
A Reveal And True Path To Peace

Entry 105:

(Alright, everyone, thank you all for reading through this arc. After the peace conference chapter, there will be a few more loose ends to deal with, and then there will be a time skip to end this arc. There will be two side quests for our main character to gain the essence of the supernatural organization and the Binder)

Linus Ozias(Anakim) POV:

People say it's good to be a king. Others say it's good to be a god. For me, it's good to be both, and with my transformation into a full god, I have learned of a mighty power.

I can now shape-shift my form so I no longer have to stay as a 10-foot-tall giant.

I can fit through doors now!

With my new divinity, I have learned of a variety of powers, and noticing that such abilities draw from a different power source, I spent the ten charges I had in reserve to increase my passive Divinity generation.

This choice has paid dividends as I can feel my divinity flowing from me in more significant amounts as I could practically flood the world with the sum of divinity I can create in a couple of seconds.

Regarding my ascension, since it took place in the gap, only the strongest were able to feel any difference, but the holy presence across the world has started to turn some heads.

Various mythologies are sending messages to Heaven asking for an explanation for the increase of holy power across the planet, from the Hindus to the Greeks.

Such meetings will have to occur after the peace conference in the next couple of hours, but before the meeting, I decided to visit the Gremory peerage.

Upon entering the Occult Research Club building, I entered their meeting area to see them doing various activities. With Rias reading a novel that is actually the latest Berserk chapter, Koneko eating donuts, Kiba sharpening his new holy/demonic sword, and Akeno standing beside her king.

But there has been a new addition, as it seems that Rias has gained enough confidence in herself to release Gasper from his room.

As I knock on the door, Rias opens it with her magic, and as I enter it, I greet everyone. "Hello, all of you. It's good to see you again, as well as most of you being in good health, although it seems like there's been a new addition to your entourage, Lady Gremory."

The redhead smiles as she  says, "Welcome, Lord Anakim, and in regards to the addition, this is Gasper Vladi, a dhampir I have as my bishop." I nod as I look towards the box the boy is in as I greet him.

"Hello, Gasper. I am Anakim, Archangel Of Heaven. It is an honor to meet you." The box shivers as Gasper states in fear, "Hel…. hello, it's nice to meet you, Lord Anakim. You aren't here to purge us, right?" I smile as I say, "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. I already did my daily purging of Heretics."

But the room goes quiet as it seems no one enjoyed my joke. I then add, "Knight of Gremory, I see that your balance breaker has been unlocked. I congratulate you on overcoming your trauma, as I can feel the specters no longer there."

Kiba then bows as he says, "I thank you for your help, Lord Anakim, as I would have been unable to move on from the past without your assistance, and thanks to your efforts, I may serve my lady ever more faithfully."

I then look at Akeno as she smiles at me. "I see you are more at peace lighting maiden. I hope everything has been going well since we last met."

The half fallen/devil smirks as she says in a sultry manner, "I have Anakim-Sama, but did you really have to leave me so hot and bothered? It's rude to keep a lady waiting like that." her eyes then close as lighting arcs around her looking positively turned on.

Silence while Koneko says "Pervert" under her breath.

I chuckle at this as I hand Koneko a handmade box of chocolates. "Koneko, have you heard the news of your sister?" She looks at me in almost fright as I say, "Your sister's stray status has been revoked due to new evidence that has come to light. I would ask that you go visit her as a family should never be separated unless strenuous situations come about."

I hand her a communicator connected to her sister's to use for later, which she takes tentatively as I then pat her head which causes her ears and tail to come out as I become the living embodiment of the "Why are you so fucking cute" meme.

After a couple of minutes, I cease the head pat as she looks almost dejected. I smile but then use my creation magic to create a paper bag mask and give it to Gasper for him to use.

As the boy in the box feels the bag on top, he pulls open the box and grabs it, which he then puts on, and I can see his glowing red eyes.

Nearly every person in the room gets chills down their spine as I  take a seat while I laugh inwardly at the little vampire's display.

