As the young man peeks his head out, he is absolutely stunned by the thing standing outside.
It was a zombie mutant half of a tank mutant, with a long, slithering tail as its right hand.
With the wall that touched the green goo melting away as if it had touched some sort of acid, Kate and Xiaoyun immediately realized the danger.
With loud bang sounds, Xiaoyun unloaded his entire rifle mag onto the mutant, only to find it standing perfectly fine.
"Kate, bring them out of the store. I'll deal with it."
"Wait, help untie us first——"
"Just run out!"
As Kate started to help the four get back up from the ground, Xiaoyun forcefully ripped the food shelf out of the wall.
"Hey, trash! Are you mad that I killed that statue? Was that pathetic thing your kid or something?"
The mutant's face turned fully angrier as it growled right toward him before slashing the door frame into pieces.
"Fight me like a real man. Don't be a coward——"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: