
Set in Motion

"Uh-huh, sure. Very likely story." Kate murmured as they arrived all the way back to the burnt-up truck.

With the same boxes created on the other side of the truck, they quickly jumped past the burnt truck before throwing a match at the box.

After getting past all the roadblocks, they were finally back at the camp's entrance.

As they walked past the soldiers, they didn't seem to notice them missing at all, as they had only been gone for less than an hour.

"Okay, time to execute the plan."


As nighttime approached, Xiaoyun called up all five of the Colonels to show up at the HQ tents.

When they all stood before the map, he finally began to reveal his plan to the five of them.

"You all know why we came here?" Xiaoyun asked.

After a short silence, one of the Colonel finally spoke up.

"To defend the bridge from the zombie horde?"


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