
Who is Mignon?

Shikera turned to the source of the voice and a frown formed on her face. What kind of troublesome and childish brother-in-law did she have?

"Hey Enoch!" She greeted. If he was going to prove childish, she would be the mature one among the both of them.

"Hi...Ethan." Enoch said, ignoring her greeting, again.

Ethan looked from Shikera to Enoch. What was wrong with this two? Anyway, that was not his concern so he faced Enoch.

"Enoch, do you have problem with your ears?" He asked.

His question shocked everyone present as they didn't know why he asked. Enoch, in particular, didn't know how he should feel. Should he feel happy since his brother who had never asked of his health status, suddenly asked him today? Or should he feel sad because the question seemed like an insult?

"No, Ethan. Why do you ask?" His tone was enthusiastic as he moved closer to his brother.

"You didn't seem to hear Miss. Anderson greeting you. You sure you're not deaf?" Ethan questioned, his expression serious.

Everyone at the doorway fell speechless. Was this Ethan DeLoach defending his wife?

Shikera on the other hand, blushed furiously. Though she was used to people supporting her, it made a difference when it was Ethan who did.

"Thanks." She whispered.

Ethan turned to her, surprised.

"I didn't do anything. Except you're thanking me for asking for my brother's wellbeing." He bent slightly and took her hand in his, pulling her to the living room.

Enoch stared after them in shock. He turned to Ruthlyn and walked closer to her,

"Did she drug my brother?" He whispered, staring into her eyes inquisitively.

Ruthlyn simply glared at him, a stiff smile her face.

"Did Young Master forget the punishment I gave him last week?" She asked.

Enoch immediately stepped away from her, frustrated. Why was everyone not respecting him again? Even this beautiful assistant---did he just call her beautiful?!

"Enoch! Get a grip! You shouldn't be scared of an assistant that's only four years older than you are." Having inspired himself, he walked in the direction Ruthlyn had gone.

Ethan pulled Shikera to the kitchen as he knew that was where he would find his mother. Since his coming home had made them dismiss the workers, she would be the one to complete the cooking.

"Mum." He called, when they got to the entrance of the kitchen and the woman standing at the center of the kitchen turned to them.

Shikera could only stare in awe as the woman approached them. Was this Ethan's mother or his wife because the woman's beauty could be comparable to hers? What further compounded her stray thoughts was the fact that Esther looked a lot like this woman.

"... Can she hear me?" She heard a soft voice which jolted her out of her thoughts.

It seemed the woman had been talking to her and she didn't reply. She turned to Ethan, expecting him to tell her what his mother said but all she saw was a blank look.

"I don't think so. This house seems to be robbing people of their ability to hear." Then he walked straight to the dining table.

"A***ole!" She had cursed him before noticing his mother was standing before her, a wide smile on her face.

"He sure is an as**ole!"

Shikera laughed and bowed slightly before leaving there to join Ethan at the dining area.

"What did she say?" She asked.

"I'm done cooking so you both can wait for me." Ethan replied without looking at her.

The sound of feet stomping on the stairs attracted both Shikera and Ethan's attention as they looked in the direction.

"Why can't this girl go anywhere without stomping?" Shikera wondered as she saw it was Esther coming down the stairs.

The girl's annoyed expression soon brightened into a smile as she saw Ethan. She ran towards him, hugging his thighs as soon as her hands touched him.

"Did you come to pick me, Daddy?" She asked, her eyes reflecting the adoration she had towards her father.

Shikera was almost jealous until she remembered that was the kind of relationship she had with her father and her mother, when she was still alive. Thinking of that, she realized she had not seen any sign of Esther's mother. Or was the mighty Ethan DeLoach once a rake? And Esther was the result of his escapades?

She didn't realize that through all her thinking, the table had been set and everyone was seated waiting for her.

"Shikera... " She heard Ethan's mother calling out to her and she hurriedly went to have her seat. The chairs beside Ethan on both his left and right side were occupied by Esther and Enoch so she went to sit beside his mother, Raine DeLoach, instead.

"Why don't we discuss for a while until Chris comes down? Esther, do you want to call Grandpa?" Raine suggested, a motherly smile on her face as she looked at their faces on by one.

Ethan agreed with her, backing her up with the fact that they could wait for Raymond too but Esther disagreed. She didn't want to waste any time, going to call her grandfather when she could spend that same time with her father, whom she rarely saw.

Acknowledging their decision, Raine turned to Shikera.

"How are you, dear? I'm sure Ethan didn't want you to see me."

"Why's she warming up to this one? She never likes any girl that comes to our house." Ethan murmured under his breath as he watched his mother interacting with Shikera, who had a bright smile on her face. Why did she always smile to other people except him?

He waited for Shikera to reply his mother like normal wives do. To tell her it was not her husband's fault or something in that line but what she said next shocked him.

"Yes, Mum! I wanted to come visit you right from the day I got married but guess what he said? He said he doesn't have a mother to show me to." Shikera gushed, her words coming out in a rush and exciting Raine as she talked.

Raine glared at her son, her face cleared of any smile.

"Don't mind him, dear. From now on, I am your mother and not theirs."

"Yay!" The others at the table, including Esther and excluding Ruthlyn, stared at the two like they had grown horns on their heads.

"So sweet, she's just like Mignon, isn't she?" Raine asked and the table fell silent.

Shikera looked around, wondering why the table suddenly fell silent and why everyone's face was gloomy. Ethan in particular, looked so angry that she couldn't dare ask who Mignon was.

In a while, Chris and Raymond had arrived and they started eating. Raine kept putting food on Shikera's plate and she ate everything, not minding if it was fried, spicy or greasy.

Dinner had been so quiet like a bomb was ticking somewhere close by, threatening to explode. Shikera figured it was because of Raine's words earlier and it made her wonder who Mignon was. Was she Esther's mother?

When she was done with her meal, she excused herself from the table, asking for the restroom and Esther was asked to lead her there.

Ethan watched as their backs disappeared around the corner before turning to his mother.

"Sir!" Ruthlyn interrupted him before he could talk, "Miss Anderson's doctor just sent me her meal plan and...it seems we are in trouble!"

Next chapter