
Exploring Chaldea And First Summoning

Entry 137:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I open my eyes, I find that I have been given a blanket as I see the Director admiring herself in the mirror, doing poses. She then notices I am awake, and she stops and looks at me.

"You saw nothing, understand." I smile and shake my head as she just sighs and says more cautiously, "Thank you for everything, Oz, it means a lot."

But before I can respond, she asks, "But Oz, why is my body so different?" I think of a response and say, "I simply improved on your original look and got rid of any issues."

Olga looks at me and says, "I should be angry, but what you have done is nothing short of a miracle, so you get a pass."

I smile and say, "As I said before, we are all in this together, so we all need to be in top form, and I believe you are satisfied with your new form Director?"

Olga immediately says, " Call me Marie or Olga. After everything we've been through, you deserve, as such, be honored, Oz."

I then give her a nod as she asks, " So what changes did you make exactly to my new  specifically?" I then list off her improvements: " Well, at base, you are as durable as a mid-tier servant to hire to your eventually in addition to the fact that you are almost impossible to poison now in addition to enhanced stamina and perception in addition to the fact that I increased the number of magical circuits you have to the limits your soul could handle."

As I name off all of the improvements, she just gives me a look that says, "Why must you do this to me, Oz?" All I do is smile as she drinks her coffee.

Before she can lay into me on my brilliant work, Romani comes over the intercom and says, " If you two are done flirting with each other, please head down to the summoning room." 

Marie blushes immediately and says, "We were not flirting, okay, Oz." I leave the lab as she heads to the command room to monitor the FATE system with Romani and Da Vinci.

As I made my way to the summoning room, I saw Ritsuka exit her room and say, "Mornin Oz, did you miss me already? Don't answer that I know you did."

I smile as I help her straighten herself up and ask, " So you're feeling alright since you are a new master of your magical circuits weren't up to snuff just yet."

Ritsuka then looks at me and says, "Thanks for the concern, Oz, but I'm okay as there was mostly just the stress getting to me yesterday, and hey, we may get to summon our own servants today. Aren't you excited!"

I nod as I mention, " Well, it will definitely be beneficial to gain more help here, although I am wary of the chaos summoning such eccentric personalities will have on this place."

Ritsuka then says, " But Oz, it is not the fact that we are summoning them that is important." This raises my interest as Ritsuka says with an almost manic look, " It's the fact that it's randomized Oz."

I raise my brow at this as she continues her tangent. " You must understand that it is the randomness that gets me going, as it's the possibilities of getting the greatest of treasures or the worst of trash that makes everything so much more worthwhile."

She then begins to laugh quite maniacally as I start to feel the headache set in. This is only the beginning of the journey. While I am excited to meet new personalities, it will become chaotic here.

"I do hope for good fortune as we will need all the help we can get." Ritsuka then looks at me and says, "Do not say that, Oz! You will ruin the luck! Have you never played a gacha game before?"

Technically, I remember creating this very game in a previous universe, but I can't exactly say that. " I did not. You were so believing in superstition, Ritsuka San."

She then looks me dead in the eye and says, " Oz, my dedication to randomizers is so great that I almost sacrificed a virgin to increase my luck." My eyes widened as I wanted to ask if that was true or not, but I held my tongue.

With that terrifying image aside, we soon arrive at the summoning room, essentially just a circular platform with a bridge leading to a platform in the center of the room.

It can also be seen from the command room based on the cameras that line the room. As we enter, I hear Da Vinci come over the PA system.

[Welcome you two to the summoning room! Here, we have connected to the Throne Of Heroes, a dimension that holds heroes and heroines from across history and even the future.]

[By the way, Ozias Kun, thanks for the new reactors, as this would have taken days to power without them.]

I give them a two-fingered salute as Da Vinci continues [But the system is relatively new, so we will have to take a couple of test runs first.]

I feel like something is still missing as I mentioned, "Should we add Mash's shield to increase the likelihood of a stable summoning?"