"Speaking of reuniting Gasper, do you desire to see your friend Valerie again?" The boy then looks at me with more seriousness than I have seen as he asks, "How is Valerie doing?"

I wave my hand, showing a view of her steady recovery, which calms the dhampir as he thanks me for helping her profusely, but after realizing he has left his box, he immediately huddles back into the box. 

I laugh at the boy's shyness as while I sense immense potential in him, his anxiety is getting in the way, but it can be fixed with enough therapy and shock exposure. But I will leave that to his king to figure out as I can't do everything for them.

"Well, this has been a meeting of surprises. I have come to inform you all of the peace conference that will be taking place in a couple of hours, which I assume you already know of?" Rias nods along with her peerage  as I hear Rias ask, "Anakim-Sama, may I ask an unrelated question?"

I look towards her, beckoning her to ask, "I thank you for all the help you have given this town as well as my peerage, but I would like to ask why you are helping us devils?"

I ponder this question as I myself have been trying to understand why, but it all comes back to the same point: "In all honesty, helping your peerage was a side effect of my efforts, but it all comes back to my own beliefs on how I view potential and each one of you has the potential to be great and we're being blocked by trauma or belief, and I find it personally disturbing when I see potential being wasted."

This brings frowns to their faces as well. It isn't the most tactful way of saying it, but it is true nonetheless. "All of you are the future generation that shall lead this world into a new era, if not through positions of authority but through your actions as well. Every single moment is a gift, and I simply wish to help others achieve their highest potential to live every moment."

My words seem to send them into a thoughtful state of mind, which I think my godly charisma for every charge I had placed previously has seemingly multiplied their effectiveness with the addition of my divinity.

"But enough philosophical nonsense for now. I have heard that your queen, Lady Rias, makes a great cup of tea, and I would like to try some for myself if I may be so bold as to ask for some?"

The redhead isn't even able to utter a word before her queen is already gone making the tea as I can feel that woman's thirst from here and really hope that she doesn't add an extra something to the tea like a certain yandere.

The thought sends a shiver down my spine as I continue to converse with the peerage while the cat claims my lap as her territory.

Although apparently, such a claim is noticed.

Kunou POV:

I sense a disturbance in the force, as if my place on Anakim's lap has been taken from me, but I only hear silence.

Then Ophis takes more of the leftover food I have been keeping from Anakim as I shout, "Ophis, that's mine!" She looks me in the eye and eats it in front of me.

But as if sensing my pain, more food then appears in my hands with a note attached that says, "This is your food and no one else's, and if the little dragon tries to take it, tell her I will make no more food if she keeps taking yours."

Before I can relay the message, the Infinite Dragon God has already noticed it, and her eyes somehow become more empty than they already are.

I smirk and raise my fist in victory. 

Linus Ozias POV:

After a couple of hours of conversing, the meeting is then set to begin in the next half hour as I sense the leaders of the Devils and Fallen Angels arriving.

I bid the group goodbye as Akeno tried to get me to spank her, but I resisted using my greatest ability, a water spray can.

Maybe in the future, I will return her affections, but she will need to age up a couple more years. For now, I am satisfied with my Valkyrie and Nine Tails in Kyoto.

As I enter the hallway that leads to the meeting room, I open the door to find every high-level faction leader from the biblical faction.

On the Devil's side, I see Serafall Levithan, Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia Lucifuge, Falbium Asmodeus, and Ajuka Beelzebub.

The Fallen I see Azazel, Shemhazai, and Penenue and Barquiel.

Finally, the Yokai representatives are Yasaka, with her using my connection to the Earth to be here and Nura.

(If anyone is confused, the Nine-Tails have to be connected to the city of Kyoto's Ley Lines to keep the country in balance nature-wise and are rarely able to leave.)

The Angels, excluding myself, are Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Metatron, with Raphiel acting as the guard commander for the event.

With my presence, the room's atmosphere becomes more heavy as I take my godly form and create a throne in the room as I state, "It is good to see that everyone is here, but now it is time to get down to business."

Next chapter