
Chapter 79: Joining the Rescue Team

"Is he okay?" Nami asked as Xiaoyun's head laid on the table.

"Yeah he's fine. He just stay up all night." Leyan checked his pulse.

"Perhaps you two can forgive him? He seem really sorry for what he had done." Leyan tried to help Xiaoyun.

"Hmph! He think just because he stay up to cook he are going to forgive him? Hell no." Yuqi replied.

"I think he is really sorry. You have never seen him wake up early, or even cook for us... Maybe we should just forgive him." Yueyue seem to have forgiven Xiaoyun as she stared at Xiaoyun's sleeping face.

"This is why he keep testing our limits. You are too forgiving and tolerant of his bullshit. We can't just let him go so easily. Yueyue please, don't forgive him this easily." Yuqi looked determined.

"I guess you are right... but I enjoyed it too." Yueyue looked down as she mumbled the last part.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nami looked confused at the three talking to each other.

"Um nothing! We are just talking about Xiaoyun always being so lazy and see if this breakfast would redeem him. Yeah, fixing his laziness, right?" Leyan immediately came up with excuse on the spot.

"Yeah exactly." The two responded as they nervously stretched their head.

"Hm... sure whatever. Lily lets go, I'm bring you to school today." Nami left the kitchen with Lily.

"Mom, please join us. He won't learn his lesson until he suffer the withdraw. I need you to work with us. You don't want to be treated like that would you?" Yuqi pleaded.

"Fine, but only for a week. I can't hold it for that long." Leyan face blushes as she said the last part out.

"That what we planning to do anyway. It's hard for hold it too... But we have to teach him a lesson." The two face blushes as well.

"Anyway let's go to work while this dummy over here sleep on the table." All three of them left the kitchen to work.


When Xiaoyun woke up, it was already two o'clock.

"Hm? They all left for work already?" Xiaoyun noticed all the empty plates on the table.

Xiaoyun grabbed all the plates and pans to the dishwasher and started it.

Then Xiaoyun went back upstairs to freshen up and left the house.

Instead of going to the office like usual, Xiaoyun kept walking to the old security room.

Yiming and Yezi were inside the security room looking at a map.

"We finally double cleared this front, the left, and the right side of the city outskirt. Now its just the back here that we checked only one time." Yezi pointed at the far side of the city.

"Hm, that far side of the city outskirt you only went there once right?" Yiming asked.

"Yes, we first check the entire outskirt once by driving around to see which road is blocked." Yezi stated.

"I see, then you should be fine to send people through this way right here and start thoroughly search the outskirt at the back. This way you can always retreat in all four direction." Yiming pointed at the intersection.

"Good idea, that what we going to d——" As Yezi about to finish, Xiaoyun opened the door.

"Hey guys, I'm here to ask to join the rescue team!" Xiaoyun immediately spoke out.

"What did you just say?" Yezi looked confused.

"I said I want to join the rescue team!" Xiaoyun repeated.

"Um, you sure Xiaoyun?" Yezi and Yiming looked a little concerned.

"Yes! I finally understand you now Yezi. I need some excitement in life to avoid being all rotten living in the town." Xiaoyun patted Yezi on the shoulder.

"Huh? What does this have to do with me? I was just about to retire from going to the front-line like you said." Yezi looked confused at Xiaoyun.

"Ah whatever. Just assign me to the rescue team. You can retire from front-line position whenever you like."

"Does your wives know this?" Yiming asked important question that Yezi was about to ask.

"Um, you know they would never let me. But hey, I'm the mayor, not them okay? Come on Yezi, just imagine if I'm just a normal soldier." Xiaoyun asked again.

"Fine, I'll assign you to the newest unit then." Yezi accepted Xiaoyun's demand.

Yiming stay silent as he watches Yezi gave him a soldier uniform and the issued rifles.

"Well soldier, you are assigned Unit Seventy-five. Go to the training field to report for duty!" Yezi saluted to Xiaoyun.

"Yes sir!" Xiaoyun saluted back and left with the items.

"Why do I have a bad feeling." Yiming mumbled as he looked very worried.

