
A Fox Tale

Entry 139:

Linus Ozias POV:

After leaving the library for Shikibu to explore, I took Tamamo to my lab to explain the situation to her.

"Alright, Lady Tamamo, as I have already stated before, Humanity is in dire straits as of this moment as the entire population has been incinerated. We are the last remaining humans on the planet."

Tamamo then asks, swooshing her tail back and forth. "Then how are you still here?" I look at her and say, "It's thanks to the energy field created by the various systems that run through Chaldea, shielding us from the incineration."

But then Tamamo asks in a more serious manner, "Understood, Lin, but may I ask whether or not this is your true form?"

I widen my eyes as I sigh and say, "No, it is not, but it is rather showy and hard to keep hidden once revealed."

Tamamo then says in a serious tone, " I would ask if you are willing to show me your true form?"

I nod as I create the reality marble confined to my lab. A bright light flashes, and I summon my throne, and my human disguise cracks away to reveal not my archangel form but my God form.

Tamamo, in utter shock, looks at me and asks, "Who? What are you?" I simply place a hand on her shoulder and say: I am Linus Ozias,  I am  Anakim Archangel of Control, but I am also !@!$!@!$@$@. All of these names define me, but I am still Lin."

My presence resonates with her as a shrine maiden as she kneels before me and asks, "What is your goal here, Lord Lin?" I smile and say, "My goal has been stated already to preserve the Human Order."

Tamamo then says with utter seriousness. "That may be one goal, but I sense another." I sit on my throne and beckon her to rise and walk beside me." In my time, I have witnessed miracles and calamities. I have slain gods, monsters, and beings normal men could never fathom."

"Yet my goal was always the same. To become more and to find my purpose in our vast world. This goal is inherently selfish as I wish to keep all those close to me forever. It is naive and may be impossible, but are not all dreams impossibilities?"

Tamamo nods and says, " I can understand that, as all I ever desired was to be a good advisor and to live in peace with a small house, maybe even children, eventually."

She then goes silent as I continue, " I can also relate to that. I do have multiple lovers. Each one of them accepts one another, and we cover our strengths and weaknesses, although I do admit to being a bit possessive of them."

  Tamamo then smirks and says, "Lin, I have been an advisor to Emperors, and they are a selfish lot. A few concubines could not leave the palace without nearly a small army of guards. What could you do that they did not?"

I then pull up the basic protections I have over my family, and as the list continues, Tamamo says, " Alright, I get it, mikon!"  That last word causes her to close her mouth as I chuckle in amusement. " Mikon, huh? Is that a verbal tick of some kind?"

She then smiles and says, " It is a bit of a habit developed as more often than not. I would have to entertain children during various meetings at the palace, and I found that saying the word Mikon amplified my humorous prestige."

I simply look out to the expanse and say, " I can definitely see you being good with children, and it is quite cute." I would have noticed the blush on her face, but I continued, " I do wish for us to trust one another, so ask your questions."

Tamamo then regains her composure and says, " Why did you join this project? While I do see that you are an honorable individual, you seem rather detached in a way?"

I then explain, " Well, as insane as this might be, the world itself contacted a third party who then contacted me and asked if I wished to join the project, and hearing the danger it posed to not only myself but my loved ones, I accepted immediately."

Tamamo then goes wide-eyed at the information and says, " I can definitely tell things are going to be interesting around you, Lin, and I do hope that my advice will be useful in the coming times." 

I then ask, "What of you? From my knowledge, you are an aspect of Amaterasu. How do you view humans?" The question makes her pause as she says, " In all honesty, when I first was created and was given worshippers, I could not connect with them, but I did view them as interesting." 

" I could never understand human emotion as it felt so frail and short, almost as short as their lives. Yet I love to study it nonetheless, and I never regretted it." 

I remain silent as she continues, " Then I met Emperor Toba, and we got along, and I helped him in his rule, but then, as I soon developed my more fox-like traits, I was banished from the palace."

I know how this story ended as even now, the thought of it brings great rage in my person, but out of respect, I allow her to finish. " After I was banished from the palace, I came upon a group of foxes who comforted me, and before I could even return, I had heard of the emperor becoming ill and him blaming it on me."

She then sighs as if recalling a time long past: " He sent an army after me, and as I died in that field pierced by dozens of arrows, I felt utterly and completely alone."

She died in agony that day, and upon her death, everyone involved died from the curse that was released. The humans had essentially killed a goddess in human form, and thus, the Earth took it out upon them.

Later, a monk would shatter the stone that caused the curse and would cause Tamamo to split into various other familiars and spirits.

Tamamo continued shakily, "It is quite the pathetic way to go out, was it  as in the beginning I had followers and let many to greatness only to be turned away because of ears of all things."

I immediately take her into a hug and say, " It was not pathetic, and do not demean yourself so fiercely as while the past cannot be changed, we decide to make a change in our present."

I then say in utmost certainty, " Regardless of the past, you are here now with me, and I will never abandon you no matter what. And besides, I think the foxlike creatures enhance your innate charm." 

I smile as I look her in the eyes, and I see rage, pain, confusion, and almost acceptance as I say softly, " Now that we are together, there is very little in this world that can stop us. There will be no betrayal. There will only be prosperity."

Tamamo almost smiles as she says, " I see where you get your relationships from, as it is almost impossible to not smile even though it may just be flattery. But thank you, Lin, we should return to Chaldea, and you promised to make me food."

I then pick her up and say, " Come on, do not be so sullen as while the odds may seem dire and the past bleak, it is only temporary, and I will make some food for you." 

Tamamo, in response, then poses a little and says, " Well, whatever comes our way, I will be ready to help guide Mikon!"

I then put her down and return to my human disguise as Tamamo asks, "By the way, Lin, do you keep that disguise because you would not be able to fit through the doors?"

I do not respond to that as I disable the reality marble, and we return to the lab as Tamamo chuckles at the idea while I think of how to improve our chances and the facility at large.

Even though in the back of my mind, I understand that my new servant's issues regarding Humanity still need to be solved, the first step has been taken.

In regards to my servant, her issues are understandable as she was betrayed, forgotten, and abandoned, a bleak fate, to say the least. 

The next singularity will soon begin in two days, as it seems Romani was able to locate the next one.

The Fate system only works around ten times a day for now, and while gaining food and weaponry may be helpful, it is almost infuriating, but such is the nature of this universe.

Currently, I am working on creating a perpetual spiritron generator that uses imperium tech from the golden age of mankind, along with C'Tan tech that can replicate their ability that allows them to eat stars.

With this generator, locating singularities and connecting to the throne of heroes will be child's play. But it is currently in the works.

Although I have improved the outfit for Ritsuka to use on missions with a Necrodermis and vibranium weave. A bit overkill, maybe, but even then, this may not be enough.

I am trying to create a more fluid-based armor similar to Iron Man's Endo Sym armor so that it is easy to get on and off.

Tamamo watches as I work while fiddling with her mirror as she tries to get the perfect angle while I smile at her antics.

Tamamo may not be healed, but it is a start. I wonder how Murasaki is doing.

Next chapter