
Chapter 67: Yuqi's Birthday (R-18)

After spending almost an entire morning planning it, the three were finally happy with the planned district on the map.

"Far left on the side here is the industrial for the future, the right side here is more residential area. Then the middle here can be residential area." Xiaoyun pointed on the new map that they just created.

"I think this is good, we can also finally check the river here and send someone to check the lake further down." Yueyue replied.

"Okay, we can hand this plan to him tomorrow then." Yuqi rolled up the map and put it back into the drawer.

The three checked the clock and noticed its already noon.

"Let go get something to eat." Yueyue suggested.

"I know a place that I wanted to try." Xiaoyun excitingly got up.

"Sure." Yuqi got up as she agreed.


As the three walked on the crowded street as everyone else is in their lunch break, they finally arrived at the place Xiaoyun was talking about.

It was an hotpot restaurant.

"I always wanted to try this." Xiaoyun walked in all excited.

"I haven't tried this before either. Look very exciting!" Yueyue looked excited as well.

"You sure we can eat this while pregnant?" Yuqi asked.

"Yeah, I asked Leyan few days ago. Its fine as long as not too much salt and not spicy. And make sure everything is cooked to the brim." Xiaoyun reassured Yuqi.

The three sat down at one of the table.

"What would like today sir?" The waiter walked over.

"Um, what do you recommend?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I would recommend... is these two lady pregnant?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, they are." Xiaoyun replied.

"Then I would recommend a simple base with one of each for you guys to try it out first."

"Sure, lets do that."

The waiter left then came back with a pot as he turned on the stove attached to the table.

After waiting for the water to boil, the three could finally start dipping the ingredient and as they make their dipping sauce.


"Man, that was good." Xiaoyun could feel his stomach completely full as the three walked back to the administrative building.

"Yeah, we should invite them to go with us next time we have a break." Yueyue suggested.

Both Yuqi and Xiaoyun nodded in agreement.

"Anyway lets get back to work." The three got back inside the office and started working.

After two hours later, Xiaoyun and Yueyue left earlier as Leyan called them back home to do something.

Yuqi was working alone in the office until the day was over, then Yuqi walked back home and knocked on the door.

Xiaoyun opened the door and held Yuqi inside the house

"Happy birthday!" Wuli and Shuli along with Yezi and Yiyi was inside the house.

"Um... today was my birthday?" Yuqi scratched her head.

"Yes! Come on Qiqi, lets go to your birthday cake. Me and Xiaoyun spend several day on this." Leyan moved up to hold Yuqi toward the kitchen as everyone else followed.

"How can sister forget her own birthday?" Lily mumbled.

"Well she is the co-mayor, and with Xiaoyun always trying to escape work. She always going to be busy." Nami answered Lily's question.

As Yuqi saw the birthday cake, everyone started singing happy birthday.

"Thank you everyone." Yuqi's eye started to get watery.

"Come on Qiqi, make a wish." Xiaoyun lit up all the candles.

Qiqi closed her eye and held her hand together.

After standing there for about a minute, she finally opened her eye and blew the candles.

"What did you wish for?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"I can't tell you that you dummy! It won't come true if I do that." Yuqi knocked on Xiaoyun's head.

Everyone laughed as the Xiaoyun ducked down and Yuqi stretching her hand trying to hit his head.

"Qiqi, lets cut the cake now." Leyan handed the knife to Qiqi.

Yuqi cut the cake and put cake pieces onto the plates one by one as Xiaoyun passed the plate to the guest.

"Man, I still can't believe you three are married to Xiaoyun. I still remember when the two were still little baby and Qiqi being a little girl and always following behind her dad Xiaoy——"

Shuli covered Wuli's mouth before she can continue any further.

"Don't talk about these stuff in people's birthday." Shuli whispered to Wuli as she noticed Yuqi's face blushing.

"What? I'm pretty sure everyone here already knew that they are fa——" Leyan dragged Wuli away before she can finish.

"They don't know that Qiqi is his daughter and sister, they only know Yuqi as his sister, can you please be more careful with your words?" Leyan warned Wuli.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Wuli started apologizing profusely as she realized what she had almost said out loud.

The two walked back to the kitchen as the party continued.


After the party was over and the cleanup was done, the guest finally left.

"Yuqi you can have him tonight." Yueyue and Leyan went to their own room.

Yuqi and Xiaoyun looked at each other blushing.

"W-why am I so nervous when we already done it so many time." Both of their head thought the same thing as they walked inside the Yuqi's room instead of the usual Xiaoyun's room.

