
A name

Unlike what the uninformed would think after consuming this supplement the Ariados didn't experience any real changes at all. That was simply not how supplements worked. A good explanation would be that they were kinda like little tanks of nitrous oxide in a car. By themselves they achieve nothing but if utilized at the correct moment it adds a little extra oomph to the engine. In this case supplements give a controlled boost to a pokemon training thus reducing the amount of effort needed to achieve better results. Naturally this was an advantage that many wild pokemon like this Ariados couldn't easily get access to and thus quite valuable.-

This was not the first pokemon I had made this offer to in the past few days in order to give the not so little one a solid foundation. My anomaly of a Feebas had taken to training like a sponge and grown several levels at breakneck speed as a result.

[Pokemon: Feebas


Moveset: Splash(E) , Metronome(A)(egg move), Ember(J), Thundershock(J), Tail whip(J), Gust(J), Defense curl(J), Shadow sneak(J), Absorb(J), Leer(J), Sandstorm(A), Dark pulse(J), 

Variations: ??????



Sp. Atk: 97

Sp. Def:144


Ability: ?????(J) ]

Naturally this also meant his stats rose a bit with speed gaining the greatest increase and attack falling second. This too made sense as I had a preference for my pokemon acting quickly in any situation they find themselves in. With the experience of fighting with wild pokemon the not so little one had gotten used to prioritizing quick action and was while not instantaneous in reacting to my orders didn't have a long pause to comprehend and implement them either.-

"I do believe it's time you had a name like the others." I said to the floating mon with a smile after sending the Ariados on it's way. My entire team gathered around excited to learn what our youngest would be called from now on. "Names hold power in this world so if you dislike any name I offer you regardless of why that is you must let me know. The last thing I'd ever wish is that you'd have a name that you hated." I say dead serious and the not so little one nods with understanding.-

"The first option I have for you is Caerus." I say calmly but he shakes his head immediately. "Tempus" another shake. "Ganesha" another rejection. I went through three more names before he found one he liked though I found it odd as the name was technically belonging to a god that had been misrepresented by the media on earth, Cratos. Not to be mistaken for the god slaying being born in Sparta the true god was the Greek mythology personification of strength. Choosing this name even without understanding what it meant was a good sign of what to expect from him.-

"A fine name! So it is that from this moment onwards your name shall be Cratos!" I announced proudly and my whole team roared to acknowledge this change in their own ways. I pulled out all the stops in the following celebration and regardless of financial cost treated my whole team to a feast of fine food till they were beyond stuffed. Naturally I didn't leave Watson and Birch out of the loop and sent them an email through the league pokenet site since I couldn't directly message them across the world as I was. Cratos's naming wasn't something I had spontaneously decided to do but in truth rather overdue and delayed.-

I had felt that it wasn't the time when he had matured physically in Orre. Now that he has seen both real combat and even the death of the Galactic members I finally believe he was ready. The rest of my team hadn't been idle during these last few days as I focused on Cratos and besides Yani had all been sparring to the detriment of the forest. Elite pokemon spars were not gentle at all and the only reason we hadn't left a trail of destruction behind was because I made Yani and Gaia fix the damage before we moved on.-

Thanks to my plant manipulation ability I also saved as many trees as I could so the path we followed was only a little more sparsely treed than normal. A day after the naming we reached close proximity to the village between Canalave and Jubilife and all of my team save Hades had to be recalled. The trees thinned and even entirely vanished in a radius of a mile on all sides of the village so I was spotted immediately after leaving them.-

Probably quite a bit before then if I am being honest as I stuck out like a sore thumb. 'This village was named Dia if I recall correctly. I wonder if it's named after Dialga or if it's merely coincidence?' I thought as I circled the protective metal fence/wall to the entrance of the place. "Wo there big fella! I need to see some identification before I let you in our fair village. Can't be to careful with those criminal types lurking around." A guard in a standard Jenny clan male uniform said firmly as I approached. I shrugged before digging my I.D out and handing it over.-

The guy took the thing and scanned it with a device before looking over the records that got pulled up as a result. He paled the more he read and I merely chuckled since I had an idea why. "As you can see I am no criminal." I said casually. He closed out the screen and shakily handed over my I.D. "What did you say you were here for again?" He asked impressively without stuttering despite clearly being terrified now that he knew EXACTLY who he was dealing with.-

"I didn't. Not to worry I am merely passing through to Jubilife and will at most do a bit of shopping and resting for the night before leaving." I explained reassuringly. He breathed of a sigh of relief hearing this and I couldn't really blame him. While I was more or less recognized as a decent enough person globally I was also known as someone who used their power rather than kept it themselves. There's a big difference between how someone with a gun but never used it and someone who had one and used it was perceived. It was harder to relax around the later once you knew about it.

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