The room goes quiet as Mash looks at her shield as I continue, " I know this may be simple guesswork here, but wouldn't it make more sense for us to use her shield as a means to stabilize the summoning since it is a part of the round table and would make a catalyst for many suitable servants."

[That's a good idea, Oz good thinking, so before we begin, some changes will need to be made. Mash, can you stay behind?]

Mash nods as we exit with Romani meeting us outside. Ritsuka looks unhappy and says, " Oz you are lucky we are friends." I sigh as I mention, "It needs to be done, Ritsuka San, as we are dealing with parallel dimensions here. I would rather not summon eldritch horrors here."

Ritsuka grumbles about not needing my logic as Romani says, "Don't worry, you two, the summoning room should be operational before the end of the day. For now, I would ask for you all to explore the facility."

We nod as Ritsuka asks. " So where would you like to go first? I'm feeling kind of hungry." I nod as I say, " Then when we should head to the atrium, I can whip us up something real quick that will blow your socks off."

I mean that quite literally, but I will keep that information to myself. In all honesty, I remember Emiya being a fantastic cook. I wondered if we ever summoned him if I could challenge him to a cooking contest.

Ritsuka gives me a questioning look as we enter the kitchen. I ask, " So what would you like? Considering this is our first day, I wanna do something nice."

Ritsuka then thinks about it and says, "Chef Oz, prepare some Grilled fish and steamed vegetables, please." I nod as I put the cooking hat and hair net on.

After around thirty minutes of Ritsuka drooling on the table, I presented her with her meal and some American Breakfast Bake for myself.

As she puts the food in her mouth, she immediately has a foodgasm as, thanks to my cooking skills and ability to use magecraft, I am increasing the purity of the ingredients using Alteration.

So I watch as she shudders in bliss as I use my creation magic to regen her clothes and note to self-create armor for the team to wear.

After the glow of her bliss lessens, she looks at me and says, "Marry me." I chuckle as I say, " I apologize, but I'm already in a committed relationship."

Ritsuka then says without flinching, " Then add me to it, as I'm not going to live without this food."

I am definitely going to have to have a conversation with Yasaka and the others later, but luckily, after all the time that has passed, barely a couple of hours have passed in DXD.

I have already informed them of the deal I made with Gaia and Alaya, which, while they're worried, they know I can handle it, and they're busy with their own things, so they gave me the okay.

Luckily, my clones are keeping up appearances, so I don't need to worry about the other worlds. Also, I can return to my bodies across the worlds at any time while adjusting the time dilation between worlds to not miss anything. 

But I can only do it between singularities as a part of the challenge, and while it is inconvenient, it is manageable.

Ritsuka then asks, " You are in a relationship with who exactly?" I smirk and say, " You're going to have to find out my friend can't say everything about me."

She then mutters something about events and reputation as I eat my food, and we sit in silence in the empty cafeteria as Ritsuka makes some provoking noises.

Soon after finishing our meals, we headed to the training room to see what we were working with. The gym seemed pretty well equipped, but it could be better.

"Another thing to add to the list," I think as I try to stop Ritsuka from benching too much weight. Luckily, I caught it before she could get crushed.

After that debacle where Ritsuka lost her weightlifting privileges, we arrived at the library, where Ritsuka immediately fell asleep upon opening one book on basic magecraft. My next test will seemingly figure out a way to motivate this girl.

It's odd as I feel like I've been sent in as the mentor or, as one YouTuber put it, the main character who has already gone through his arc.

But after a couple hours of exploration, we are soon called back to the summoning room as they have figured out a way to use Mash's shield to solidify the connection to the Throne Of Heroes.

So, as I was the one who gave the suggestion, I got to do a summoning first.

So, as I focus on the summoning circle, I feel the command seals form on my right hand, and I begin the chant.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let Golden Light pay tribute to the name of Ozias.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.

If you will submit to this will and light, behold the new dawn!"

The light surrounds the summoning circle, and inside, I see....

Next chapter