Entry 104:
Linus Ozias POV:
As I stand before the Holy Relics, I feel their pull toward me, and as I stand before them, I use my control over the system and my knowledge of the information dimension and sacred gears to infuse their essences into one single point.
As the dimension I created begins to crack and tremble, I focus all of my efforts on completing this task before me, and as the holy relics begin to combine into one, I see a faint figure forming.
Before I can analyze what is occurring, I find my entire dimension feeling with bright light as I am soon enveloped by it.
After giving myself a couple of seconds to adjust, I find myself in a space reminiscent of the end of The Deathly Hallows, a giant white room that seems to stretch on forever.
Before I could ask any questions, I saw two figures approaching me, one being Kokabiel and the other an older man who radiated knowledge and light.
Kokabiel looked at me in what I assume was a pleasant expression, and I was happy he had found his peace while the older man looked at me with curiosity and pride.
"I see you are ready to begin the process, my son, and know that in either Victory or defeat, I will always be proud of what you have accomplished." I tried to say something, but I was soon ripped from the soul space and felt as if I was being torn apart by the amount of knowledge and power coursing through my veins.
Knowledge of thousands of years of study and the power to manipulate soul, life, nature, fate, and reality was revealed to me as I saw the building blocks of the universe and the beginning of the light, the dark, the infinite, the nothingness, and the dream.
The truth of reality is laid bare, and I make sure not to blink as I watch every second of the information and accept each truth and each facet of existence, and in that moment, I become more.
Life and death became but an extension of my being. The light formed my being, my control over fate and reality, and my strength.
My dimension had shattered as I floated through the Dimensional Gap and accepted my new position with confidence and finality, knowing this was but a stepping stone to accepting the truth.
I feel the energies of the Void gather around me in a cocoon-like structure, and I find myself falling asleep, and I let the darkness take me.
Michael POV:
A normal day in Heaven has turned into a torrent of emotions as the system has activated again, certain Longinus's have disappeared, and the system began to shine brighter and brighter as my connection is cut naturally and given to another.
Anakim's name is taken from the Book of Angels. As he then reappears at the top of the book as the system then dims as the process has been renamed as evolution.
As I follow the energy signature, I find a large cocoon that has encased my brother, and I feel the pure might and light emitting from it. I see Great Red approaching, and as I stand ready to defend it, the Dragon laughs as he states.
"Calm yourself, archangel. I am not here to harm the creation of your new God. In fact, I am here to welcome him into the realm of being like me and Ophis, as it's been too long since a presence like this has graced the world, and with it, great change shall welcome it."
Great Red then continued, "Can you not feel it, angel the weight of all the prayers being answered, the worthy ones at least, and the sacred gear system being consistently updated and all of its bugs removed and understand the might of what lies in that cocoon."
I focus my senses as I can feel the growth in faith and holy power upon the world, and yet it's not harming any of the Devils but only releasing the Strays from their burden.
Regular humans may not be able to see or feel the new existence, but it can be felt as their world glows ever brighter and nature is blossoming across the planet.
All of the angels in Heaven are bowing in the presence of this new God as I smile as the weight of my responsibility leaves my shoulders. I can also feel the restrictions from the system lessening in my power growing in tandem.
I had believed I had reached the precipice of my power, but I could feel my potential increase by the second. Nothing close to the higher level of existence is, but the improvement is there.
So I stand guard alongside the Great Dragon, and for hours on end, the weight continues to grow around us as the power multiplies.
But after half a day has passed, the cocoon begins to crack and leak its energy, spreading bright light across the empty Void of the Dimensional Gap.
Soon, my brother comes out in what he referred to as his god mode, but it seemingly has become his permanent state as I can feel the Divinity emanating from his being and growing with every second.
I then bow in his presence as Great Red states, "I welcome you to the realm of gods, Anakim. May your reign be long and be virtuous, and may your creation welcome a new era, and you may now enter the godly meeting every Tuesday."
The last comment aside, such words can be heard booming across the gap as I then see the Infinite Dragon God approach and place herself on his very large shoulders.
My brother, to his credit, does not even flinch in their presence as he proceeds to head pat the Infinite Dragon God, and the fact that there is a new God is keeping me from essentially having a mental breakdown.
He then looks to me and bids that I rise, which I proceed to do as he announces, "I thank you for your loyalty, Michael, and I apologize for the surprise, but I had to do this in secret as my ascension would have drawn too much attention and even with my attempts to conceal it many have felt it as I can sense multiple pantheons watching the planet waiting for me to return."
I nod as I've also felt the presence, but at this point, it's too late. Our God has returned, and even now, I can feel the system rejuvenating and the world welcoming his presence.
A new era has begun.
And I feel proud to have witnessed its beginning.
All Hail Anakim, The Successor Of God.