
Chapter 72: More Mutants

"All clear! Mutant is dead!" The two unit yelled back as they kicked the mutant's body.

Just as the unit was walking back to their comrades, suddenly a group of hunchback mutant appeared out of nowhere and jumped down from the nearby container.

The mutants Landing right on top the two unit soldier's head as it started grappling it towards north.

"Everyone hold your fire! All units with K89K fire!" Some of the soldier hesitated for a second, but opened fire when they heard their comrade screaming in pain.

Within a single fire from the soldiers, all the hunchback mutant fell down from their head and dropped dead.

"What the fuck was that... unit forty and eighty, go help administer aid to them." The two medic unit walked up to help the two units that looked severely bruised on the face, but fortunately no bleeding wounds.

"Everyone follow me and drive the vehicle to the containers." Yezi gave order to everyone as he got inside an truck himself.

After getting to the container, Yezi opened the container that the dock worker told him.

It was bunch of boxes inside stacked to the brim.

Yezi walked up and opened one of the boxes.

"Thanks god the dock worker didn't lie, it really is copper." Yezi tapped the copper as it let out a metal sound.

Yezi opened another box, only to see it be box full of steel this time.

"Everyone! Start hauling these to the truck inside! Form an assembly line! Last ten units stay outside and be alert!" Yezi yelled out.

After loading for almost an hour, the container was finally empty.

"Hm... this is only one truck full. Everyone go through the container and see if there's anything valuable. In group of four units! Sixteen per groups." Yezi commanded.

The units quickly got into groups and started walking and search the containers.

After searching for thirty minutes, they finally found something interesting.

"What is this?" Yezi asked.

"This is bunch of chemical. I'm not sure either. But I remember my friend told me the factory need these chemical." The soldier replied.

"Well then... All unit come to container 513, with the truck and bus, over." Yezi spoke through the walkie talkie.

After loading it all full to another truck for thirty minute as this was much lighter, the second truck was now full.

"Everyone keep searching!" Yezi dismissed all the units again.

After loading all five trucks full of different goods from construction material to fertilizers to more unknown chemical, they finally drove the trucks and buses toward the entrance.


By the time Yezi got back to the town, it was already five in the afternoon.

The soldiers exited the bus as they help unload the truck.

Xiaoyun could see all the different material being unloaded from the truck.

"How's the trip?" Xiaoyun walked up to Yezi who looked extremely exhausted.

"Eight of them died... I-I should of been more careful." Yezi looked a little upset.

"At least their death isn't in vain." Xiaoyun tried to comfort Yezi.

"I'm fine Xiaoyun, I'm just a little disappointed in myself." Yezi seem to had recovered from it.

"They know what they sign up for. Anyway, how did they died?" Yiming asked.

"A mutant zombies. It is three meter tall with inhuman amount of muscle at the arms. It walks with both its hand and legs. Almost like a tank." Yezi replied.

"I remember seeing that in the city... we had to use rocket launcher to kill it." Yiming thought back to his time in the military.

"Yeah, that exactly what we had to do after all of our bullet couldn't penetrate through it's arm. The makeshift grenade was extremely useful." Yezi explained.

"Okay, so a tank mutant. We have experience against it now at least. Anything else?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Also some sort of hunchback mutant, almost shaped like someone riding a horse all bent down. They can climb and jump from very high building and attacked two of our units."

"Did they died too?" Yiming asked.

"No, just a lot of bruises on their face. No wound or anything." Yezi answered.

"Okay, lets call it jockey since it is shaped like that. And the other one tank." Xiaoyun gave the mutants names.

"Yezi go take a break. I don't want you to go outside tomorrow okay?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Fine. I'm going back home now." Yezi turned around and left the storage room.

Xiaoyun and Yiming watches the soldiers continue to unload the truck for almost thirty minute.

"Hey Yiming... do you think we need to expand our soldier amount?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Not yet, we need to give it some time for the factory to ramp up production first. There's not enough weapon and ammo to recruit more. Beside, doesn't Mrs.Yuqi want to lower the soldier amount?" Yiming replied.

