
New Life And Progress

Entry 136:

Linus Ozias POV:

You know, when I think of Leonardo da Vinci, I think of the essence of the Renaissance man. In fact, I think he was the guy who created it or helped to create it or simply the image of a multi-layered man who exuded intelligence and wisdom.

"May I ask why you are so quiet young man? Oh, my beauty has definitely ensnared you, has it not? It is understandable, but a main character should be bold young magus!" The woman says.

I have no words. On the one hand, this is Da Vinci, as my lie detector has not gone off, and as such, I am excited to meet him/her, but on the other, this entire conversation is happening.

I sigh and say, "It is an honor to meet you, Leonardo Da Vinci I am Linus Ozias, Master Candidate number 49, and I have come to commandeer some space to create a workshop for me to use." The woman, instead of saying anything, yawns as she responds.

"Too formal 2/10 never say again! One must have flare, Mr. Ozias as if one is too controlled, it may dull the piece but too chaotic, and it means nothing or says too much." In all honesty, it is actually good advice. 

"I apologize then, Da Vinci Chan, but I must get to work post haste to restore the Director to physical form." The woman then places her finger on her cheek in a thinking motion as she nods.

"Yes, we should get right on that, as I do not want to have more work piled up for myself. That's having someone to share the load definitely helps, you know." Such is the nature of coworkers to help divvy up the work.

The inventor then says, while smiling and taking my measurements for some reason, "I do not envy your position, young man. While you may be in the center of the story along with that orange head friend of yours, the burden falls on both of you to save everything. All of history and the fact that you may never even be remembered for it, are you prepared to walk that path?"

I simply say, "One may never be prepared for the chaotic essence of life nor the hero's journey, but I will do what I must. Everyone here will do what they must, and in all honesty, that's all we can ask for at this moment."

The gender-bent Leonardo, after taking my measurements, is now looking over a strange device of hers as she continues, "I have an extra lab next door, but we do share an open door policy here, so no luck doors, young man, and while I may understand you wish to have a private space to relieve yourself we're on a serious mission young man." As she says that, she waves her finger like a scolding parent.

I want to shout out and say, "Woman, I have a harem! I do not need to even do that anymore." But now is not the time to discuss my relationship status.

The look on my face must have been entertaining as Da Vinci began to slightly chuckle as she handed me the passcode for the lab. She followed me to it, saying, "I have also heard an interesting rumor, Mr. Ozias, that you are in possession of a reality marble of all things."

I nod as I state, "It's been a work in progress, a culmination of all my work throughout my life, and I am going to need it. Luckily, I do not have to worry about the taboo nature of a reality marble as the world has already accepted it."

This information somehow forms stars in her eyes as she asks quickly, "How did you do it? How did you get the world, including Gaia and Alaya, to agree to it? You must tell me, young man!"

All I can say is, "It was simple: why would they disagree with something that they helped to create." My words are immediately written down on our Notepad as she then asks, "What about the container you used to hold the director's Soul as I do not see it on your person."

I then take the container from my hammerspace as Da Vinci Chan says, "What is that technology? It seems centuries, if not eons, ahead of what we have."

I smirk as Da Vinci pouts and says, "It's not okay to tease a woman asking questions, young man." I want to reply that she is supposed to be a man, but then I remember that this is the Fate universe, and gender-bending is a rather often-seen occurrence.

As I place the container on the table, I use my creation magic to build a machine that produces material for me to work with, specifically vibranium and sunstone, for me to use to secure Chaldea, in addition to creating the necessary materials for Olga's body.

Essentially, I'm going to create a living body for her specifically, and as I worked tirelessly, Da Vici watched on in utter shock as every piece of machinery was foreign to her.

Without me knowing, she began to stare at me quite intently, I might add, but such actions will be reflected on later. For now, I need to finish recreating the Director. 

The most challenging part is that I will need to not only create a body for her but also recreate her origin and her magical circuits without the body rejecting her.

Soon enough, I use the materials created to create a body using a pseudo cradle from the Age Of Ultron, where her body shall be improved to a good degree. Years of perfecting both genetic and spiritual enhancements help when creating a human form.

Da Vinci, enraptured by the devices, asks, "May I ask what this device is, Mr. Ozias?" I smile and say, "It is referred to as the Cradle, which will allow me to recreate the director's body both physically and spiritually using this metal that I have created called vibranium, as it is one of the most versatile and powerful metals known to man."

"What can this metal do?" I continue, "Vibranium can do a multitude of things from creating advanced machinery and weapons to absorbing sonic emissions, making any movements silent while also releasing any built-up kinetic force."

These questions are growing more intense as she then asks, "So you plan to use this cradle to create a body using vibranium as a base?" I nod but add, "It's not just vibranium; I am using it to create a skin that could match up to a decently powerful servant while also granting her new body genetic enhancements."

Da Vinci then frowns and says, "Mr. Ozias, you do know that genetic experiments have been outlawed by the Association." I almost scoff as I say, "The association does not exist anymore, and besides, my research was all entirely done with cadavers and fake bodies, and I have plenty of examples of it working perfectly. How do you think I improved myself?" 

This seems to alleviate the woman's fears as she then asks more questions as I work: "What is that other material you are working with as it seems to be absorbing the nearby sunlight?"

