

Douglas Lee (POV)

When Alisha arrived, I soon learned that the house where we were was hers. A place that her husband didn’t know about, unfortunately, and somehow that made me feel very good.

She took me for a house tour, and thanks to that tour, I was finally able to confirm that the place was indeed hers as her photos were aligned on some walls.

The place was beautiful and peaceful. I loved being there, and mostly it was because she was there with me.

Alisha took me to her study, which was filled with all sorts of books and comfortable couches to sit on.

The housekeeper brought some snacks and beverages to munch on as she prepared lunch.

With the housekeeper gone, it was finally just the two of us, and I was a nervous wreck.

“Calm down, I don’t bite!” Alisha teasingly said as she looked at me with a smile on her face.

“Hehe, I …. It still feels unreal. I hope that you aren’t bothered by it!” I nervously chuckled, saying that.

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