green Arrow was occasionally distracted by all that was happening Canary or Atom and helped with his arrows. Those distractions had taken their toll on him with these injuries.

Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, he sometimes suffered from dizziness that prevented him from shooting well courtesy of Vertigo who was enjoying the heroes' show. Slowly, they were being outclassed and that was bad.

When he wanted to grab another arrow, he realized it was the last one, and the worst part was that it was a normal arrow.

(AN: Arrow doesn't use pointed arrows, but oval arrows. To hit and knock out)

'Damn' he thought.

"Ha, someone doesn't count their arrows, Green, and now you're cornered. You've lost"

Green Arrow took his arrow and placed it in his bow. He took aim and fired.

'Here goes nothing'

However, the trajectory was completely deflected from where Merlyn was. This only amused him.

"Ha, your last arrow and you shoot it stupidly. I don't even know how you're considered good with a bow"

However, there he realized that Olliver actually DID aim, but not at Merlyn but at another opponent.

The arrow hit and deflected at several angles and finally flew at Vertigo who was distracted using his power against Atom. He was unable to react when the arrow hit him right in the face which knocked him out completely.

Merlyn wanted to quickly shoot the emerald archer, but a small projectile went straight to hit him. It was Atom who, not being held back by Vertigo's power, came back with everything and started hitting the different forces. He became small and flew towards Merlyn's humanity knocking him out.

'Batman to the League. Mission successful. Terminate operation'

At that Batman was heard on their comms. And good thing, because the truth was they were being decimated by the sheer number of ninjas.

Canary, meanwhile, was having a tough fight against Talia, as she used her shout to finish off the horde of ninjas. By diverting her attention on two targets, Talia took advantage of this, and wounded her with her sword. Canary's arm was a bleeding mess.

Ollie who saw this, grabbed one of the errant arrows and shot Talia which knocked her out completely. While this was going on, Atom had opened a portal near them to get away from there.

"Let's go, Canary, mission over!" Olliver shouted. Dinah, started to run towards where they were, but Ras wasn't going to let it go that easy.

He quickly grabbed a Promethium knife and threw it with strength and skill bordering on the superhuman. Perhaps only Batman and a few other martial artists could match this.

The knife was fired like a projectile at Dinah's running humanity and she was unaware that she would be impaled.

But just as the projectile was about to connect, Dinah was pushed and pulled out of the way.


Olliver Queen, who did see with his great eyesight when the knife was thrown, ran and pushed Dinah. But he could not avoid being inserted with the knife because of the force it carried. Blood was starting to come out of his mouth, as he started coughing from choking on it.

The knife had hit him right in his stomach and at this point his organs were beginning to fail. Olliver Queen was dying....

Ras didn't care about all this, rather he grabbed another knife and was about to throw it again, but a small projectile came right up to hit him, sending him flying. This punch should have knocked him out, but Ras proved that, despite being only human, his endurance and power were superior, as this big blow just threw him. The culprit of it all, none other than Atom.

Atom flew back up and grew to his normal size. He then took Olliver and Dinah, who was in shock at seeing Olliver bleeding to death, to the portal. When they crossed it, it closed.

'Nice hit' thought Ras. A little blood was coming out of his mouth, as he spit out a tooth from the force of the impact. He got careless and didn't anticipate that the little hero was lurking. He had to give it to him, he was pretty good.

'Well, I can't cry over spilt milk'

"Let's go, get my daughter, and the other two out of here. And clean everything up. I don't like dirt in my territory"

"Yes, sir"

With that, Ras departed.

Superman, Black Lightning, Atlantis and Themyscira had been recovered. But not all was good.

Olliver Queen was on the verge of death and it was uncertain if he would survive….


AN: I told you that my hand would not tremble when I killed someone. Get your black ribbons ready in the next chapter my friends....

My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

Give me Power Stones if you want the next chapter to be released more soon 


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