"It is a mineral known as Sunstone that is a form of programmable metal that uses the sun's energy to hold not only data but holds various other functions as well." Da Vinci is now writing so fast that the pencil is smoking the paper.

I then add, "In all honesty, this is only the tip of the iceberg as I've been working on many inventions for a long time. Wait until I show you the advanced nanotechnology I created."

I swear I can hear Da Vinci say, "If only I could pick through your brain, Mr. Ozias, as you are a question I am going to solve."

Ignoring that comment, I continued to create Olga Marie Animusphere, a new form, and after two hours of work with Da Vinci, eventually returning to her lab to help Romani with the FATE summoning system, my work was complete.

While it looks similar to her original look, I noticed she was rather thin, almost anorexic, for reasons unknown, and as such, I improved her form to be worthy of a creation of mine.

So, as I finish the final touches, I take the soul of the Director and place it into the body to which it accepts, and her magic circuits begin to glow with much higher quality. 

One of the Director's faults that she blamed herself for was her lack of magic circuits. While the quality of her circuits was terrific. She barely even had enough to qualify as a master, so I increased the number.

For future reference I cannot simply improve magical circuits willy-nilly as I can only do this as the body is created as magical circuits are not a natural occurrence. Put simply, I can only increase the amount when the body is being created and only to the limits of the soul.

So, as I wait for the Director to regain consciousness, I continue to work tirelessly to produce the reactors needed to power the facility so that we do not need to rely on faulty nuclear reactors.

For reference to simply power this facility, it requires multiple nuclear reactors that Olga's father acquired legally, hopefully using funds acquired from the only Holy Grail War held in this timeline in 2004.

Yes, he won the Grail to wish for money. The grind is truly eternal.

As I am about to finish the touches on the 3rd singularium reactor, I begin to hear the Director stir from her slumber.

As she opens her eyes, she asks, "Am I dead?" I shake my head as she continues, "I must be in hell because you're the first thing I see." Yep, the Director is alive.

As I smiled at her almost vulgar attempted humor, I simply asked, "In all seriousness, Diretcor, how are you feeling?" She goes quiet as she says, "I lost my only friend. I was forced to survive alone until you all showed up. My entire life was defined by failure, and then when I'm about to be killed by my only friend, everything goes dark, and I find myself here. I am not okay."

I simply help her to her feet as she sits down. I then ask, "Is that going to stop you?" Her eyes loom to mine as I say, "You are more than your name, Director. You are more than your achievements and your failures, and even though you may have failed, we still have this chance."

Her face remains unmoving as she says, "Humanity is gone. What is there to fight for?" I stand up and point to the sky and say, "The future Director has a brighter tomorrow. All is not yet lost, as we still have a chance to bring them all back to fix all of human history, and to do that, we need each other, and this facility needs its Director. It needs you."

Marie then says, "But I'm so tired. I've lived this whole life trying to prove myself. How can I simply stop listening to what they say? The voices always speak of my failures."

I grab her hands and say with all the seriousness I can muster, "Do not listen to the voices, for they will only drag you down, and if they do, the enemy has truly won, for we have given up hope and the chance for us to be better."

She then asks shakily, "You all won't disappear, right? I won't be abandoned again?" I smile and say, "I apologize, Director, but you're stuck in this hell with me, and I'm not going anywhere along with anyone else that remains. We are in this together until the end."

She then places her hand on my head and says, "This is payback for placing your hand on my head before. Be honored that I am doing so."

I simply allow her to do what she wants. She is very fragile at this moment, like cracked glass that will break at any moment. She then ushers me to sit with her on the couch, and she puts her head on my shoulder as she asks, "Can I rest here? I am so tired."

I nod, allowing her to rest for what feels like the first time in years based off of her aura.

Luckily, I can do my work telekinetically, so I continue working on the reactors as well as reenforcing all of them with other metals I created to make sure that they can never be tampered with.

After a couple more hours, the reactors are nearly finished and awaited installment, and Romani walks in. 

Before he says anything, I shush the man as he speaks softly. "So, is the director all right?" I nod as I say, "Her body is simply getting used to the soul, and the soul is getting used to the body. She will be all right. She only requires rest as well as some definite therapy." 

Romani nods as he states, "I see you have been busy based on the look of the lab. I applaud your work ethic, but you should get some rest, as it's been a tough day for all of us."

I shake my head and say, "I will wait for the director to wake up first, as I do not wish to see what will happen if I do not." Romani sighs and says, "It's almost funny you two share the same stubborn trait, but I would like to let you know that the systems will not be working for a couple of days."

I nod at this information as I  say in response, "Understandable, as the facility did sustain significant damage when it was sabotaged, but the good news is I have finished the reactors, and they are fully operational and ready to be added to the facility power supply and should last us a good long while."

Romani smiles at the news and says, "That's good. Thank you for your hard work, but I really do recommend you get some rest and let the rest of us pick up some of the slack." I nod and say, "Just try not to drink too much coffee; Romani, it's not healthy after all."

Romani chuckles lightly as he states, "Never I would have thought at being told to not do something that's unhealthy, but I guess that's a part of the human experience."

We then sit and discuss various matters relating to Chaldea and the Singularities as my eyes close, and I rest, awaiting the new dawn.

Next chapter