
Moving The Pieces Into Place

Entry 120:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I stand looking at both Adam Taurus and Raven Branwen bowing before me, I simply ask, "How are you both feeling?"

Adam is the first to respond as he says confidently, "I feel lighter, my lord, as if an unseen weight has been taken from my shoulders, and with my eye healed, I cannot express my thanks."

I look to Raven as she says, "I have seen your strength, and with my fear burned away, I will follow you, my lord." I smile, bidding them to rise.

"I welcome you both into the fold and know that now that you've joined with me, you will both witness a greater world where one need not be afraid of the dark." I then look to Adam and say, "Adam, I require that you return to the Kingdom of Vail and find the man named Roman Torchwick, and when you do, tear this page."

He gives a small bow and heads through the portal back to Vale to identify his numbers so I may meet the smooth criminal himself.

In all honesty, it will not be hard to convince Neopolitan and Roman to betray Cinder Fall as they are only doing it out of fear, and when promised compensation, they will give her up in a heartbeat.

I look to Raven and tell her to keep an eye on the proceedings of the Vytal Festival, which shall begin in less than seven weeks.

She bows and transforms into her raven form, and flies to the portal I opened for her. I then walk out onto the balcony and see the city thriving. In these last couple of weeks, the population has grown as the city of Kuo Kuana has nearly migrated to my city.

That port city still needs a decent population to function, and the Belladonna's are currently watching that city, to which they agreed to do so after being asked by Sienna. Especially after I informed Sienna of what happened to their daughter.

The relationship between Siena and I have grown a decent amount as she is a very strong woman, if not easy to tease, and is especially teased by Gaea and Yasaka when they are not busy.

Although I should get around to thanking Gabriel for watching Heaven in my stead, I still require eyes and ears even if I am innately connected to the system.

I then proceed to walk among the people as they stare at my presence. I wave at them, and even a tiny goat faunus child runs up to me and gives me a crown of flowers. I accepted it, and the parents seemed shocked as I placed it on my head.

Nearly everyone here lived in abject poverty only a couple of weeks ago. Now, they are thriving as almost every single one of them has a role to play in this new city, and while most of them are being taught by my AIs on various subjects, almost every single one of them will become a valuable member of the workforce.

I have also been focusing on creating influence in the business world through my business celestial tales that employ both humans and Faunus. By the time of the Vytal Festival, my business will become a contender to the Schnee Dust company.

Even though that seems like a very difficult task, it is actually not that hard as the previously mentioned company has held a monopoly on the dust business and has been charging ridiculous rates, and their workspaces are entirely unsafe.

And when you are presented with a safer and more long-lasting option for a lower price, are you going to buy the more unsafe and finite resource? It will become all the easier when I eventually replace the slime that is Jacques Schnee.

Although I did promise Adam to have his revenge on the man for scarring his face previously, and the many other Faunus want a piece of the man. In all honesty, the man is a fool. It's because of his wealth and lack of competition he has grown greedy and lethargic.

The sheet dust company has made no advancements in technology in years, and I shall take advantage of that. It's only a matter of time, which I have an infinite amount of.

After observing the people for a couple of hours, I returned to the Silver Citadel and turned my eye back to Salem to see how she was doing, and I sighed as she walked through her castle in obvious pain.

I then speak in her mind, "I see you have adjusted to the pain, but considering the number of times you've tried to kill yourself, you're resilience must be astounding."

Salem then prepares her magic as she yells, "Where are you?! Show yourself, you coward!" I then oblige her request as I teleport right in front of her.

She then sees me and looks in shock at my presence as the darkness that surrounds the castle fades entirely. "Well, I am right in front of you. What do you wish to say to me, Salem?"

The woman looks like she is barely able to stand as I simply say, "Know this, Salem, I am not like the gods you have met as those two brothers are juvenile and second-generation Gods at best, and the only reason they hold such power is because they have no rules opposing them."

This information seemingly surprises the woman as she asks, "What do you mean by rules?" I then respond, "Every universe is different, Salem, as others may have different rules that define that universe's existence, and this one seemingly has little to none, and it's like the perfect playground for any decently powerful being."

I then stare at her directly in the eye, "Regardless of what you've done and the idiotic mistakes you've made, know that I'm going to be undoing your hard work, but take solace in the fact that I will be dealing with those two Gods myself for their negligence."

The woman almost smiles at my lack of respect. "If you are not from this world, where do you come from?" I simply chuckle and say, "A God has to have some secrets, Salem, so you're going to have to figure that out on your own, but I asked that you make no moves against me, or else this punishment is only the beginning."

I then disappear as Salem begins to laugh maniacally, as while she may finally die, she will not be going alone.

Before returning, I have one last objective as I teleport to Haven Academy in Mistral to deal with a cowardly lion.

Leobardo Lionheart POV:

As I look at the list of students I have sent to their deaths, I sigh as when at first I would cry at the fact I was sending children to their deaths. I have no more tears to give, as all that is left is fear and resignation.

My betrayal will be known eventually, and everything I've done will come to light, and my reputation and my legacy will be ruined because I am simply too afraid.

I then enter my office, but behind the desk, I find "him" staring at me as if looking through my entire being and being disappointed by the look in his eye.

Before I can do anything, I find myself unable to move as he puppets my body to sit in the chair opposite to him as he says, "You know I was always a fan of lions as they were such proud, beautiful creatures, the kings of the jungle they were called as their mere presence inspired fear but also unity in their packs."

He then stands and looks outside as he continues, "But when I look at you, all I feel is disappointment, and while I should be furious at all the lives you've destroyed in the end, it doesn't matter as they've already been sent to the beyond."

He then looks at me and says, "I can understand being afraid of a higher power as I felt the same fear you did, and while I had the means to be rid of the thing, I fear you do not, so I'm going to make this painless."

The being then looks me in the eye and says, "I hope they remember you for everything you've done, and that shall be your punishment." His eyes then proceed to change color, and I find myself disintegrating into light, and my only thought before I die is, "So this is how I die alone and ruined. Such is the fate of a cowardly lion."

Linus Ozias POV:

As I watch the last of the light disappear, I leave the academy, and while his death will cause some confusion and chaos, it will be stemmed as I have already eliminated all the grim around Haven Academy.

Eventually, Leo's position will be taken by one of my own operatives, and I will have one academy under my control.

But for now, I return to Menagerie to continue the development of the island as I have a month and a half before the Vytal Festival, but I am in no rush.

With Salem under watch and Adam, Raven, and now Leo taken care of, there are few threats left other than Jacques Schnee, the rest of Salem's Council, the gods themselves, and any rogue White Fang.

So I stand in my citadel, looking right at the Gods of Light and Darkness as they stare back at me and wait for our confrontation.

(Alright, my readers, this arc is going to be short, and after one more side quest, we will begin the journey in *sigh* Fate Grand Order. So far, the vote between a servant MC and Master Mc is pretty close, so I hope you guys keep reading and keep voting. Have a good day.)

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