
Chapter 59: Busy Day

When the two walked downstairs, Leyan was already downstairs cooking breakfast.

"Just wait for few more minute and its almost finish, I forgot to cook your guys portion." Leyan glances at the kitchen entrance and noticed the two walking toward the dining table.

All of them were already sitting down eating breakfast.

"Mannn, I wish I have a housewife like Leyan. Being get up early in the morning and cook." Wuli commented.

"Xiaoyun is so lucky to have Leyan as his wife, not a lot of people know how to cook now. Especially nowadays." Shuli added.

"Ha ha yeah I'm very lucky." Xiaoyun nervously stretches his head.

"I-I got to go to work now." Yuqi drank the rest of the coffee and left.

"Y-yeah me too." Yueyue drank the rest of the milk and left as well.

"Mr.Mayor you don't have to go to work?" Wuli looked at him curiously.

"Um, I-I got a flexible schedule." Xiaoyun takes a sip of the coffee as he maintain a straight face.

"Xiaoyun, w-what do you think of Yuqi and Yueyue?" Shuli suddenly asked.

Xiaoyun almost spat out his coffee.

"T-they are great." Xiaoyun avoided to comment further.

"It must be weird to have them be your daughter and your sister." As Wuli finish speaking, Nami and Lily couldn't hold their laughter anymore.

"Nami don't you need to go to work now? I bet the store is full of people. Also Lily you should go with Nami to help her today." Xiaoyun immediately pushed the two out as they finished breakfast long ago.

"Whatever, they gonna know it eventually you know..." Nami and Lily left.

"What does she mean by that?" Wuli looked confused from Nami comment.

"Oh its n-nothing." Xiaoyun nervously scratched his head.

Leyan finally finished cooking the noodles as she carries the two bowl to the two.

"Wuli and Shuli, do you guys want to live in one of the mansion? I can manage it for you." Xiaoyun suddenly suggested it as the two were ate the noodles.

"I-I don't think we should do that, I-I think those wooden cabin are fine." Wuli replied.

"Okay, I'll do that for you guys. How about your job Wuli? Do you have anything in mind?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I think I want to join the military." Wuli replied.

"Part time militia or full time soldier?" Leyan chimed in.

"Probably part time for now. Maybe I should apply for Yuqi's office job. I used to be an accountant anyway."

"You definitely get in. Anyway I got to go now." Xiaoyun finished the cup of coffee and left.

After five minute later...

"Let me bring you two around the town, and get Wuli enrolled in the militia. I got nothing to do anyway since hospital still not finished." Leyan got up as the two finished eating.


When Xiaoyun arrived at the administrative building, the entire road was filled with people.

He could see the two working in the store with customers going in and out.

"How is it going?" Xiaoyun walked over to the two.

"Very busy. i can't even look for someone to hire." Nami hand still moving as she counted the goods and the food stamp amount.

"Yeah! Brother Xiaoyun, two of us is nowhere enough people!" Lily on the other side of the cash register complained as well.

"Okay okay, I will go tell Yuqi about this." Xiaoyun left the crowded store.

As Xiaoyun walked to the other side of the administrative building, he can see an several long line in front of the five booth.

Xiaoyun walked tapped one of the person in line at the back.

"Hey buddy, can I ask why is everyone waiting in line here?"

"Oh g-good m-morning Mr.mayor. I-I think everyone is here because they didn't get their allowance yesterday due to running out of food stamp." The man explained.

"Okay, don't worry I'll go fix it right now." Xiaoyun left and walked toward back entrance to the booth.

"Hey you five. Did you guys really ran out of food stamps?" Xiaoyun asked.

The five turned around to see Xiaoyun inside.

"Yes boss, we don't have anything to give them. We had been waiting for the store to get back the food stamps so we can give allowance to them next." One of them replied.

"I see." Xiaoyun left the backstage of the booth, then came back with entire boxes full of food stamps.

"Here, use this to pay them." Xiaoyun put down the entire box on the floor.

"Thank you boss!" The five started working again.

Seeing everything is back to operation, Xiaoyun left the booth and walked upstairs to the office.

Inside the main office, all of the accountants are working in their cubicle already. With every single one of them having several stacks of paper next to them.

"God damn, that a lot of work." Xiaoyun mumbled as he walked toward the break room.

No one was inside the room.

"Wow, everyone is really busy working. I guess that much people really is adding to the workload." Xiaoyun grabbed two cup of coffee and then walked towards Yuqi's private office.

When Xiaoyun opened the door, there was an accountant standing there handing a report to Yuqi.

"Good morning boss."

"Good morning. Yuqi how the work going?" Xiaoyun put down Yuqi's coffee onto the table as he sat down on the sofa.

"Not looking too good. You going to need to replenish the goods soon. Also the booth had ran out of food stamps, can you print more of it?" Yuqi asked as she read the report.

"Sure I will go do that right now, anything else?"

