
Chapter 81: Blood Test

After waiting for twenty minute, a doctor finally came in.

The doctor unwrapped the bandages on Xiaoyun's face and notice its had stopped bleeding.

"Well your face is all good. But this scar might stay here for a while." The doctor threw away the bloody bandages.

"Can I ask how the hospital going?" Xiaoyun suddenly asked.

"Um, well the hospital is pretty good right spot. Its better than most rural hospital i had worked it. It got all the equipment and even several ICU units. Anyway, do you feel any pain or issue with your body?"

"Nope, I feel perfectly fine."

"Well a nurse is going to come in and draw your blood for testing. After that you can leave tomorrow morning if nothing goes wrong." The doctor left the room.

After waiting for five minute, a nurse came in.

The nurse draws the blood, check the temperature and asked for his name. Which Xiaoyun responded with Songming.

After all that, the nurse left the room.

All Xiaoyun could do now is wait and stare at the clock as time passes.

Eventually Xiaoyun fell asleep as he felt very tired.

When it was seven o'clock, a nurse woke him up.

"It's time for your dinner." The nurse put up the mini table from the side of the bed and handed him food tray.

"Thank you." Xiaoyun started eating from the food tray as the nurse left.

The food was mediocre, but at least it was hot.

After finishing it, Xiaoyun put it onto the nightstand and pull out his phone.

He turned on the phone as it was required to be turned off during the missions earlier.

There were several missed call. All of them were from the three.

Suddenly someone opened the door, it was Leyan standing outside.

"What happen? Your face!" Leyan worryingly ran up to him.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just repair it right now. Anyway how did you find me?" Xiaoyun asked as he changed his face back to normal.

"I saw the medical records and it said Songming, and the blood test matches so I guessed it was you... Anyway when are you going to explain what happen? Don't try to avoid my question." Leyan sat down on the bed.

"Um, I decided to join the rescue team and got injured." Xiaoyun didn't want to explain in detail to make her worry.

"Why the rescue team? It's so risky outside." Leyan looked unhappy by Xiaoyun's choice.

"Well I really had been rotting living in the town, I just can't control myself when I stay around you three... Qiqi and Yunyun had served as a wake-up call for me to do something about it.

Beside, I need to participate more in the military to control it. Yiming and Yezi can't always hold onto the military." Xiaoyun looked determined in his choice.

"Why? They won't betray you or anything. Why would you need to control it more?" Leyan now looked confused.

"I know those two won't betray me, but how about when they retire? None of the soldier that get promoted to their place would know about me. Soldiers wants a strong and close leader, not someone who live in luxury at the town while they die in the battlefield." Xiaoyun paused for a second.

"I don't have any military experience that will ever make them feel I'm apart of them. I need them to respect me as a commander in chief and this is the best chance for me to establish myself as apart of the soldiers."

"But y——" Xiaoyun interrupted Leyan before she can argue back.

"There is no but, I have thought about this for a long time now, and I had just decided last night." Xiaoyun looked determined in his choice.

"Fine, but you are going to need to convince the other two, they are not going to be happy hearing this." Leyan warned but she seem to be holding her laughter.

"I know, but I'm sure they will understand." Xiaoyun didn't notice anything off.

The two fell into silent.

"You want to say anything else say to them? Is that all?" Leyan asked as she pulled out a phone that show they had been call with Yuqi for the whole time.

"Hm? Wait had they had been listen the whole time?" Xiaoyun realized he just got setup by Leyan.

"Yes you dummy!" Yuqi and Yunyun's voice came out of the phone.

"Leyan why did you do this?" Xiaoyun looked slightly annoyed.

"So you don't have to convince them just like me. Anyway Qiqi and Yunyun what do you guys think?" Leyan asked through the phone.

"We understand. Please just come back safely okay? We forgive you." The two voices came out of the phone.

"Oh! My phone is out of battery." Leyan hung up the phone early to end the call.

"Congrats, now both of them have forgiven you now. You better thank me." Leyan moved closer.

"I guess thank you? But you just recorded me without permission." Xiaoyun still haven't gotten over the fact Leyan set him up.

"Well you never going to give an authentic answer if I didn't do this as a surprise." Leyan hesitated for a second.

"How about this? I'll let you do anything with me... I mean anything as a compensation for your forgiveness." Leyan face blushes.

"Anything?" Xiaoyun mind started running wild.

"Yes anything. I'm not shy like them. You forgot we had been together for so long now?" Leyan moved closer and closer.

"I..." Xiaoyun thought back to the days with Leyan, where Leyan was the one who always started everything.

Suddenly doorknob turning sound can be heard by the two of them.

Leyan immediately got up from the bed and moved away from Xiaoyun.

