
Moving on

"Perhaps you are right, we do tend to fall into patterns don't we?" Byron said with a shrug. "Much as I'd like to sit here and chat about society you have a job to do and if this little distraction was any indication so do I." I said dropping the conversation in as polite a manner as I could. Nothing against the guy but Byron liked talking and we'd be here until duty all but forced the issue if I hadn't. He chuckled good naturedly and accepted the excuse for what it was before leaving.-

I certainly wasn't going to stick around once he left either as the Joys and Jennies that were left on the scene didn't exactly have the most pleasant of looks for me. There was a sort of acknowledgement with them all but none of them were my biggest fan and they likely never would be but that was fine to me. While they could be steadfast allies their mindsets were too rigid to not clash with my own down the line and I had already more or less burned that bridge.-

I hadn't wasted any time releasing my pokemon from their balls before I left which got some envious and even hateful looks from the members of the two clans much to my amusement. It wasn't hard to understand why they'd have them either as only someone blind, deaf and dumb could miss the power my pokemon casually radiated. 'It's unfair how someone like that can have so much power'. I imagine that thoughts like this were going through their heads as they gazed at me and my team of monsters. "Alright folks time to hit the road again." I said with a smile and my pokemon sounded off before we left.-

The path to Jubilife we chose was mostly forest so it came as little surprise that it had Burmy, Wurmple, Combee, Pachirisu and other common Sinnoh forest dwelling pokemon lines in it. The worse by far was the Stunky line pokemon that released a foul odor regularly that we all caught and quickly came to despise. Not saying there was anything wrong with the line but they were very unpleasant on the nose. "Ember followed by Gust!" I commanded the not so little one as he faced an Ariados that was level thirty six. -

Sparks of red gathered it his mouth and shot out at the large red spider pokemon like a shotgun blast and immediately afterwards he glowed a pale silver white and with a swing of his fanlike tail sent forth a Gust that collided with the Ember halfway there. The fire type move greedily attacked the flying type move and grew from mere sparks to a wave of flame that washed over the stunned spider for super effective damage. "That's enough! As promised I'll heal you and hand over the poison supplement." I called the fight there and the wild pokemon I had "hired" to spar with the not so little one relaxed in bad shape.-

See the not so little one was stat wise at least almost on par with a low level ace pokemon(level fifty) but lacked the experience to match and thus needed a weaker opponent who was also not THAT much weaker. The problem was that while this path was brimming with pokemon that filled this role they needed convincing to agree to fighting him. There was nothing I could do about it as no sane wild mon would approach my group with combative intent in this place otherwise.-

Not that they could be blamed since the upper limit allowed here by the league was a mere level seventy and each of my pokemon other than the not so little one were over level one hundred and had monstrous stats on top of being variants or straight up legendries. As a result most wild pokemon flat out ran away at the sight of our approach or watched on nervously if unwilling to vacate it's spot for whatever reason. This Ariados for example was part of the second group as it had a stash of poison type ingredients in a web that it was unwilling to risk by leaving.- 

I being an alchemist I naturally was able to tempt it into sparring with the not so little one in exchange for the promise of healing afterwards as well as turning the ingredients into a supplement for it. Healing the Ariados was a simple matter with my ability and dense aura and took me little more than three minutes to return it to a healthy but tired state. From there I took stock of the ingredients the big spider pokemon had gathered to see how I was going to make the resulting supplement. -

'A grimshroom, three blades of cloud grass, the poison sac of another Ariados and oh what a surprise! A night flower!' I thought mentally listing what I saw. The majority of them were fairly common ingredients but the Night flower was not only VERY rare but also highly potent. So potent in fact that I had a bit of a headache as to how I was going to use it without it throwing off the balance of the supplement. I grumbled a bit but in the end had to dig out some bug type ingredients of middling potency from my bag to balance out the supplement.-

It wasn't surprising to find the Ariados poison sac in the collection as much like most spiders Ariados were semicanibalistic and territorial so the origin of it should be easy to understand. As for why I bothered throwing in my bug type ingredients? Well to be honest I hated doing things by half measures and while the ingredients COULD be used as is to make a decent enough pure poison type supplement it wouldn't be my best work which was unacceptable. That said what I was contributing was hardly worth much to begin with and thus didn't bother me much to use.-

With the ingredients set I got to work cooking up a tasty alchemical treat for the big spider. First I cleaned, diced and crushed the ingredients as necessary before extracting the various essences and setting them to the side. Once all the ingredients had been distilled into their purest forms I carefully began to mix them into the water solution under low heat to simmer into the preemptive stage of a supplement. Once the excess moisture was evaporated I gathered up the dark emerald and amethyst paste and scrapped it into a mold before starting the drying process.-

The final result was a cube about the size of a cherry that was emerald green with amethyst stripes so potent that I had to handle it with a film of aura over my fingers or risk losing those fingers.

[Item name: Poison/Bug supplement

Grade: High

Description: A high quality bug and poison type supplement crafted by an expert alchemist after meticulous effort.]

I smiled at the appraisal before tossing it to the spider that was salivating at the thing.

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