"Nope, just that. You can go now." Yuqi started scratching her hair in frustration as she flipped to the next page on the report.

Xiaoyun left the room before Yuqi started lashing out.


Xiaoyun approached Renqin to ask him to teach himself the basic control of the bus. Then Xiaoyun drove the bus out by himself for an hour.

After thirty minute, Xiaoyun drove the bus back full of supplies.

When the bus drove toward the storage, everyone seeing the bus drive by them looked in shock and confusion at the same time as they wondering how Xiaoyun got a full bus loaded.

Yezi was outside the storage room with his crew as they get ready for their next trip.

"Hey can you guys help me unload this?" Xiaoyun yelled toward them.

Yezi's crew looked in shock at the bus full of foods and good.

"Don't ask any question, just unload it." Yezi warned.

The crew nodded and started unloading the boxes.

"You did it again?" Yezi pulled Xiaoyun over to the side.

"Yeah, Yuqi told me the storage is running low." Xiaoyun replied.

"Have you thought this is a little too much at once? People is going to start asking question." Yezi warned again.

"Its fine, they will never expected how they getting it. They will just think I got a massive warehouse somewhere. Nobody will think this is created out of thin air." Xiaoyun assured Yezi.

"Whatever, by the way, when did you learn how to drive a bus?" Yezi asked.

"Renqin taught me, I only needed to drive forward far enough for the town not to see me."

"Okay that good. By the way I'm forming an exploration plan and a rescue plan to get more people from the city outskirt to the town. I hope you can approve it."

"Of course I will appro—— well, that will depend on Yuqi. I can't determine that." Xiaoyun immediately changed his answer.

"Whatever, I will give her the plan tomorrow." Yezi turned around and left.

Xiaoyun waited for the bus to be unloaded, then drove it back to Renqin.

"Sorry about taking your bus. Here's some compensation." Xiaoyun handed Renqin twenty food stamps.

"This is way too much, I can't accept this." Renqin only taken five instead.

"That's fine. I'm gonna go back to work now. See ya." Xiaoyun waved goodbye and walked toward the office.

As Xiaoyun arrived at the administrative building, the long line was finally gone, and the store look much less full.

Xiaoyun headed straight to Yuqi's office and went inside without knocking as usual.

Yuqi glances and sees its Xiaoyun.

"You finished restocking it?" Yuqi asked.

"Yeah, everything should be good now. I just loaded an entire bus of goods to the storage and gave an entire box of food stamps to the booth earlier."

"That good to hear." Yuqi focused back to work.

Seeing Yuqi working so hard, Xiaoyun felt guilty just sitting there so Xiaoyun decided to walk up.

"Let me help you with this." Xiaoyun walked over and looked down on the report.


As it approached noon, the two was a little hungry. But there was still ton of work to do.

Sudden someone knocked on the door.

Xiaoyun walked over to open the door. It was one of the accountant.

"Um, we were wondering if you want to come with us to the r-restaurant that just opened." The accountant mentions.

Xiaoyun and Yuqi looked at each other and nodded. Xiaoyun turned around and replied.

"Sure, we will go."

The two followed the group of accountant to the so called restaurant, which was actually several tables and chairs outside of a wooden cabin nearby. With a lot of people in line ordering food.

"When did this appeared?" Yuqi looked confused.

"I don't know either. Anyway we didn't banned people having their own private business. I think this is a very unique idea. We should put a plan to encourage people start their own business now I think about it." Xiaoyun replied.

The accountants sat down on one of the tables as Xiaoyun and Yuqi sat down as well.

One of the waiter walked over walked to the table.

"How can I take your order? Oh my, good afternoon Mr.Xiaoyun and Mrs.Yuqi." The waiter noticed the two sitting on the table.

"Good afternoon." The two responded back.

The accountant started order their food, and when it finally got to the two's turn, they looked slightly confused.

"Um, we will just have what they are having." Xiaoyun replied.

"Okay, Beef noodle soup it is." The waiter got all the order and walked back inside the cabin.

"Is that line for people who want to order and go?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yeah, sitting on the table cost one extra food stamp, and since everyone want to save as much as they can. They rather just eat it at home or bench. Most of the people are sick of eating canned food. Us included." One of the accountant replied.

Its so relaxing writing causal chapters like these. Just having the character do you know, basic task. Meanwhile it can also introduce the reader more about the town's progression. Not everything needing to be full of action or *bonk* scenes. Don't worry those are coming. You know, just a little later. (Smh how many time is this author going to use this excuse, lazy ass author amirit guys?)

Anywho, if you are wondering if Lili and Banli is going to be in Xiaoyun's harem? Perhaps. But not any time soon. Anyway time to focus back to Yezi soon with his outside missions.

One bonus chapter down, more to go.

A lot more new reader recently. I probably should make another auxillary character explaining certain things. Well when I got the time for it.

Bonus chapter count: 15

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