"I'm sure its fine, Jixi will assign him the safest route possible." Yezi reassured Yiming.

"I guess..." Yiming still looked a little worried.


When Yezi and Yiming arrived at the field, all the soldiers were standing there.

This leaves fifty-one soldiers as garrison on the wall, not including on duty militias.

"I assume everyone is ready to go?" Yezi yelled.

"Yes sir!" The soldiers yelled back.

"Well before that, I have an announcement to make." Yezi paused for a second.

"I will no longer apart of the rescue te——"

"Why?" One of the soldier interrupted.

"From front-line duty, so I will still be the head of the rescue department and planning all the mission. Corporal Jixi will be on the field in my place. I expect everyone to respect him as if I was there! Godspeed everyone!" Yezi and Yiming saluted at the soldiers.

"Yes sir!" The soldiers saluted back and went to their assigned buses.

All the buses started driving toward the gate, then toward the city outskirt.


"Hey man, you new? I never seen you before." The soldier sitting next to Xiaoyun asked.

"Yeah, I am just fresh recruit." Xiaoyun with slightly changed face replied.

"Oh so you are the new people that just joined. You want to learn some basic before you go in?" The soldier asked.

"Of course I do. I would love to." Xiaoyun replied.

"Well, let me tell you. Most unit has four people in it and each will be assigned an area to search. With extra units staying at an center as emergency response."

"And in the bus, there is also a leader of the bus that act as head leader of all unit on the bus. This only apply when Mr.Jixi isn't here."

"Also, your unit leader would have the walkie talkie to communicate with other units and the command center because for some reason, phones has very bad signal inside the city." The soldier finished speaking

"Thank you so much." Xiaoyun handed him two food stamp from his pocket.

"No problem." The soldier gladly accepted it.

After sitting for thirty minutes, the bus stopped.

Everyone got off the bus and got into their units group.

"Unit One to Sixty-five you may go now, Unit Sixty-six to Seventy-five you are staying here." Jixi stood on top a car as he announced the units searching and searching.

All the unit went to their assigned area as Xiaoyun stayed with his unit.

"Wait, Wuli is also in this new unit... I guess Shuli wasn't wrong when she said Wuli just joined being a soldier."

Xiaoyun realized Wuli was the captain of the unit he is in.

The nine units went inside an empty grocery store and stay put as they are only allowed to leave when a unit request help.

"Man this is so boring." One of the soldier in Xiaoyun unit complained.

"At least we don't have any combat duty. Why are you upset over free paycheck?" Another soldier replied.

"Be quiet, no chit chatting." Wuli warned the two.

As the nine united waited for transmission in silent, Jixi's walkie talkie rang up.

"Unit Five here, requesting support for carry, we rescued three survivor. Over."

"Sending one unit to your location right now." Xiaoyun could see Jixi telling one of the unit where to go and then the unit left.

The next four unit request was all survivor related, until an urgent one was transmitted.

"Unit Twenty-four here, we need backup! One tank mutant outside with around over several hundred zombies. We are currently stuck hiding inside the building, Over." The transmission ended.

"All unit pull back." Jixi ordered.

After ten minute, everyone was back standing in front of the store.

"Unit One to Three, you stay in the store to watch thee survivor. Everyone else, get on the bus." Everyone went to their designated area as Xiaoyun went back to the original bus.

"Why don't we have the same units in the same bus." Xiaoyun mumbled as he sat down on the seat.

"Because you are new. They probably forgot to leave a spot for you in the bus for your unit. Anyway I heard they are planning to reorganize the soldier groups and ranking soon so the unit you in won't matter." The soldier that sat next to him earlier responded as he sat down.

"That make sense, no wonder why Yiming was planning to give me a docu—— ahem what are we doing now?" Xiaoyun coughed and immediately switched the conversation.

"In two minute, we will be required to get ready to open fire when its our side." The soldier replied as they both sat on the left side of the bus.

Action! Xiaoyun is no longer snoozefest at the town and rotting! But will the three noticed where Xiaoyun went? Hmm... well wait for the next chapter.

Bonus chapter count: 6

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