"D-darling how do you want to d-do this?" Xiaoyun nervously asked.

"H-how about the u-usual?" Yuqi replied back.

"S-sure." Xiaoyun took off his cloth, then help Yuqi's taking off her cloth.

"I can feel the b-baby m-moving sometime." Yuqi suddenly brought it up.

"Really?" Xiaoyun puts his ear next to the belly.

"Y-you hear anything?" Yuqi asked.

"Yeah, I can feel something is in there."

"Of course there's something in there you dummy." Yuqi gently punched Xiaoyun on the chest.

"B-babe... do you think I'm ugly?" Yuqi asked as the two laid on the bed.

"What? You are beautiful. Why would you ask that?" Xiaoyun looked confused at Yuqi.

"T-then why aren't you hard? U-usually you would be already all over me already." Yuqi looked down as she said it out loud.

"What? I thought you would want me to cuddle and relax with you first. I-I completely forgot about it." As Xiaoyun stared at Yuqi's body, it finally was fully erected.

The two laid on the bed in silent as both didn't want to move.

"T-thank you for the birthday cake." Yuqi kissed Xiaoyun on the cheek.

"No problem, I just brought the ingredient to mom." The two fell back into silent until Xiaoyun finally snap back to normal as he finally had the courage to ask

"Do You want to do it now?"

"Yeah, let's do it." Yuqi spread her leg open.

"Babe you don't have to do this, i-it dirty down there. I-I haven't took a shower yet." Yuqi pushed Xiaoyun head away as Xiaoyun lowered his head down.

"I don't mind it." Xiaoyun moved opened the Yuqi's lips as he moved his tongue through the entrance.

Yuqi gave up pushing Xiaoyun away as she started moaning in pleasure.

After a few minute, Yuqi finally couldn't hold it anymore as she pushes Xiaoyuns head away.

Despite this, Xiaoyun moved forward instead and catches everything inside.

"Y-you didn't have to drink it." Yuqi face was all red as she sees Xiaoyun swallow everything down.

"It just like our first time, don't you think?" Xiaoyun moved back up.

"Yeah, we were both so nervous back then." Yuqi thought back to their first time.

The two finally stopped being so nervous next to each other as Xiaoyun moved on top of Yuqi.

"I'm going in darling." Xiaoyun slowly moved inside as Yuqi could feel her inside getting filled.

After a while, Yuqi felt a little uncomfortable as Xiaoyun continue to slowly moved in and out.

"Babe, can we switch position? Like c-can I be on top?" Yuqi asked.

"Sure." Xiaoyun lifted Yuqi up as he laid back down.

Yuqi finally felt comfortable as her belly no longer laid on her back, rather her belly and entire weight was on top of Xiaoyun.

With Yuqi fully in control, she started riding on the rod.

Every time she move up and down, Xiaoyun could feel the rod being pushed all the way inside as her weight push it down. Not to mention Yuqi has a much shallower inside than the other two.

Soon the two could feel each other was reaching their climax as the two started moving synchronized up and down.

"I'm coming!" The two kissed each other as they climaxed together.


After the two climaxed one more time, Yuqi got tired and asked to stop.

Xiaoyun immediately stopped despite still fully hard again.

"You want me to go call th——" Xiaoyun interrupted her before she can finish.

"It's fine darling, lets just cuddle." Xiaoyun arm wrapped onto Yuqi's shoulder.

As the two laid on the bed, Xiaoyun suddenly asked.

"Qiqi... have you thought what name we should give our kid?"

Yuqi thought for a while, then finally got an answer.

"How about naming it Lianrong?" Yuqi suggested.

"Sure, but what if it is a boy?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Then how about Huarong?"

"Yeah lets go with that."

The two fell back into silence as they just cuddled on the bed staring to the wall.

Eventually Yuqi fell asleep on the bed. Xiaoyun lifted the blanket up and went to sleep as well.

The next two chapter is going to be more expansion. But my my monkey brain just can't controll my hand and start writing *Bonk* ouch.

Anyway I need to write more of the side character interaction. Its almost as if they had blended into the town. Don't worry I haven't forgotten them (totally).

Oh you wondering if I can draw another map, this time much more detailed with actual graphics? Maybe if I have free time not needing to catch up to the bonus chapter.

(Maybe as an chapter 100 special or something. Or an 100 powerstone milestone or 20th review special? Wait none of these help me catch up to the bonus chapter...)

Bonus chapter count:11

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