Entry 140:
Leonardo Da Vinci POV:
The two new additions are interesting in their own right, as one has the personality of a tornado and the random factor of imaginary numbers. The other is the definition of a mystery: a man, an inventor, and a warrior, yet those titles only scratch the surface.
So, as I find myself with some time to myself, I head to Mr. Ozias's lab, and as I enter, I am left stunned by the changes he has made in only a day as the once small lab has now become a massive mausoleum combined with a laboratory.
As I enter, I find myself scanned, and a voice sounding like a distorted male state [Identity(meat bag!) confirmed welcome Lady Da Vinci is there something you require(disaster!)]
(His voice sounds like Ordis from Warframe.)
I then respond by asking, "Are you an artificial intelligence?" [Yes, I am Ordis (Failure!), an artificial life form created by Operator Linus Ozias.]
This is astounding, as technology has barely advanced enough to create AI, but Linus has a fully sentient machine! Astonishing. "Where might I find him?" [He is currently in weaponry testing (Bleeding!). Please head to the right and follow the arrows.]
As he says that while glitching, somehow I follow the holographic arrows to the weapons testing area and find an odd conversation taking place: "So Lin, whose tails are better, mine or your Yokai companion's?" Linus immediately says, "My companions, obviously as hers, are like nine pillows from the heavens themselves."
Tamamo takes offense to this as she brushes her tails, and she says, "Well then, this means war, and when I meet this woman, we shall see whose tails are better."
Linus sighs and says, "Whatever you say, Tamamo, but can you pass the sub-space spiritron resonator drill?" Tamamo sighs and says, "Here you are, Lin, but what exactly are you working on now?"
Linus looks up from his work and says, "I am currently working on a means of containing the various enemies and servants so that we may interrogate them for information and possibly modify them to work for us if they accept the contract."
Oh yes, I can understand the uses of such a device, as we may be able to gain more help depending on the servant's natural alignment. I then asked, "Mr. Ozias, are you busy right now?"
He looks up from his project and says, "Not currently, as I am almost finished with the Prototype. Just give me one more moment." I smile and remain silent as he finishes, and after he turns it on, it feels like my very essence is being absorbed by the second.
"It seems like this is a mild success as it does not represent enough of a pole to absorb the servant into the container." Tamamo then asks, "Lin, I may not be a fan of the science here, but are you trying to make a proton pack for servants?"
Linus then looks shocked as he asks, "So you're telling me that a fox from an early period of Japanese history has watched Ghostbusters. We are best friends now."
The fox woman then puffs out her chest and smiles while saying, "Ah, but you do not understand as I am very cultured when it comes to modern entertainment thanks to the Fate system mostly giving us a decent amount of information on the modern era."
Linus just smiles at her and asks not that I do not welcome the visit, Lady DaVinci, but may I ask if there is a specific reason?" I then say, "Oh, it is nothing much as I found myself with some extra time on my hands and wish to visit your lab, and I have many questions."
Linus then uses magecraft to fix himself up and sits down with Tamamo sitting on his lap, which seems to be unexpected for even him as Tamamo smiles at her master's dilemma.
"Well, firstly, young man, what did you do to the lab?" Linus sighs as he says, "Well, in terms of the changes I've made to the lab, the space was inefficient for my needs, so I simply used spatial Magic to increase the space inside, even if it looks smaller on the outside."
That makes sense, but I then ask, "Would this type of magic be able to be taught as it seems very beneficial and seems more attributable to subtle reality manipulation." He places his finger on his chin as he says, "I could, but I have never taught anyone before. I am willing to try, but not now."
In all honesty, just having the chance is exciting enough as I then ask, "Have you created anything else other than your prototype servant container?" He then directs me to various holograms. "Well, other than various weaponry, I have also been trying to enhance the outfits both Ritsuka and myself have been wearing so that we may be more defended against higher-level attacks."
I smile inwardly as he definitely does seem to care about the other members of the team. I then ask, "Are any of these models ready for use yet?" he nods and shows the outfit, and it seems rather stylish. It then liquefies and jumps onto Linus and forms the suit around him.
A liquid armor! Not only would it be easy to carry around, but the material looks thin enough to be worn below clothing. I look at Linus as the armor deforms and goes into his watch.
"This is what I refer to as the Seraph suit, a type of armor that went worn can make one as strong as a lower mid-tier servant but can tank hits from weaponry other than from a conceptual level." He then shows a weapon that looks similar to the average pistol but has no ammo, and yet he pulls the trigger, and the target simply disappears.
"This is a silver horn, a type of weapon able to manipulate information and disintegrate information at a subatomic level. It is less effective against servants as their vessels are too durable to be erased." It is a perfect weapon against normal and less powerful supernatural enemies.
My excitement is reaching a fever pitch as I ask, "May I be able to use it?" He smiles and hands it to me as he says, "Focus your magic circuits on the pistol and simply point at the Target you wish to shoot it." I focus on the pistol and feel my magic flow into it as it fires, disintegrating the target.
This is simply amazing, and since it seems not to require any maintenance, it's perfect for long-term missions. "Is this the only working model, or have you managed to create copies?" He then shows me the rest of the armory, and I see a room lined with various weapons, from what looks like large assault rifles to a weapon that looks like a white and gold rocket launcher with a wolf head emblazoned on the barrel.
I am in heaven. This is my decree. He then pulls me away and says, "The caveat is that only a select few of us will be able to use them as, sadly, I do not trust them for general use."
I nod my head, understanding that such powerful weaponry should never be wielded by the common man, at least for a decent time.
But focus! I need to let him know, "Linus, it seems that you have created wonders here, but I have come to let you know of the next singularity." Ozias then turns serious as he asks, "Where and when, and do we have any idea of the servants we shall encounter?"
I place the weapon down as I say, "The singularity has been identified as France 1431 AD near the end of the Hundred Year War, but the servants can't be identified as something is blocking SHEBA from finding them."
Linus then places his hands on the table, thinking deeply as he says, "Thank you for the information, Lady DaVinci, but I think I may know where the distortion occurred."
I find my interest peaked as he says, "Focus on the date. It was only a couple of days after the Saint of Orleans was burned at the stake. Something must have either happened after that or before then to change history."
That theory definitely does narrow down with the change in history that led to the singularity being created. I will have to let Romani know about this. "Thank you for your input, Linus, and while I may wish to continue touring the lab, it seems I have more work to do."
Linus then smiles and says, "You are always welcome to the lab; just make sure to not use any of the weapons other than in the testing range, please oh, and also avoid the restricted area and do not be like those horror movie teenagers so when something says restricted does not mean to go in."
I give him a slight pout as I have a full amount of self-control. It's not like I go around touching everything. As if sensing my thought process, he narrows his eyes as I leave the lab.
I wonder what would have happened to the Saint of Orleans if the change in history had occurred based on her execution?
Linus Ozias POV:
"Do you have a working theory already, Lin, on this next singularity?" I nod as I place the weapons away. "I have a couple of theories on what could have caused the singularity to occur, but my most prominent theory is based on the one who fought with Jeanne D' Arc, the man named Gilles De Rais."
Tamamo looks confused as I continue, "The man was a fervent follower of the saint, and now imagine your friend was left alone to be executed by enemy forces when she could have been rescued for ransom? You would do anything to have them back."
As my fox servant begins to think of the possibility, her eyes widen as I nod my head. The singularity is going to be an interesting time.