
Enjoying Festivities And Success

Entry 121:

Linus Ozias POV:

In all of my time as a God, I have forgotten one important detail, and that is the fact that I really should Place empowering charges into my public speaking as well. I can be carried by Charisma; I need the vocabulary to truly express my thoughts.

So, using the hundreds of charges I have in reserve, I place 30 of them into public speaking, and eventually, who knows, maybe it will help me learn Dragon Shouts from Skyrim. I can see it now, and I cannot wait to fus ro dah someone off a mountain.

Even though it makes me feel bad for all the Lydias who experienced that for blocking people in doorways back in Skyrim, I am going off on a tangent as I wait for Adam to bring Roman to me.

Although internally, I am interested in meeting Neapolitan as the entire fan base was thirsty over this woman and I myself never understood why. Maybe she just radiates that smug energy that people like to see. Who knows?

As I think this, the portal opens, and Roman and Neo are brought through the portal, being held by Adam with his sword pointing at the man's back, as it seems he caught the two off guard.

Adam then bows as he stands at my side, and I introduce myself "Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan or Trivia Vanille, I welcome you to my citadel as I have a deal to offer you both."

This seems to catch their attention as Roman asks, "A deal? What could we offer you, golden man?" I chuckle as I say, "Well, it's more of what I can offer you, such as freedom, wealth, and long-term employment."

I then summon a table and chairs as I bid them to sit, and as they do so, I begin, "I know you both are being forced by a certain fiery young woman to steal dust from across the kingdom, and I am here to offer you both a deal to stop your activities and give me information on Cinder' s activities."

Neo then takes out her scroll and says, "How can we trust you as anyone else would say the same thing." I then summon a bunch of lien(RWBY Currency) and give it to them. This causes their eyes to widen as I say, "That is a part of the down payment, and I'm fully willing to pay more if you give me the information. I will guarantee your safety. You have my word." 

I then placed the contract that stated that I would provide a high-level job for both of them and have their criminal records erased if they provided the info and worked for Celestial Tales in an advisory capacity. After Roman reads the contract and Neo gives it a look, they nod as Roman says, "I agree we will sign."

I then smile and say, "I thank you both for this truly, and I hope this will be a very lucrative relationship, and to prove my sincerity, a gift is in order."

I then Snap My Fingers and look to Neapolitan as I ask, "Try to say something." Neo then attempts to speak, and soon enough, she is able to mutter, "G… Golden." Roman's eyes widen as the two look at me as I reveal my true form.

The aura alone makes them unable to speak as I simply say, "I told you before; both of you will not regret this, and I keep my promises." The two nod as Neo types, "Roman, I think we struck gold."

Roman rolls his eyes as we continue our discussion. After a couple of hours, the two return to Vale to keep their cover, as I now have nearly all the pieces in place.

I then portal them all back as I smile at the success of the plan as I look at the teams of students currently in Vale. While the walls to Vale have been breached, the huntsmen have been keeping the breach secured along with Atlas forces, but I have already implanted my own virus into them, and even if Cinder implants her own, it will be ineffective.

So I have virtually won as I then join Yasaka and Kunou in Vale with my more human disguise.

As I find myself now in the city of Vale, I see my cute foxes waiting for me, and as I take my little daughter onto my shoulders, we begin to explore the city.

After a couple of minutes, we find ourselves at one of the festival stalls, and as we order some food, I begin to hear a couple of familiar voices.

"Come on, Blake don't be such a downer. Festivals are meant to be enjoyed and to have a yanging good time." I almost chuckle at how bad that pun was, but then Blake responds, "Sorry, Yang, it's just I've been trying to focus on discovering the white fangs plans in Vale. I just have a lot on my mind."

As the two sit down at the table next to us, Yasaka asks, "So, how are the preparations, Anakim?" I smile and say, "Ahead of schedule, actually, as Celestial is preparing to move to Vale from Mistral."

Kunou then says, with Ophis eyeing my food, "I heard there is going to be a tournament soon. Are you gonna join Dad?" I chuckle as I say, "It's sadly only for huntsman and huntresses, and it would be unfair for them at least."

Yasaka chuckles as Kunou says, "Yeah, Anakim could kick all their butts easily." Before I can say anything, a hand then places itself on my shoulder as Yang says while smiling, "I see someone is confident. Wanna test that statement, buddy." I look to Yasaka as she nods, and I stand up and we walk outside into an alley.

As we stand outside, Yang says, "Look, we don't have to do this, and you were probably joking, so wanna just say I beat you, and we head back?" I then smile and create a table, and I say, "Okay, let's just arm wrestle then if you think you can."

Yang smirks and puts her hand in mine as I take a coin from my pocket, and when I flip it into the air, we wait. Yang preps herself as I sit cool as a cucumber, and when the coin lands, she uses her strength to try to move my hand.

Which obviously does nothing as I'm not even using a percent of my strength here while I'm also wondering how the others are doing as Yang struggles and when I slam her hand onto the table, I say, "Well, that was fun, and I thank you for the opportunity now I'm going to be returning to the restaurant."

But before I can, Yang grabs my hand again and says, "Best two out of three, tough guy." I then sigh and repeat what I did before as Yang cheats using both hands. I yawn as I then slam both her hands onto the table.

I then walk back into the restaurant and sit down. Yasaka is laughing as I sit down. "I hope you did not embarrass that woman too much, Anakim." 

I respond, "Don't worry, no one was hurt other than that girl's pride, and hey, if I can't enjoy some casual games, what is the point of having this strength."

Kunou then challenges me to an arm wrestle as I pretend to struggle as she "beats" me, and we simply enjoy our time as we watch Ophis rack up a ridiculous bill, but thanks to my power over creation and the supernatural organization essence, money is no issue.

As we leave the restaurant, I see Yang and Blake as I place a letter in Blake's pocket from her parents as we leave to return to the hotel my company owns in this city.

During our walk, I received confirmation that Roman had made a meeting with Cinder Fall and her associates Mercury and Emerald, to which he gave me the location.

So, as we return to our rooms, I look to Yasaka as she asks, "So, has Roman given that woman the bait?" I nod as Yasaka smiles and says, "Go and take care of this, as I do not want Kunou to have her fun ruined by a psychopath and her worthless friends."

In all honesty, her serious mode is also a bit of a turn-on for me, but I hold myself back as I give her a kiss on the forehead and head to the warehouse where Roman has set up the meeting.

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