

How did he know she was at Anderson Corporation? She looked around the garage and her eyes fell on his identical physique at the entrance to the garage, from the presidential elevator.

"Mr Lane, I don't think Miss Leigh will be coming down soon. Why don't you see your friend in the meantime while we postpone our meeting till tomorrow?" She proposed, her eyes movement unstable. If Andrew happened to see them right now, they might accuse her of deliberately bringing him there, thereby breaching the contract.

Andrew nodded, smiling. His eyes went to the car Shikera was resting against and his brows furrowed in confusion.

"That car, isn't that Ethan DeLoach's car? The one he drives to social functions that requires him to show his presence?" He asked.

Shikera laughed, the sound coming out in a stiffly.

"That's just me trying to bring Ethan DeLoach out. If he hears there's someone impersonating him--- or his car--- I don't think he will stay still."

"And you don't think it's dangerous? There's a reason why no one has ever done that, you know."

Seeing that Andrew was taking it all serious, Shikera grew nervous.

"I've been thinking of that too. I will change the plate number and come in with Miss Leigh tomorrow!"

Andrew nodded and flashed her a smile before walking away. He took out his phone and his fingers tapped on them in quick succession.

"Mum, What time will you be free for dinner? I found your daughter-in-law." He clicked on the send button and looked up, a wide smile still on his face.

Shikera watched his back disappear into the building and she hurried over to Ethan and his assistants.

"Your car is putting me through so much trouble!" She complained, as she got close to them.

"No one asked you to drive it out, Miss. Who's that man?" He asked, pointing in the direction Andrew went.

"Someone I respect." Shikera answered simply. Her eyes trailed to Ruthlyn at the back and she remembered seeing her the previous day, at Ethan's villa.

"Is this your wife or girlfriend?" She asked, facing Raymond, who almost choked on his saliva.

"Not at all, Mrs---Miss Anderson... "

"Just call me Shikera or Kera, anything that works for you." Shikera interrupted him.

Raymond looked to his boss for approval but the cold glare which met his eyes, almost made him stumble. He was not ready to die yet.

"No, Miss. Your name doesn't work for me, I'll just call you Miss instead." He answered, nodding frantically.

Shikera nodded absentmindedly before turning to Ruthlyn.

"Then you can call me Kera. And if you dare to refuse, I will call you Miss too."

"Yes, Miss Kera! By the way... I am Ruthlyn Stone, Raymond Stone's sister."

Shikera was surprised but she was quick to mask it, a smile forming on her lips. So this was why Ethan chose them to be his assistants. If at all they decided to reveal his identity, then only one family would suffer for it.

"Stop the chitchat. My mother is waiting." Ethan put an end to their discussion, making Shikera sigh at what a killjoy he was.

"Miss Anderson and Ruthlyn would drive with me. Raymond, drive the other car over." He ordered.

Raymond pulled the car's back seat door open and Ethan entered, Shikera following after him while Ruthlyn walked over to the front seat and entered. In a minute, the car was moving out of the garage.

Raymond walked towards Ethan car but stopped when he heard footsteps, familiar footsteps.

He turned suddenly and saw her looking around the garage.

"Where the hell did she go? Thought she was waiting for me." He heard her mutter as he walked closer to her.

"Cyprian..." He called, watching as she turned to see him.

Her eyes bore no emotions as she stared at him and it made Raymond heart ache. Though the only emotion in her eyes the previous day had been hate, Raymond was still happy as it showed that she had not forgotten him yet. But now, she was staring at him like she would stare at a stranger.

"Cyprian?" He called again, walking closer to her.

"What's the matter, Raymond?" She answered him, meeting him halfway.

Raymond's heart almost soared in hope but he knew he could not get her back this easily. Though he didn't know what he had done that hurt her four years ago, he knew it must have hurt her so much.

"What do you mean by what's the matter? Cyprian--- everything is the matter."

His expression was pained but Cyprian was done pitying him. To her, he was always pretending so she willed herself not to be moved.

"I don't think so. Will you excuse me now?"

And she left, just like that without looking back at him even once. By now, Raymond was sure that all this was not normal. And he was not ready to let this chance slip him by.

At least, he had to know why she left him.


"My mother does not know it's a contract marriage so you have to pretend." Ethan instructed Shikera as the car parked.

"Are you ordering me or asking me to do you a favor?" Shikera taunted, a smug smile on her lips.

Ethan glanced at her and his eyes widened. The dim light of the car was reflecting in her sparkling eyeballs and the smug smile on her lips enhanced her already natural beauty. He wondered how it would be if only...

"Don't tell me you want to complain about my looks!" Shikera exclaimed. The way he was staring at her face and examining it gave her the feeling that he was going to reprimand her again. This husband of hers who was just so perfect in his own eyes.

Well...he was perfect in her eyes too.

Ethan snapped out of his thoughts when he heard her words.

"I am not asking you for a favor. If you want clarifications, read your copy of the contract again." With that, he alighted from the car and walked towards the main house.

"Jeez...This is all daddy's fault for getting me married to someone like him." She murmured to herself.

"We should go in now, Miss Kera." Ruthlyn's voice came from the front seat, startling Shikera. She had forgotten that someone was there.

"Yeah." She replied and pushed the car door open, alighted and walked towards the house.

The mansion was built in a similar design to her father's. Probably because the mansions were in the same estate and the same architect designed their structure. The only difference she could detect for now as she had not seen the backside of the mansion, between her father's and this one was the flowers surrounding the mansion and the colour itself.

While her father's mansion was surrounded by food products which he planted himself, this one was surrounded by flowers and trees that could serve as picnic spots. Also, her father's mansion was painted black for a reason unknown to her while this one was white all through.

"Welcome back home, Young Master!"

Shikera was frightened as she quickened her steps to hide behind Ethan. She looked forward and was amazed at the long line of maids and butlers greeting them from the front door.

For a family whose son lacked maids and cleaners in his own house, they sure had many maids to cater for their own needs.

"Welcome home, Young Missus!" They chorused again and Shikera gave them a nod and a bright smile. She was not used to this!

Ethan glanced at Ruthlyn and she hurried past him to the man standing at the forefront of the maids and butlers.

Within a minute, everyone dispersed and the trio walked into the house.

"Welcome to our humble abode!" As soon as they entered the house, Shikera heard a voice laced with sarcasm, say.

Next chapter