"Mr.Songming, your health is perfectly fine. If you have any issue you can come to my office, I have night shift today." Leyan turned around and left the room.

"Hm? Why was the Mrs.Leyan here?" The nurse thought in her mind.

"Mr.Songming, I need to take another blood draw. For some reason the blood test is reacting weirdly in the machine." The nurse signaled Xiaoyun to pull his sleeve.

"Can I ask what is weird about it?" Xiaoyun lifted up his sleeve.

"I can't tell you that." The nurse started drawing another vial of blood.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The nurse left with the two vials of blood and left.

Just as the nurse left, Xiaoyun could hear the outside conversation.

"Tiantian, give me that vial, the blood test is over." It was Leyan's voice.

"But doctor Li is requesting it for more testing." The voice was from the nurse earlier that just drew his blood.

"Am I the head nurse or you are? I'll explain to doctor Li later." Leyan spoke up.

"Sorry." Tiantian seem to have accepted from Leyan's demand.

The two's footstep walked further and further away.

Xiaoyun went back to bed as he sat there in silent.

After sitting for ten minute, Xiaoyun couldn't fall asleep so he decided to go for a walk.

As Xiaoyun walked around the hallway, the exit for this section of the hallway had two soldier standing as guard.

"Hey, you can't leave here yet, you have to wait until tomorrow." The soldier stopped Xiaoyun.

"I have the mayor's signature for me to leave. Here it is." Xiaoyun instantly created one inside his backpack and took it out.

"Hm, it really does say mayor's name and have permission to leave... But I had never see his signature, so I'm afraid I can't let you leave." The soldier still refused to budge.

Xiaoyun pulled out his phone and dial Yiming's phone number, then put it on speaker mode as if he wanted the two soldier hear the conversation.

"Yiming here, who is this?" Yiming voice came out.

"Its me. Didn't the mayor gave me permission freely travel in the hospital?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Oh yeah, he definitely did give the ability to freely travel in the hospital for badge number 351." Yiming replied in the phone.

"Thank you." Xiaoyun hung up the phone.

"Now do you believe me?" Xiaoyun looked at the two guard as he showed his badge unit.

"Of course sir, you can go." The two soldier stepped out of the way.

With Xiaoyun free to go, Xiaoyun started walking in the hospital.

Xiaoyun started walking in random direction until he saw a room that said doctor Li's office.

"Hm, might as well check what he is doing with my blood." Xiaoyun knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice came in.

"Hm? Who are you?" The doctor turned around and saw Xiaoyun.

"You are doctor Li?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yes I'm doctor Li. How you got here?" Doctor Li noticed the soldier uniform Xiaoyun is wearing.

"I'm the patient that you requested for blood earlier. I was just curious what is wrong with my blood." Xiaoyun asked.

"Oh you are Songming." Doctor Li realized the blood was from Songming.

"Well your blood have a very dense, yet fast regeneration. Its almost as if it is boosted immunity of some sort." Doctor Li explained.

"That good right?" Xiaoyun looked a little confused.

"Well, its good most of the time... as long as your body have developed it's own way on handling extras.

You know, many people have been showing signs of increase capability of their body. So its not that surprising to see one that exceed the past human normality." Doctor Li paused for a second.

"But yours are just way above others... unfortunately I want to test more with your blood but Mrs.Leyan had the co-mayor's authorization to pause this test." Doctor Li seem a little upset over the decision.

"What if I can get the mayor's authorization to continue this test?" Xiaoyun suggested.

"Then I can definitely continue this! I have a feeling this might crack the cure for the virus outbreak."

"What? Why do you think that?" Xiaoyun looked curiously.

"Well I'm not a physician, I'm actually a virologist. I had been testing many different antibodies inside the blood... and yours is something special." Doctor Li replied.

"Oh that good news. Well I got a paper for you that the mayor had just authorized you to continue your experimentation from the mayor." Xiaoyun pulled out another piece of paper as he just created it.

"Wait, you really do have it..." Doctor Li read over the paper and got ecstatic.

"Help me say thank you to the mayor! Also one more thing. Can I draw blood from you?"

"No problem, just send the result to the mayor's office when you are done testing." Xiaoyun pulled up his sleeve to let him draw several vial of blood.

"Okay thank you! This will definitely be enough." Doctor Li carefully put the vials onto a tray and got back to work.

It felt like I haven't have a break scene for so long. Anyway, more screentime for Yanyan! Still not over yet.

A little foreshadowing event here. But this won't come to fruitation until a lot later into the story. Even a blind person can tell what this blood gonna do... or is it? I'm not gonna reveal the answer.

Bruh, 40 powerstone, so this chapter cancel it out.

Bonus Chapter counter: 5

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