"She's always want to lower the number so the civilian side can have more people working. Its not going to happen under my watch... she tend to forget sometime we are still in a apocalypse." Xiaoyun reassured Yiming.

"Yeah... a lot of people seem to had forgotten there still at the outside world... maybe we should start allowing militia and soldiers to join in Yezi's rescue team as training." Yiming suggested.

"Actually doesn't sound that bad. They need more combat experience anyway." Xiaoyun nodded in agreement.


The next day, Xiaoyun gave the new plan to Yuqi to review for making all soldiers mandatory joining the rescue team every week at least once.

"Seem like a good plan, having them be able to gather more resources outside and rescue more people rather than just sitting at the wall in base." Yuqi gave the paper back to Xiaoyun.

"Then I'm going to sign this and give it to Yezi tomorrow." Xiaoyun signed the paper with his signature.

"Why tomorrow?" Yuqi asked.

"Because he's on the break today. Anyway, how the factories and commercial sector going?" Xiaoyun asked.

"The commercial sector is rapidly expanding. To avoid having too much people working there, I had raised the raw material cost to supply them and restricted the amount of licenses given for starting a business." Yuqi paused to took a sip of coffee.

"Hey, no more coffee. You can't drink too much of it." Xiaoyun took the coffee away and drank all of it himself at once.

"Whatever. And for the factory, there has been three people who opened their own factories. Two of them are textile, and one of them are focusing tools and woodworking." Yuqi instinctively reached for her coffee cup, but its already all empty.

"How about the firearms?"

"Well they had split into two independent factory from each other. They had been ramping up production with the higher wages to incentivize people making doing harsh factory jobs. You know, not many people want to do that kind of jobs." Yuqi explained.

"Anything else I need to know?" Xiaoyun asked.

"The Russian one is making a prototype of some heavy machine gun after Yiming requested it to be built for the walls. Meanwhile Yezi has requested the German one for submachine gun for urban usage." Yuqi answered.

"Make sense... how's the New Year celebration plan?"

"Going pretty well. Yueyue has been setting up the stage and most of the stuff needed. I hope you had written a script because you are going to be the host you know that right?" Yuqi smirked.

"Shit, I completely forgot about that." Xiaoyun immediately went back to work as he started writing on the piece of paper.

After writing from morning to noon, Xiaoyun was still unsatisfied with it.

"Babe you want to go eat?" Yuqi pointed at the clock.

"No you can go, I'm going to finish this first." Xiaoyun was still writing as several stack of crumbled paper was on the floor.

"You better not forget to eat okay?" Yuqi reminded him before leaving.


When Yuqi came back from lunch, Xiaoyun was still writing the script.

"Is it that hard to write it? Let me see what you had written." Yuqi grab the paper to look over it.

"Hm... this look pretty good to me." Yuqi put the paper back down.

"But there still room for improvement. I-I have to make this perfect for the first new year celebration of the town." Xiaoyun took out another piece of paper as he started writing another one.

"Well you still got three days." Yuqi went back to his seat and started working.

Three hours later, Xiaoyun was finally finished.

"Yes, this is perfect!" Xiaoyun put down his pen.

"Really? Let me see." Yuqi walked over to read the papers.

"Damn, this is really impressive. I can't write better than this." Yuqi put the paper back down.

"Of course you can't, I spent several hours on this." Xiaoyun smiled as he lifted the paper up in the air.

"Yeah yeah, you better clean up the floor." Yuqi pointed at the floor which is full of crumbled drafts.

Xiaoyun scratched his head in embarrassment as he realized what he had done.

Who's using the summoning pen? What is this? I don't know but here it is I guess. (Just ignore the bonus chapter tag at the side, idk why its there but sure.)

Fighting scene over. Now its time for break. Time for celebration! (Over 500 collection too!) Thank you everyone.

Bonus chapter count:10

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